Kat's Switchphrase for December 29, 2014

(Develop an understanding, expand consciousness and discovery, build connections, share resources, togetherness and intelligence, transform thought into action, gather serenity and strength, create a supportive impact, have it all together, become single-minded, transcend beyond expectations.)

I am presenting this inside a Majestic Red Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 25, 2014

(Feel good, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, with clarity, create miraculous endeavors.)

I am presenting this inside an ATTENTION Attractor Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 22, 2014

(Develop deeper comprehension, grasp on multiple levels, rise to the challenge, bring immediate shift, refresh, revitalize, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, and excel in creative expression.)

I am presenting this inside a Loving Self-Reliance HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 18, 2014

Merry Go Round-FREEDOM-Lemon Drop-FLOCK.
(Look for new outlooks, widen your horizons, and appreciate the cycle of life, release need to conform, let go of constrictions, release sourness and bitterness which may be creating problems in your life, work in unison.)

I am presenting this inside a Wonder WAVE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 15, 2014

(Recognize and distinguish relevant energy vibrations, open up extraordinary mental and psychic powers, gather serenity and strength and create a supportive impact.)

I am presenting this inside a Healing Celebration Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 12, 2014

(Get authoritative access, allow yourself to know the way, build and expand peace and wellness, cleansing, purifying, harmonizing and protecting, stabilize traumatic situations, restore emotional calm and confidence, get a helping hand for getting through life's difficulties, transcend beyond expectations.)

I am presenting this inside a Healing Celebration Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 8, 2014

(Mingle with your environment, open yourself up to the world and choose to be seen, gather support by sharing your vision, hold attention and occupy possibilities.)

I am presenting this inside an Expansion Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 4, 2014

(Create balance, shine under pressure, simplify.)

I am presenting this inside a Thousand Fold Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 1, 2014

(Advance, immerse in brightly focusing positivity.)

I am presenting this inside a Growing Transformation Radionic Amplifier Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 28, 2014

(Develop an understanding, bring it to mind, make new discoveries, get clarity of thought, see through the situation and get a feel for what is on the other side, gain perspective on difficult tasks, create miraculous endeavors, stop hesitating and just do it!)

I am presenting this inside an Indigo GOLD Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 20, 2014

(Refreshing, energizing, entrancing, relieving stress and calming the spirit, continuous flow, engulfing, quenching, nurturing, nourishing, getting new ideas, nourishing ambition, developing deeper comprehension, helping, selling, making money, driving a multitude.)

I am presenting this inside a Light Brown Background Flourishing Business Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 17, 2014

(Form innovation, thrill, take joy in discovery.)

I am presenting this inside a Dolphin SURPRISE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 13, 2014

(Create a presence, create a colorful conscious life, open to healing the scars of the past, cleanse your perspectives, purify your heart and connect to well-being.)

I am presenting this inside a Shining Crown Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 10, 2014

(Create a presence of generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside a Divining LOVE HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 6, 2014

(Come together with accepting and residing within all that is, illuminate generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside a EVER Loving Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 3, 2014

I AM PERFECT-Snowflake.
(I create being satisfied and remember that it is my uniqueness that creates the beauty that is me.)

Note from Kat: "I AM..." is a declarative, creative statement. It should always be followed by things you want to experience in the future, never by things you do not wish to have in your future.

I am presenting this inside a LOVE LOVE LOVE HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 30, 2014

(Be in the creative flow, materialize, be bold, brighten your domain, move swiftly and with purpose, increase awareness, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Majestic Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 28, 2014

DYNAMIC-Kentucky Coffeetree-Fountain-OAK.
(Update energy, defuse and release negative energy and judgment, shift perspectives, deeply heal, know that all can be, is and ever will be well, be grounded, hold strong.)

I am presenting this inside a Grounding Earth Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 23, 2014

(Create a deep focus, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, center in joy, keep this going, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Strong HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 20, 2014

(Transform thought into action, bring a powerful focus to innovation, passion and zeal, open to increasing development and advancement in life, relationships and career, occupy possibilities.)

I am presenting this inside a Lemon NICE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 16, 2014

(Be inspired, enduring rewards, shine under pressure, create a deep focus, create a feeling of beauty, self-worth, confidence, purpose, see how changing yourself is possible, and can be beautiful, you can take control of your life and create the changes you desire yourself.)

I am presenting this inside a Grounding ATTENTION Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 9, 2014

Oompa Loompa-DAISY-DANCE.
(Be in the creative flow, create excellence, brighten the day, feel joy.)

