Weekly Astrological + Personal Switchphrases

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Switchphrases to help smooth major Astrological Transits.
These Switchphrases are specifically designed for working with astrological imbalances occurring during the transits. It is recommended that Astrological Transit Switchphrases be utilized for a day or two before a transit, the day of the transit and for a day or two after the transit.

Personal Switchphrases created specifically for you.
Usually one or two weekly Personal Switchphrases come up, but sometimes more. Personal Switchphrases are created by specifically asking for connection and following guidance, not from astrological charts and birthdates.

With a six-month or longer subscription to Weekly Astrological + Personal Switchphrases receive access to Kat's dynamic, ever-growing Switchphrase and Healing Numbers and Frequencies Databases, both with thousands of useful entries. Switchwords Databases includes newly coined Switchphrases, past Personal Switchphrases, proven Switchphrases with Success Stories, etc.  Healing Numbers and Frequencies Database has a variety of Healing Numbers and Frequencies, along with many useful tips, success stories and much more additional information.

NOW with your subscription to Weekly Astrological + Personal Switchphrases also receive Kat's own Personal Switchphrases on e-mail.

Note from Kat: I was asked a few questions regarding the Personal Switchphrases and how I develop them. Below are my answers to the questions asked:

How can I use Weekly Astrological Switchphrases Energy Circle with Emotional Freedom vial? Can I just keep my vial on phone on Energy Circle for it to broadcast to me?

You can write your name and "Switch" (an Emotional Freedom file name) inside the Energy Circle then set the Emotional Freedom vial ON it to have it broadcast to you.

I wanted to know are these personalised just for me or for all who are subscribed with Blue Iris.

It's a cross BETWEEN. I first CENTER ON the energy of those ON subscription, asking for Switchphrases, and CREATE a POOL of phrases, continuing until my testing shows the POOL is complete. I then break out Switchphrases that are to BE presented TOGETHER and FIND numbers to GO WITH them. Once it tests out that I have all the phrases and numbers FOR the first presentation, I then CREATE the Energy Circle FOR presentation.

Once the presentation is ready, I GO to my list of subscriptions FOR Personal Switchphrases, and test to see who these are FOR. Sometimes it is one or two people, sometimes more. It varies. Once I confirm I have sent to all who they came UP FOR, I MOVE ON to the NEXT set of phrases that comes UP and repeat until all subscriptions are completed.

When I originated the Personal Switchphrases subscription, I would generally GIVE one or two Switchphrases, always unique to the person. When numbers came in, I began working with a Switchphrase and a number for each. I had the focus that these must BE very individualized and that constricted my ability to GIVE more. As we developed Energy Circle Creator, and I began presenting the information inside Energy Circles, I opened myself to the possibility that more than a single person would benefit from the phrases and numbers, which in turn increased my ability to GIVE expanded information.

The END result is that I am NOW able to GIVE much more in the Weekly Personal Switchphrases. Yes, often Personal Switchphrases and Numbers sent to you are also sent to others, but it is exceedingly rare that one presentation is sent to all...I think that happened once several years ago.

Do I need to stop using them after next weekly Energy Circle or I can continue?

You never need to stop using the phrases/Energy Circle. Use as you desire when you desire. Interestingly, PURGE-CANCEL originated ON the Personal Switchphrases several years ago. When it came UP for someone, I saw the power in it, and almost immediately introduced it to the world.

See what people are saying about Weekly Astrological + Personal Switchphrases

Reflex Muscle Testing is used to determine both the Astrological and the Personal Switchphrases.

Some ways to use the Astrological Transit and Personal Switchphrases:

Say the Switchphrase first thing in the morning and throughout the day any time you feel out of sorts, have negative occurrences or just wish to.

Write the Switchphrase in an Energy Circle along with your name, and set it and forget it, allowing it to work for you.  Learn more about Energy Circles at: https://ec.blueiris.org

Tap the Switchphrase through the Emotional Freedom Technique. Click here for Quick reference to EFT.

