Defusing Words help to defuse situations, emotions, etc. A number of Defusing Words are found in the Hawaiian healing technique Ho’oponopono. Defusing Words are also part of the Ho’oponopono Essence Technique in the Healing Energy Vibrations vial available at:

Defusing Words can be mixed and matched with Switchwords.

Merry Go Round (defined 12/31/12)

Merry Go Round is for defusing and releasing boredom and single perspectives.  As a Merry Go Round turns, one has an ever-changing view of the world around them. Besides turning around, a Merry Go Round often has seats that move up and down, allowing one to see things from above and below.  Watching a Merry Go Round, with its passengers going around and around, up and down can be entrancing.  Watching as loved ones move past and around, disappearing then reappearing, we are reminded of life cycles, that change is inevitable. Merry Go Round reminds us to look for new outlooks, widen our horizons, and appreciate the cycle of life.

Contact (defined 12/31/12)

Contact is for defusing loneliness and lack of communication.  Contact brings two or more energies together.  Contact opens one up to creating associations and bonds.

Hu (defined 11/12/12)

Hu (pronounced "hue" or "who") is for defusing and releasing anxiety, stress, insomnia, and apartness. Hu helps defuse and release inner tensions and solve problems, bringing one to a calm, strong, centered space, and connecting one with Source. Hu literally takes one to a place of knowing that all is well.

Hu is the power of the spoken word, the power of creation. Hu is said to be in the first and the last breaths, and is interwoven into all languages, all sounds. Hu connects us to Oneness with the Universe, opening us to love, freedom, wisdom, and truth. Hu is the part of Human that connects us to the divinity within us. Hu helps one to connect to spiritual upliftment. Hu brings a feeling of peace, warmth, and comfort, and gives greater spiritual insights into one's daily life, bringing a broader understanding of the life one leads.

Hu can help you see your life from a higher viewpoint. Hu helps you to feel the world with love, and fill the world with love.

Fountain (defined 10/25/12)

Fountain is for defusing lack, opening one to abundance.  Fountain helps one to connect to Source, as a Fountain has a continuous flow from Source. Fountain can also be uplifting; as water begins to flow from a Fountain it flows up and then out and spreads, engulfing, quenching, nurturing and nourishing.  A Fountain is in continuous motion, refreshing, energizing, entrancing, relieving stress and calming the spirit.  Fountain brings faith in the future, trust in the life cycle and a knowing that all can be, is and ever will be well.  Fountain reminds us that hope springs eternal.

Bypass (defined) 10/4/12

Bypass is for defusing need to participate in unwelcome situations.

Honey (defined 9/22/12)

Honey is for defusing bitter anger and resentment. Honey softly surrounds, engulfs and permeates, sweetening all contacts it makes.  Use Honey to help you let go of bitterness and replace it with soft, tender, sweetness.

Snowflake (defined 9/20/12)

Snowflake is for defusing and releasing the need to be like everyone else.  Each Snowflake is uniquely original, just like you. Snowflake reminds you that it is your uniqueness that creates the beauty that is you.

Peppermint (defined 9/6/12)

Peppermint is for defusing anger, irritability, inflammation and pain. Peppermint is cooling and soothing. Peppermint is an antispasmodic. Peppermint is bursting with flavor and brings delight to our senses. Use Peppermint to help defuse anger, irritability, inflammation and pain, allowing you to bring flavor and delight into your life experience.

Peppermint also binds with heavy metals, helping to remove them from the body. Heavy metal toxicity can be a root cause of a variety of health concerns, especially including digestive issues, brain fog, memory loss, insomnia and headaches. Enhance the effects of the Defusing Word Peppermint, by adding Peppermint to your diet, including Peppermint tea, Peppermint leaves in salads, cooking with Peppermint, or even just chewing Peppermint leaves.

Ozone (defined by Dawnalee Shields 7/14/12)

Ozone is for defusing careless regard for Nature including wilderness and domestic living things. Ozone supports responsible stewardship of Earth, its creatures, waters, and flora. Awareness begins with gratitude for its bountiful gifts that nourish our senses, our wellness, and our enjoyment.

