Kat's Switchphrase for March 24, 2016

(Give and get captivated attention, enjoy whatever you are doing.)

I am presenting this inside a CALM JOY Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 18, 2016

EVOKE-NEW-Idea-FLOWER-Cogito Ergo Sum.
(Bring forth and form innovation, bring a powerful focus to innovation, passion and zeal, increase development and advancement in life, relationships and career, flourish, thrive, open up to the world and share your Inner Beauty, unite with tolerance and hope, think freely and independent, build from an unshakable foundation.)

I am presenting this inside a Rapid Progress Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 10, 2016

(Turn setbacks into uplifts, enduring rewards, incorruptible.)

I am presenting this inside a GOLD Lemon Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 3, 2016

(Occupy possibilities, develop an understanding, feel ready, at the alert and in advance, all is well, connect to humanity with kindness, build solidarity.)

I am presenting this inside a Peach Background GOLD Air Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 26, 2016

(Rise above the pressure, move freely and unencumbered, release negativity and stress, let go of unwanted energies, promote being in high spirits, shift to an instant happy feeling, positive to the core, with elation, gratitude and positivity.)

I am presenting this inside a Bold GOLD Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 18, 2016

(Quiet the ego, take pause, refine details, pay close attention, see new perspectives and notice subtle differences.)

I am presenting this inside a Flypaper Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 11, 2016

(Keep things going, unify, enjoy whatever you are doing.)

I am presenting this inside a PLAY FULL Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 5, 2016

(Clear and open lines of communication to Source and Spiritual communication, turn on personality, smooth the rough spots, refresh, revitalize, update your energy.)

I am presenting this inside an Engulfing CHARM Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 1, 2016

(Produce rare value, be versatile, transform, mingle with your environment, enjoy whatever you are doing.)

I am presenting this inside a Balanced Being Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 28, 2016

(Dispel inhibitions, breathe easier, be artful, shine under pressure, incorruptible, smoothly transition as you journey through life, transform to soaring to new heights and gaining wider perspectives, rise above the pressure, move freely and unencumbered.)

I am presenting this inside a CLEAR Violet Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 25, 2016

(Realign, rethink, feel joy, harmonize well with increased self-aware confidence, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Giggly HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 21, 2016

(Feel cherished, release, free the mind, breathe easier, promote forming innovation and create multiple possibilities.)

I am presenting this inside a Delightful Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 15, 2016

(Enjoy whatever you are doing, immerse in it, center in joy.)

I am presenting this inside a 73 HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 11, 2016

(Form innovation, simplify complexities, rise above the pressure, move freely and unencumbered.)

I am presenting this inside a Just FINE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 8, 2016

(Smoothly transition as you journey through life, soaring to new heights and gaining wider perspectives, be versatile, develop, rise above the pressure, move freely and unencumbered, release ties to guilt-driven action, let go of constrictions.)

I am presenting this inside an Aqua POOL Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 31, 2015

(Transform thought into action, feel satisfied, anything is possible, create greatness beyond possibility, glow with warmth and light, new burgeoning growth and development.)

I am presenting this inside a PURRFECT Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 25, 2015

(Defuse and release repeated negative patterns, act on good impulse now, release old pains and be empowered)

I am presenting this inside a Pink Background Soft Embracing Transformation Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 21, 2015

BE-OPEN-Oompa Loompa-BE.
(Be in peace and maintain wellness, dispel inhibitions, breathe easier, open to having fun within established boundaries regardless of circumstances, be in the creative flow,unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Loving the Pink Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 18, 2015

(Complete connections, unify, master the ability to be flexible and kind, calm down and simplify.)

I am presenting this inside a You and Me Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 10, 2015

(Shine under pressure, incorruptible, show brilliance.)

I am presenting this inside a GOLD CENTER Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 4, 2015

(Get and give captivated attention, create a unique perspective, have faith in the future, trust in the life cycle and a knowing that all can be, is and ever will be well, hope springs eternal, connect with youth and longevity and feel good.)

