Weekly Astrological Transit and Personal Switchphrases

It is good to use the Astrological Switchphrases for a day or two before a transit, the day of a transit and for a day or two after the transit. You can say, chant, sing, think or mentally intend Switchphrases.

One of the resources used for accessing information on Astrological Transits is Kerry Shamblin's website Planetary Influence Vedic Astrology (http://planetaryinfluence.com). Another resource depended on for aid in tracking transits is Rhoda Reporter.  Many thanks to both of you for your parts in making the Astrological Transit Switchphrases available.

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Weekly Astrological Switchphrases + Personal Switchphrases sent to you on email.

With a six-month or longer subscription to Weekly Astrological + Personal Switchphrases receive access to Kat's dynamic, ever-growing Switchphrases and Healing Numbers and Frequencies Databases with thousands of useful Switchphrases, and Healing Numbers and Frequencies, including newly coined Switchphrases, past Personal Switchphrases, proven Switchphrases and Numbers with Success Stories, etc.

Also with your subscription to subscription to Weekly Astrological + Personal Switchphrases also receive Kat's own Personal Switchphrases on e-mail. Frequently Kat connects to the energy of the day and asks for a Switchphrase for that energy.

NOW Kat also adds recommendations for Numbers and/or Frequencies that come up for you, which are also presented to you on email with Energy Circle suggestions with your subscription to Weekly Astrological + Personal Switchphrases.

See what people are saying about Weekly Astrological + Personal Switchphrases

Note:  Running the Astrological Imbalances, Karmic Problems and Bad Luck file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial will automatically run the Switchphrases for Astrological Transits.

Click here to learn more about the Emotional Freedom vial.


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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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