I am presenting this inside a VIBRANT FLOWER Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 6, 2014

(Bring an immediate shift, deliver the goods, enchant, thrill and excite, manifest your heart's desires.)

I am presenting this inside an Indigo Bright Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 2, 2014

(Cease hostilities and reclaim stability, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, be at rest, stable.)

I am presenting this inside a Calming LOVE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 29, 2014

(End frustration, act on good impulse, attain goals, feel skilled, successful and complete.)

I am presenting this inside a Self-Esteem Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 25, 2014

(Purify, neutralize and access Universal Knowledge, lighten your mood, be inspired, remember and retain totally enjoy, embrace and absorb breakthroughs on all levels, become single-minded, have it all together.)

I am presenting this inside a Magenta Sunshine Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 22, 2014

(Expand beyond perceived limitations, give and receive joy, build and produce.)

I am presenting this inside a Yellow Background Bubbly Yellow Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 18, 2014

(Create possibilities, transform thought into action, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside a Light Gold Background Drummer Boy Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 11, 2014

(Relax, be patient and wise, calm down, reclaim stability, get new ideas.)

I am presenting this inside a Patience Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 8, 2014

(Enjoy whatever you are doing, immerse in elation, gratitude and positivity, feel positive to the core.)

I am presenting this inside a Limondigo Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 4, 2014

(Cancel negative flows, create a significant modification, raise your vibration, shine brightly and feel magnificent.)

I am presenting this inside a Raising PEARL PERFECT Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for September 2, 2014

(Become a good leader, connect to your soul, center in joy, increase security, stop bragging, act on good impulse now.)

I am presenting this inside a Pure LOVE HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 28, 2014

(Comprehend, free the mind, breathe easier, connect with higher wisdom, overcome obstacles and move quickly toward your goals, make confident decisions, refresh, revitalize, update energy, dispel hypersensitivity.)

I am presenting this inside a Showers of Blessings Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 25, 2014

(Raise expectation, merge with information beyond human comprehension, see new perspectives, notice subtle differences, create greatness beyond possibility, excel in creative expression, and be inspired to do your best.)

I am presenting this inside a Shining HEART of Gold Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 21, 2014

(Meeting of the minds to mutual benefit, harmonize well with and immerse in opening up to the world and sharing your Inner Beauty.)

I am presenting this inside a Comforting Pastels Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 18, 2014

(Keep things going, gain perspective, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside an Amoeba Gentle Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 14, 2014

(Create significant modifications, shine under pressure, incorruptible, have courage, inner peace and tranquility, reconnect with Source and love energy, immerse in feeling satisfied, feel and inspire relaxed contentment.)

I am presenting this inside a Comforting Pastels Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 11, 2014

(Create miraculous endeavors, create a deep focus, center attention on you, smooth the rough spots, be merciful.)

I am presenting this inside a Dolphin SURPRISE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 7, 2014

(End frustration, act on good impulse, attain goals, feel skilled, successful and complete.)

I am presenting this inside a Happy-GO-Lucky Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for August 4, 2014

(Come together, flow in harmony, gain perspective, unify.)

I am presenting this inside a Gray Goose Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 31, 2014

(Release old pains, be empowered, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, give and receive complete acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside a Universal LOVE HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 28, 2014

(Feel satisfied, shine brightly, feel magnificent, be beautiful, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, be in peace and maintain wellness.)

I am presenting this inside a Gratitude SOMEHOW Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 24, 2014

(Release old pains, be empowered, create, build faith and trust, become satiated.)

I am presenting this inside a Purple CORONA Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 21, 2014

(Stay on target, become satiated, move swiftly and with purpose, brighten your domain, create excellence and brighten the day.)

I am presenting this inside a DOWN to Earth Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 17, 2014

(Complete connections, help others, create innovation, excel in creative expression, transition, present yourself well.)

I am presenting this inside a Life Transformation Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 14, 2014

(Feel and inspire relaxed contentment, feel satisfied, feel and inspire relaxed contentment, really.)

I am presenting this inside an Indigo CENTER Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 10, 2014

(Feel elation, harmonize well with awakening appreciation for the present moment, be in peace, maintain wellness, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Lemon GOLD Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 7, 2014

(Bring sunshine, create excellence, brighten the day, bring sunshine.)

I am presenting this inside a FLOWER Fun Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for July 3, 2014

(Dispel inhibitions, breathe easier, celebrate variety, create multiple possibilities, hold attention, occupy possibilities, and transform thought into action.)