I am presenting this inside a Purple Twilight Sun Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 30, 2015

(Make confident decisions, friendly social dominance, generate, rates and experience love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside a SWEET Pie Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 26, 2015

(Feel satisfied, remember and retain this feeling, eliminate procrastination and create completion, keep your resolutions.)

I am presenting this inside a Powerful Passionate Self Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 19, 2015

(Increase personal ability to work miracles, bring a powerful focus to innovation, passion and zeal, increase development and advancement in life, relationships and career, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Plum Crazy Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 12, 2015

(Think, discern, be clever, feel good.)

I am presenting this inside a Marvelous Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 9, 2015

(Feel peace, gratitude and appreciation, feel and inspire relaxed contentment.)

I am presenting this inside a Relief Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 6, 2015

(Release ties to guilt-driven action, let go of constrictions, shift to an instant happy feeling, positive to the core, with elation, gratitude and positivity, rise above the pressure, move freely and unencumbered, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside a Pink Frost Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 2, 2015

(Pay primary concern, shine under pressure, incorruptible.)

I am presenting this inside a Accountability FLOWER Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 30, 2015

Genesa Crystal-GUIDE-FLOWER.
(Remove unbalanced, discordant and/or scrambled energy and bring renewed and refreshed vital energy to the environment around you, allow yourself to know the way, open up to the world and show your Inner Beauty.)

I am presenting this inside a CENTER Amoeba Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 22, 2015

(Let go of anxiety, relax into sleep, enhance imagination and dreams.)

I am presenting this inside a DEEP BLUFF Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 19, 2015

(Defuse and release need to push against your strengths, make choices fashioned of strength to create harmony of purpose, calm down and simplify, shine under pressure.)

I am presenting this inside a FULL AWE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 15, 2015

(Improve tolerance, understand your own feelings and others, give and receive complete acceptance, open yourself and choose to be seen, gather support by sharing your vision, fill space, hold attention and occupy possibilities.)

I am presenting this inside a Peach Background Incorruptible ACT Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 12, 2015

(Adapt, make confident decisions, turn setbacks into uplifts.)

I am presenting this inside a DIVINE Celebration Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 8, 2015

(Learn the secret and keep the secret of being in health and wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, pay close attention to this.)

I am presenting this inside a Fragrant Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 5, 2015

(Transform thought into action, become a success, transcend beyond expectations, act on good impulse now.)

I am presenting this inside a WHIMSICAL Enchantment Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 2, 2015

(Build solidarity, gain acceptance, gather serenity and strength, and created a supportive impact.)

I am presenting this inside a Candy QUEEN Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 28, 2015

(Occupy possibilities, attach to life energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Peachy Pick Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 24 2015

(Understand your own feelings and others, feel new all over again, open to creating associations and bonds, create bonds, get along well together in a group, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Lime N Magenta Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 17, 2015

(Feel new all over again, look to the future, pleasurable healing and extended life.)

I am presenting this inside an AMBROSIA Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 14, 2015

(Come together with bringing flavor and delight into your life, be strong, gain power, calm down and simplify things.)

I am presenting this inside an Astounding Hues Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 10, 2015

(Give and receive complete acceptance, let go of anxiety and relax into sleep.)

I am presenting this inside a Purple TESLA Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 8, 2015

(Adapt, accept contrasting elements, and recognize the beauty in contrast, let go of discord and conflict, and allow for release of suffering and sorrow, open to learning and gaining wisdom, self-understanding and awareness, openness, and perspective taking, see that experiences in life are simply that, experience, positive or contra energies that arise from our experiences are by our choices in how we are willing to allow them to affect us.)

I am presenting this inside a Cherry Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 3, 2015

(Adapt, accept contrasting elements, and recognize the beauty in contrast, let go of discord and conflict, and allow people and life to simply flow, shine under pressure, enduring rewards.)