Call the Switchphrase with the Switch file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial.  Learn more about the Emotional Freedom vial at: https://aboutef.blueiris.org

Be creative. If you feel inspired to utilize Switchphrases in a different manner, go ahead and do it. Allow your creative energy to flow. When you find new and innovative ways to work with the Switchphrases, please share with others:

Email your ideas and experiences to Kat at blueiris.org@gmail.com
Or post on the Blue Iris Forum https://forum.blueiris.org
(subscription to Blue Iris Learning Center required to post on Forum)
Or Yahoo Switchwordsgroup:  https://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/switchwordsgroup/
Or Facebook Switchwordsgroup:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/197272440315306/


What people are saying about
Weekly Astrological + Personal Switchphrases

To all who visit BLUE IRIS

I met Kathy Miller on the Yahoo Switchwords Group many moons ago. Her ferreting of the deep insights in the world of alternative healing I've watched as BLUE IRIS was born and thrived on her steam. She tirelessly pursues and senses with patience...no quick fixes, deep thought and amazing compassion are her 2 silver arrows by which she shoots down others issues to give them succor and calm.

I commented on her Personal Switchwords to which I subscribe...(I have a confession...I started the subscription as my personal bit towards the life force of BLUE IRIS, but now I love them.)...they are intrinsic to my well-being and works of art....! Some are Masterpieces to be hung at THE LOUVRE!

Bina Bakshi.

Dear Kat,
You have no idea how powerful these phrases are for me. They resonate for me like from Brooklyn to across the Universe. I just felt like they brought me home. AWE DANCE ON RAINBOW WITH JOY.

It is very interesting that you gave me "NAMASTE-Lemon Drop-PAINT-LOVE." (Given on subscription as a Personal Switchphrase.) I find that kind of weird that it's falling exactly at the time I need this advise. We are having a family/close friends get together dinner tonight, and among among them are a couple of relatives who I just feel don't like me, I don't see a reason at all, but it's there. Very much there. One would go out of her way to to find a way of action that would hurt my feelings or deliberately misinterpret my spoken words or intentions. This SW seems to be so relevant as I have been discussing the matter only last night with another close person and how I tried to clear it and failed. While I know they don't like me, I could also be sending the wrong energy as its already in my mind, and I can't break the cycle.

Results: Ok to start with this is what I did on Friday, the day I was to meet family: On the same morning while in the office I typed the phrase you gave me earlier below 108 times. Then I played with the phrase by using different fonts and colored them pink (a way to keep my focus on the phrase) and since I am in a single office it was ok, and then did the Creative Endeavors Energy Circle with paint and filled with grey outer and inner blue, with the letters in pink and just saved it before I left the office. But now you have clarified the limitations of saving in a computer (only active when displayed on screen). However, I was chanting the phrase "NAMASTE-Lemon Drop-PAINT-LOVE" most of the time on my way, which is about one and half hour drive.

Before the end of the evening, the one particular person I was focusing on, as she was the meanest, came up to me, and just mentioned that they wanted (with her sister) to come over on the next holiday for a couple of nights at home and she was actually smiling nicely, something like she is opening up to me. I tried not to have any negative feelings all day. Anyway they are family and bad feelings can be forgotten if people change. I was surprised and of course glad.


Click here to read more about Energy Circles

I may not be getting the time to thank you for the daily Switchword phrases you send but they are nuggets and I use them, chant them, reflect on them and enjoy receiving them.

Personal Switchphrases are fabulously uplifting.


This one really stood out for me!! Switchphrase: SAGE-INK. Since I AM so obsessed with the thought of negativity surrounding certain areas of my life, specially foods. I was actually chanting SAGE SAGE SAGE last night while working with food!!! And here you give me SAGE-INK. This is so in tune!

You are a detective of the emotions!!

Some of the SW that have come up are so so apt!!

JESUS I called last night.  The rest are all so apt!
What is going on in my life!!

Thank you Kat!

You are TRUE Kat!

I really look forward to these and your daily phrases are the ultimate candy.

Hi Kat,

Thank you again for this week's Switchphrases.

PURGE-CANCEL is quick and to the point, just love it. I use POSTPONE-CANCEL, but PURGE-CANCEL is quicker... Thank you.

GIGGLE-HIDE-PHASE-SERENE, Got right on it, Feels good to enjoy the task at hand, dimming the view of whatever is bothering you and improve the current situation and release worries.

And OAK. I agree Wow. Grounded in joy and calling on Animal Wisdom. Went to Blue Iris and used muscle reflex to invite 18 Animal Wisdom energies. Bear, Giraffe, Crocodile, Bee, Goldfish, Great Northern Diver, Hawk, Hyena, Lion, Lorikeet, Meerkat, Owl, Puma, Robin, Secretary Bird, Swan,Walrus and Wolf. I used EF vial and Passive Modifications and took 10 breaths for each. Big Bear is happy to help.