I am presenting this inside a Eloquent LIGHT Tranquility Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 30, 2014

(Transform thought into action, create a unique perspective, enchant, thrill and excite.)

I am presenting this inside a Violet Heys Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 26, 2014

(Unite with tolerance and hope, think freely and independent, create an unshakable foundation from which to build, transform thought into action, be your authentic self, learn and gain wisdom, connect to self-understanding and awareness, openness, and perspective taking, flow in harmony, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, center in joy.)

I am presenting this inside a Golden Spirit Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 23, 2014

(Bring about good fortune, abundance and prosperity, softly surround,engulf and permeate all contacts you make with sweetness, be grounded, open up to the world and share your Inner Beauty.)

I am presenting this inside a Light Yellow Background Butterscotch FLOWER Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 20, 2014

(Master your ability to finalize things, be in high spirits, be youthful, release the details and let it be.)

I am presenting this inside a Vital Core Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 16, 2014

(Overcome obstacles, move quickly toward goals, keep it going, get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce.)

I am presenting this inside a Magenta Background Magnetic Transformation Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 12, 2014

(Enhance your viewpoint, create greatness beyond possibility.)

I am presenting this inside a Glowing Glee Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 9, 2014

(Be in peace, maintain wellness, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, gain perspective on generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside a CALM Passionate LOVE HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 5, 2014

(Release stress, let go of unwanted energies, release negativity, get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce.)

I am presenting this inside a CRYSTAL Connect Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for June 2, 2014

(Develop deeper understanding, give and receive complete acceptance, occupy possibilities, shine under pressure, incorruptible, an enduring reward.)

I am presenting this inside a Mandarin GOLD Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 29, 2014

ALL IN-Popcorn-Picnic Basket.
(A miracle beyond triumph and victory, create cooperation in purpose and direction, clear the way for fresh ideas and the ability to whistle while you work.)

I am presenting this inside a Laced Coffee Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 27, 2014

(Be inspired, lighten your load, gain a new perspective, give and receive joy, increase bliss.)

I am presenting this inside a Morning Glory Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 22, 2014

(Quiet the ego, diversify yourself, grow rapidly, share resources, be accommodating of others, share togetherness,share intelligence.)

I am presenting this inside a BAMBOO Blush Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 19, 2014

(Complete connections, deliver the goods, enduring rewards, miraculous formation of event, abundance.)

I am presenting this inside a Fancy FULL Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 15, 2014

(Share togetherness, intelligence, excel in creative expression, receive help and/or inspiration for current focus, flow in harmony, vibrate with deep emotional cleansing and align with those around you while maintaining your uniqueness.)

I am presenting this inside a I am presenting this inside a Tranquil Trance Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 12, 2014

(Release old pains, form innovation, write a new story, totally enjoying, embracing and absorbing.)

I am presenting this inside a I am presenting this inside Transforming SAGE Acceptance Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 8, 2014

(Cleanse with light, vibrate with deep emotional cleansing, get grounded in feeling joy.)

I am presenting this inside a I am presenting this inside an Orange Chocolate Mint Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 5, 2014

(Give purpose, show devotion, produce rare value, sudden increase in generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside a I am presenting this inside a Silver Background Pink Please Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for May 3, 2014

(Complete connections, move with ease, maintain balance, maintain integrity, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, be accepting and reside within all that is.)

I am presenting this inside a Light Pink Background Cleansing CALM Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 30, 2014

(Be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, feel the world with love, and fill the world with love, be inspired, enchanted, thrilled and excited.)

I am presenting this inside an Amoeba Spell Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 24, 2014

(Clear and open lines of communication to Source and Spiritual communication, accept and reside within all that is, harmonize well with enchanting and centering in joy.)

I am presenting this inside a Joyful HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 21, 2014

(Do detailed work, flow in harmony, inspired creative beautiful artistry, allow for self-understanding and awareness, openness, and perspective taking, awaken appreciation for the present moment.)

I am presenting this inside a Golden Sunset Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 17, 2014

(Learn intricacies of reclaiming stability, creating excellence, brightening the day and generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this inside a Pink Background Shimmering Pink Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 14, 2014

(Create miraculous endeavors, move swiftly and with purpose, open up extraordinary mental and psychic powers, be a strong presence, create significant modifications.)

I am presenting this inside a Purple CORONA Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 10, 2014

(Dispel anger and resentment, feel peace, gratitude and appreciation, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Gracious Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 7, 2014

(Flow with harmony, excel in creative expression.)