I am presenting this inside an Angelic Realm Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 31, 2015

(Speak out assertively without fearing rejection from others, align with those around you while maintaining your uniqueness, perfect this skill, keep this going, get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce.)

I am presenting this inside a GOLD JOY Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 27, 2015

(Release old pains, be empowered, be at rest, go to sleep, immerse in simplifying this.)

I am presenting this inside a Midnight Moon Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 21, 2015

(Release attachments to negative past experiences, gain perspective and clarity in thought processes, with love, caring and beauty, courage, inner peace and tranquility, reconnect with Source and love energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Cleansing BALANCE Radionic Amplifier Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 18, 2015

(Dispel negative and contrary energy, fill the space with focus on positive aspects.)

I am presenting this inside a Spiritual GOLD Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 13, 2015

(Feel abundant, open to sharing, extend life.)

I am presenting this inside an EASE ON Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 6, 2015

(Let go of bitterness and replace it with soft, tender sweetness, be soothing and caring, and pleasurable healing.)

I am presenting this inside a Fade to CALM Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 3, 2015

(Allow for shifting of ideas, get clarity of thought, see through the situation and get a feel for what is on the other side, improve trust and be a better support by encouraging others as they learn to manage what is theirs, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, bring an immediate shift, eliminate remorse and sorrow.)

I am presenting this inside a Pink Gem Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 30, 2015

(Allow yourself to know the way to be in the now, cease hostilities, reclaim stability, release old pains and be empowered.)

I am presenting this inside a Pretty DARLING Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 27, 2015

(Connect to the highest light and beauty within yourself and generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside a Let's LOVE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 23, 2015

(Expand capacity to be bold and have courage.)

I am presenting this inside a Pure Elation Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 21, 2015

(Give and receive complete acceptance to see beyond the current focus, open blind spots, make connections and form new bridges of thought, discern new paths for discovery, bring pleasant surprises and fortunate happenstances.)

I am presenting this inside a Pure Elation Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 16, 2015

(Understand your own feelings and others, see your life from a higher viewpoint, feel the world with love, and fill the world with love.)

I am presenting this inside an EMERALD GOLD Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 13, 2015

(Smooth the rough spots, feel satisfied, harness unseen forces.)

I am presenting this inside a White CALM Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 9, 2015

(Feel peace, gratitude and appreciation, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, merge with information beyond human comprehension, feel abundance, open to share, bring order and appropriate action, see methods for creating tranquility, stability and order, be in peace and maintain wellness.)

I am presenting this inside an Intuitive HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 6, 2015

(Center in peace, feel secure, safe and relaxed, feel free to be yourself, relax into just BEing, be soothing and caring, remember Home is where the HEART is.)

I am presenting this inside a Light Blue Background Salaxed Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 2, 2015

(Expand capacity to shine under pressure, enduring rewards, make money.)

I am presenting this inside a Circus Circus Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 29, 2015

(Generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, release the details and let it be, be soothing and caring, let go of bitterness and replace it with soft, tender, sweetness.)

I am presenting this inside a Light Pink Background Indian Pink Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 25, 2015

(Enchant, thrill and excite with new burgeoning growth and development.)

I am presenting this inside an Ageless Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 23, 2015

(Open up to creating associations and bonds, harmonize well with generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside an EVER Loving Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 18, 2015

(Overcome obstacles and move quickly toward your goals, enjoy what you are doing, get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce.)

I am presenting this inside a BAMBOO BLUSH Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 16, 2015

(Bring matters to a conclusion smoothly and produce rare value.)

I am presenting this inside a What's UP Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 12, 2015

Good News-ENCHANTED-49.
(Shift to an instant happy feeling, positive to the core, give and get captivated attention, be fair with others.)

I am presenting this inside a LOVE Embracing FLOWER Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 8, 2015

(Transform setbacks into uplifts, take joy in discovery, be victorious.)

I am presenting this inside a Light Indigo Background Bubbly Yellow Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 4, 2015

(Give and get captivated attention, keep creative juices flowing as new challenges and beneficial possibilities are discovered, create a presence.)