The other day I revisited Planetary Archangels and Switchwords at Blue Iris. These energies are also around and invited using the EF Vial and again 10 breaths for each. I do vision the Angels in a vision acceptable to me. Like having old friends back to visit.

Hi Kat:

Thank you once again for this gift you gave us all last week. As I told you on the skype call this afternoon, this has been an awesome week for me personally.

I made a violet EC with the personal SW phrases you gave me. I called the transit phrases through the EF Vial file - Astrological Imbalances every morning and evening. I also put all the SW phrases you gave - ( for the transits as well as the personal ones) into My Own File, named it astrology file and called it through the EF vial-My Own File every morning and night.

I had an amazing week. I have been wanting to do so much for a long time, like learn the SW words, phrases etc., so I can call the ones I need when I need them like you and Rhoda so easily do. I start, but don't get very far. This week, I found a program that I have started using to organize my SW. Have started slowly working on it.

I also would like to participate in the talk casts you hold each Saturday, but usually am not able to make it live. The couple of times I managed to get there, I did not have audio. But today I was able to not only be on Jana's call, I also had audio and was able to participate easily. (I have listened to some of your talk cast archives, but my intention is to listen to more of them, and if possible write summaries so that any one can find what they are looking for.)

I have restarted my exercise routine every morning and also my meditation. I am also slowly de cluttering my home. I have registered for the Tapping World Summit (Online), starting on Monday and intend to follow all of them either alive or their recording.

Oh, I can go on and on.

Thank you Kat. This is AMAZING. I usually try to do it all and end up doing very little. So this is a great accomplishment for me.

FIND LIGHT & PERFECT have really suited me a lot form the list of personal SWs u sent me, Thank You

Hi Kat,

Thank you for the Switchphrases. Last week's phrases were very interesting. In September I went to the Dr for a yearly check. Blood tests were sent to a lab. The lab bill was expensive over one thousand dollars. My health insurance( through my husband) was changing and the Dr.'s office sent the tests to the new lab a day before the coverage was to begin. The bill was sent to me, my responsibility for not checking etc. I wrote cancel on it and let it sit a day or so. Then called the old insurance company. A one time only extension was granted and a check for almost the full amount was sent. Success! Last month a bill came from the new insurance company. The check wasn't sent to them but to my husband who deposited it. Not to get him to pay the new insurance company. So I wrote Ho-oponopono with our names in it and the energy circle with FIFTY FIVE-PERSONAL-TRUST as you instructed. Last tuesday I got a message he remembered receiving the money and sent the amount due. All without me having to get involved. Well that was miraculous.


Hi Kat,

BLESSED-BE. Just want to let you know what I think about weekly switchphrases. Each morning after running EF files and Chants Mantas and Prayers, I take what I consider my morning vitamins..( When I run weekly switchphrases in the mornings, I consider them a boost. Like a vitamin).

After reading something Rhoda wrote about writing Switchphrases on her walls (I thought she meant using the EF file Writing on my Walls) I took it literally and printed the four switchphrases from last week on pink paper, wrote one switchphrase per sheet, circled in a green ink and hung them around my house. OVER-PHASE-VICTORY, QUIET-REMISSION, HALFWAY-JUDGE-EASE-ON, DYNAMIC-DUCK. (I also added RESTORE-LIGHT from the switchwords group.) It has been very effective. I take them down when anyone is coming over so I don't have to explain.

A new week and renewed energy.

Hope you and your family are well.



Just needed this, strangely for a member of my family! 
Applying for jobs and universities abroad.

I have noticed that the Personal Switchphrases and Numbers for the week apply to other members of my family too, it's beneficial for them and if they are helped I achieve the success, peace, completion they may be enjoying

Or I'm meant to experience it and due to the phrases and ECs they benefit

It fits like a glove though!

Note: Weekly Astrological Switchphrases are generally sent out on Thursdays or Fridays, and Personal Switchphrases are generally sent on Fridays or Saturdays, however, may occasionally be delayed one or two days. Astrological witchphrases are usually given on transits occurring within the next 8-10 days, allowing for preparation and use in the days just prior to the transits.

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