I am presenting this inside a Violet Warmth Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for April 4, 2014

(Learn a secret, pay attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom, listen to your intuition and follow its guidance, improve the situation, restore fairness and honesty, be patient and wise, be devout, virtuous, give respect.)

444 is an Angel Number
(Pay attention to your intuition and inner-wisdom. Listen to your intuition and follow its guidance.)

Kat's Switchphrase for March 31, 2014

(Connect to youth and longevity, feel good, build and produce peace and wellness, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside an Amoeba LAUGH Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 27, 2014

(Expand capacity to make money.)

I am presenting this inside a JOY FULL HORSE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 24, 2014

(Open space, cleanse with light, change focus, connect with youth and longevity, feel good, produce rare value.)

I am presenting this inside a Cleansing Magnetic Lemon Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 20, 2014

(Shine brightly, feel magnificent, change focus and release restlessness, get new ideas and nourish ambition.)

I am presenting this inside a CLEAR Amoeba Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 17, 2014

Oompa Loompa-ABIDE-Chewing Gum-ADD-WINDFALL.
(Be in the creative flow, accept and reside with all that is, defuse and release pressure, tension and stress and bring back peace of mind, increase sudden abundance.)

I am presenting this inside a Chewing Gum Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 13, 2014

(Be in the creative flow, accept and reside with all that is, defuse and release pressure, tension and stress and bring back peace of mind, increase sudden abundance.)

I am presenting this inside a FREEDOM HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 10, 2014

(Eliminate negativity, cancel negative flow, transform thought into action and create multiple possibilities.)

I am presenting this inside a Cheer FULL Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 6, 2014

(Create possibilities, hold true to your word, transform thought into action, gain detail by sharing, occupy possibilities.)

I am presenting this inside a Wonderment Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for March 3, 2014

(Center in joy, harmonize well with giving and receiving joy.)

I am presenting this inside a JOY FULL Harmony HEART Energy Circle:

Special Note from Kat: As I was driving the grandkids home from school today, Cammarie started singing JOY JOY JOY...and asked, "Grandma is JOY a Switchword?" We proceeded to talk about the JOY Switchwords, and TOGETHER we coined today's Switchphrase. Cammarie then helped me to CREATE today's JOY FULL Harmony HEART Energy Circle, defining the colors, and the thickness of the line. Thank you, Cammarie!

Kat's Switchphrase for February 27, 2014

(Allow love, attraction, commitment and passion to grow, fix this, help, restore fairness and honesty, simplify this.)

I am presenting this inside a BENEVOLENT HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 24, 2014

(Release old pains, be empowered, feel cherished, dispel inhibitions and allow, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, master this ability, become single-minded.)

I am presenting this inside a Silver Power HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 20, 2014

(Memorize, raise expectations, access your unseen power.)

I am presenting this inside an Elephant Memory Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 17, 2014

(Submerge within becoming a successful, good orator.)

I am presenting this inside an Alltime Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 13, 2014

(Cleanse your relationships, harmonize well with being merciful and smoothing the rough spots.)

I am presenting this inside an Absolutely AMAZING Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 10, 2014

(Learn a secret, promote dispelling greed, pay attention to your surroundings and brighten the day.)

I am presenting this inside a PLAYpen Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 6, 2014

(Unite with enduring rewards, abundance, sudden abundance.)

I am presenting this inside a Magnetic Transformation Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for February 3, 2014

(Clear inertia, nourish ambition, get new ideas, increase load capacity and simplify movement.)

I am presenting this inside a Movement Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 27, 2014

(Recognize and distinguish relevant energy vibrations, develop an understanding, create excellence, brighten the day, feel elation, release old pains and be empowered.)

I am presenting this inside a Transforming SAGE Acceptance Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 23, 2014

(Develop and understanding, get new ideas and nourish ambition, harmonize well with creating a colorful conscious life.)

I am presenting this inside a Silver Cloud Clarifying GOLD Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 20, 2014

(Transform thought into action, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this inside a Indigo Pool Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 16, 2014

(Give and receive complete acceptance, open up to freedom of self-expression.)

I am presenting this inside a Magnetic Glow Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 13, 2014

(Reconnect to your core being, connect with higher wisdom, open closed viewpoints and let go of limitations.)

I am presenting this inside a FLOWER Triple GOLD Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 9, 2014

(Create possibilities, shift to an instant happy feeling, positive to the core, now.)

I am presenting this in a Glowing Glee Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for January 6, 2014

(Quiet the ego, sever ties (with negative energy), stop causing trouble, take pause, focus intently, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this in a Light Blue Flood  Energy Circle:

Use to help focus for meditation. Meditate on the Switchphrase.