I am presenting this inside a GOLD Lemon Drop Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 1, 2015

(Embrace and bond with creating greatness beyond possibility, connect with another and feel warm appreciation.)

I am presenting this inside a Self Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 28, 2015

(Create comfort, radiate warmth and light, extend it.)

I am presenting this inside a Comforting FLAME Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 26, 2015

(End frustration and progress.)

I am presenting this inside a BENEVOLENT HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 21, 2015

(Stay on target, shift to an instant happy feeling, positive to the core, with elation, gratitude and positivity, become satiated.)

I am presenting this inside a Silver Green Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 18, 2015

(Cleanse with light, be inspired, harmonize energies, cleanse your aura, space and relationships, quiet the ego.)

I am presenting this inside a Sober Sam Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 14, 2015

(Stop hesitating and just do it, get on with it, emphatic agreement, begin, get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce.)

I am presenting this inside a Refreshing Blue Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 11, 2015

(Create a unique perspective, unify, connect with another and feel warm appreciation.)

I am presenting this inside a Light Silver Background PLAYpen Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 7, 2015

(Stop clinging [to it], sever ties.)

I am presenting this inside a Indigo Sun Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 4, 2015

(Dig, discover and grow, get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce.)

I am presenting this inside a Pinkdigo Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 1, 2015

(Create prosperity and harmony, consciously make an effort to express your hopes, dreams, needs and wishes, smoothly transition as you journey through life, soar to new heights and gain a wider perspective, change your focus and release judgments against yourself and others, relax the spaces where you hold those emotions, open to healing the scars of the past, cleanse your perspective, purify your heart and connect to well-being, allow bygones to be bygones and release resentment, open for peace and serenity, stand up and speak for yourself.)

I am presenting this inside a Pinkdigo Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 28, 2015

(Develop connection to Source, become uplifted, engulfed with quenching, nurturing and nourishment, refreshed, energize, relieve stress, calm the spirit, have faith in the future, trust in the life cycle and a knowing that all can be, is and ever will be well, attract this to you.)

I am presenting this inside a PURRFECT Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 23, 2015

ROOT-ON-Blue Iris.
(Dig, grow and discover, nourish ambition, get new ideas, build and produce, clear and open lines of communication to Source and Spiritual communication.)

I am presenting this inside a Princess Water HOLE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 20, 2015

(Unite with feeling satisfied, dispelling darkness and glowing with warmth and light.)

I am presenting this inside a Pretty Pleasing Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 17, 2015

(Defuse pain, center in joy, accept and reside within all that is.)

I am presenting this inside a Lagoon Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 14, 2015

(Dispel anger and resentment, release guilt and blame, hold true to your word, immerse in generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside a Barbie's Cave Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 9, 2015

FATHOM-FULL-Blue Bonnet-Hu.
(Grasp on multiple levels, expand capacity to return effortlessly to wellness, see your life from a higher viewpoint, feel the world with love, and fill the world with love.)

I am presenting this inside a Light Gold Background Fountain Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 6, 2015

(Overcome obstacles, move quickly toward your goals, do detailed work, nourish ambition, get new ideas, build and produce.)

I am presenting this inside a Magenta Background Focused CALM Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 3, 2015

(Help others shine under pressure, an enduring reward, be inspired.)

I am presenting this inside a Value Enhancing Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 31, 2015

(Relinquish need to control, stop procrastinating, analyzing and waiting and just do it, hold attention and occupy possibilities.)

I am presenting this inside a Midnight Amoeba Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 26, 2015

(Relinquish need to control, turn setbacks into uplifts, end frustration.)

I am presenting this inside a GRASS Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 23, 2015

(Release guilt and blame, defuse and release need to push against your strengths, create harmony of purpose, defuse ego’s need to allow only one way to create desired outcomes, relinquish need to control.)

I am presenting this inside a Turquoise Background LOVE COUNT Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 19, 2015

(Move into a space of calm acceptance, relinquish need to control.)