Soup (defined by Dawnalee Shields 7/14/12)

Soup is for defusing dissatisfaction with current circumstances. There may not be enough to go around right now, but defusing contrary attitudes will make room for supportive change. Soup supports using what’s available to create by yourself or with others something better, something nourishing, something delicious.

Blue Goo (defined 7/3/12)

Blue Goo is for defusing and removing contrary and uninvited energies from relationships. At times outside and contrary energies may enter into the space of a relationship. Use Blue Goo to surround and engulf these unwanted energies and remove them from the relationship, leaving only energies which belong in the relationship.

Picnic Basket (defined by Dawnalee Shields 6/22/12)

Picnic Basket is for defusing the habit of having fun only when the work’s all done. Picnic Basket supports varying activity as a way to renew and recharge. One may still be working, but mixing it up will reinvigorate effectiveness and interest clearing the way for fresh ideas and the ability to whistle while you work.

Sandbox (defined by Dawnalee Shields 6/22/12)

Sandbox is for defusing frustrations and irritability when plans go awry. Sandbox supports seeing from different perspectives for a more solid foundation from which to make decisions. Sandbox helps keep creative juices flowing as new challenges and beneficial possibilities are discovered.

Phoenix (defined by Dawnalee Shields 6/22/12)

Phoenix is for defusing trauma, confusion, and overwhelm due to sudden, unexpected changes. Phoenix supports taking a deep breath, stepping back, and taking comfort before renewing forward motion.

Popcorn (defined by Dawnalee Shields 6/22/12)

Popcorn is for defusing tense group situations. Popcorn supports releasing confrontation energy and creating cooperation in purpose and direction. Individuals shine as they contribute to the project at hand.

Manhattan (defined 6/20/2012)

Manhattan is for defusing confusion, frustration and overwhelm in a chaotic and/or busy environment. Manhattan allows you to maintain focus and peaceful awareness wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Manhattan helps maintain equilibrium and balance.

Oompa Loompa (defined 6/20/2012)

Oompa Loompa is for defusing need for rigid adherence to conventional behavior. This opens one to having fun within established boundaries regardless of circumstances. Oompa Loompa supports being in the creative flow.

Jelly (defined 6/14/12)

Jelly is for defusing rigid thinking and concrete thoughts.  Jelly allows for shifting of ideas.  Jelly helps  give clarity of thought by removing clutter and large obstacles.  Jelly helps one to see through a situation and get a feel for what is on the other side.

Humble (defined 4/29/12)

Humble is for defusing arrogance and false pride.  Humble is for quieting the tyrannical ego, allowing for release of suffering and sorrow.  When Humble, one is open to learning and gaining wisdom. Humble allows for self-understanding and awareness, openness, and perspective taking. Humble enhances effectiveness in leadership.

Chewing Gum (defined by Bina Bakshi 1/18/12)

Chewing Gum is to defuse and release pressure, tension and stress. When one is feeling pressure, tension and stress, Chewing Gum gives a way to work through it and bring back peace of mind. One can use the word or the action of Chewing Gum to defuse and release.

Venus (defined by Bina Bakshi 1/14/12)

Venus is for defusing disparity in love relationships, bringing back attraction, allowing for repair of the sex/love life. Venus also helps to defuse inhibitions and self-deprecation, allowing love, attraction, commitment and passion to grow in new relationships.  Venus should always be used with the names of the two partners in the love relationship.

Mirrored Reflection (defined 1/9/12)

Mirrored Reflection is for defusing harsh judgment and criticism of others, which creates barriers between oneself and others, to avoid seeing self. Mirrored Reflection is for defusing rejection of self and others as they are. By defusing these things Mirrored Reflection reveals the truth of self on all levels, and opens one up to acceptance and love of all aspects of self, both light and dark, as valuable to the whole. This acceptance and love in turn allow one to accept and love those around them, as the world around us is always a reflection of our inner thoughts and feelings.

Umbrella (defined 1/3/12)

Umbrella is for defusing vulnerability and feeling exposed.  An Umbrella protects one from unwanted exposure, adds protection beyond a hat and a coat.  Use Umbrella to protect and limit exposure.  Use Umbrella to allow negative energy to rain down around you without having it affect you.

Click here to see full list of all currently defined Defusing Words


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