A Success Story: IT'S AMAZING Kat. I did meditation for 30 minutes. It was an awesome feeling. (This was given this afternoon when someone was having difficulty meditating.)

Kat's Switchphrase for January 2, 2014

(Align with current time and space, make new discoveries, unleash yourself.)

I am presenting this in a Creative Intentions  Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 31, 2013

(Create miracles, form innovation, unstoppable restoration, invigoration, turn over a new leaf, embark on or continue the optimal journey, maintain peace and wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this in a Clarifying Power Sustaining  Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 26, 2013

(Connect with the highest light and beauty within yourself, shine under pressure, create miraculous endeavors, feel warm appreciation.)

I am presenting this in a Cuddle Bear FLOWER Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 23, 2013

(Help others give and receive joy.)

I am presenting this in a Christmas HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 19, 2013

(Solve mysteries, nourish ambition.)

I am presenting this in a Wonderment Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 16, 2013

(Increase personal ability to simplify movement.)

I am presenting this in a Movement Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 12, 2013

Light Switch-ON-RAINBOW.
(Illuminate ambition and new ideas, create a colorful, conscious life.)

I am presenting this in an OPEN Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 9, 2013

(Awaken appreciation for the present moment, connect with another, feel warm appreciation, feel gratitude and appreciation, feel good and show appreciation.)

I am presenting this in a FLOWER EMBRACE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 5, 2013

(Dispel greed, feel and inspire relaxed contentment, be liberal, receive generosity, be peacefully accepting, embark on and continue the optimal journey.)

I am presenting this in a Cleansing CALM Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for December 2, 2013

(Feel gratitude and appreciation, stop regretting and release guilt, be aware of your singular place in the Universe, be your authentic self, the world is better because you are here!)

I am presenting this in a PURE GRACE Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 28, 2013

(Form systems of support, feel good, harmonize well with generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this in a PEACE LIGHT Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 25, 2013

(Dispel inhibitions, free the mind, and bring passion and enthusiasm into the current focus.)

I am presenting this in an Amoeba Button ON Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 21, 2013

(Give and receive encouragement, lunge ahead, maintain integrity, act on good impulse, clear inertia, nourish ambition, get new ideas and produce.)

I am presenting this in a DEEP Contemplation Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 18, 2013

(Pay close attention, stabilize, be in peace and maintain wellness, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this in a Tranquil Trance Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 14, 2013

(Feel peace, gratitude and appreciation, bring about good fortune, end frustration.)

I am presenting this in a Gracious FLOWER Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 11, 2013

(Give and receive joy, increase bliss with youthful exuberance.)

I am presenting this in a Cheer FULL Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 7, 2013

(Lead the way to enduring rewards by generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance.)

I am presenting this in a VIBRANT Incorruptible Pink Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for November 4, 2013

(Gain perspective on a difficult task and accomplish task at hand quickly and efficiently.)

I am presenting this in a Bubbly Yellow Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 31, 2013

(Feel ready, turn awkwardness into light fun, dispel fear and anxiety, enhance imagination and dreams, nourish ambition and get new ideas.)

I am presenting this in a Halloween GOLD Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 28, 2013

(Smile, enjoy what you are doing, turn on personality and feel good.)

I am presenting this in an Alleviate Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 24, 2013

(Be accepting, show special kindness, alleviate pain, find relief, dispel emotional and physical pain, release worries and feel relaxed.)

I am presenting this in a LOVE Bright Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 21, 2013

(Access Universal Knowledge, be aware of your singular place in the Universe, keep it going, pay close attention, increase focus on self.)

I am presenting this in an Innocent HEART Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 17, 2013

(Bring forth complete alignment, get energized, create greatness beyond possibility.)

I am presenting this in a Golden Sunrise Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 14, 2013

(Be innovative, harness unseen forces, rise above the pressure and move freely and unencumbered.)

I am presenting this in a BUBBLE Gum Pause Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 10, 2013

(Create possibilities, connect to the highest light and beauty within yourself, create greatness beyond possibility, enchant, thrill and excite, be a guiding light and show brilliance.)

I am presenting this in a GOLD STAR Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 7, 2013

(Transform thought into action, create a colorful conscious life, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.)

I am presenting this in a Violet Flood Forgiveness Energy Circle:

Kat's Switchphrase for October 3, 2013

(Progress, nourish ambition, stop procrastinating, analyzing, waiting, do it.)

I am presenting this in a Clarifying Power Sustaining Energy Circle:


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Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

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(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Switchwords ON Band

Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.