I am presenting this inside a Pure Elation Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 16, 2015

(Relinquish need to control to access your unseen power and shine under pressure for enduring rewards.)

I am presenting this inside a Golden GOLD Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 12, 2015

(Relinquish need to control, move freely and unencumbered, attain goals, feel skilled, successful and complete, increase self-esteem, and have a feeling of accomplishment.)

I am presenting this inside a Blue Indigo HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 9, 2015

(Feel satisfied, accept, relinquish need to control.)

I am presenting this inside a PURRFECT Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 5, 2015

(Stay on target, relinquish need to control, feel good.)

I am presenting this inside a Soothing Radionic Amplifier Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 2, 2015

(Make available, accept, relinquish need to control, stop trying to control.)

I am presenting this inside an Orange Crunch Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 27, 2015

(Fulfill a wish, simplify this task, give respect from the heart.)

I am presenting this inside a Quick Silver Gloss Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 23, 2015

(Come together with opening opportunities, get grounded, end hesitation and finally grasp potential possibilities.)

I am presenting this inside an En Vogue Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 19, 2015

(Give and receive captivated attention, release of guilt and blame, enchant, thrill and excite, produce rare value, end hesitation and finally grasp the potential (of your focus).)

I am presenting this inside a Pink Sun Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 17, 2015

Fountain-Sei Hei Ki-Kaleidoscope.
(Open to abundance, connect to Source, for refreshing, energizing, entrancing, relieving stress and calming the spirit, have faith in the future, trust in the life cycle and a knowing that all can be, is and ever will be well, hope springs eternal, cleanse, purify, harmonize and be protected, stabilize traumatic situations by restoring emotional calm and confidence, increase feelings of beauty, self-worth, confidence, purpose, see how changing yourself is possible, and can be beautiful, see that you can take control of your life and create the changes you desire yourself.)

I am presenting this inside a Water Glaze Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 12, 2015

(Clear space for new ideas and positive focuses, open communication channels, complete connections, make a priority being in health and wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Why Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 10, 2015

(Heal, immerse in wellness.)

I am presenting this inside a Dolphin SURPRISE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 5, 2015

(Become a good leader, have integrity in your pursuits, have courage, inner peace and tranquility, reconnect with Source and love energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Ring-a-ling Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 2, 2015

(Generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, be inspired, get new ideas and nourish ambition.)

I am presenting this inside a Gentle Loving CALM HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 29, 2015

(Maintain continuity with incorruptibility, enduring rewards, and being in peace and wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Golden Gratitude CENTER GOLD Rim Dot Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 26, 2015

(Smooth the rough spots, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, be attractive and appealing, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside an AWE Radionic Amplifier Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 22, 2015

(End frustration, feel good, bring anticipation of something positive coming, shift to an instant happy feeling, positive to the core, with elation, gratitude and positivity.)

I am presenting this inside a Turquoise Background Pure GRACE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 19, 2015

(Take on responsibility for flourishing, thriving, opening up to the world and showing your Inner Beauty.)

I am presenting this inside a Magnetic Nurturing FLOWER Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 15, 2015

(Feel warm appreciation, give and receive complete acceptance, feel joy.)

I am presenting this inside an Indigo Blue HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 13, 2015

(Release old pains, be empowered, maintain continuity [of this], heal, immerse in maintaining wellness, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Healing Transformation Radionic Amplifier Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 8, 2015

(Expand capacity for enduring rewards, clarify things, diversify yourself and grow rapidly, attract, materialize and make money.)

I am presenting this inside a Flypaper Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 5, 2015

(Give respect from the heart, smooth the rough spots, create acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside a Light Violet Background Versatile Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 1, 2015

(Bring into existence, wholeness, without attachments, speak out assertively without fearing rejection from others, form innovation, unstoppable invention, restoration, invigoration, bring it (all) into existence.)

I am presenting this inside a Violet Background Concentrics Energy Circle:


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(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

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(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.