Regarding losing interest and not completing projects once started, first might I suggest that you stop bringing into the present and the future past actions - meaning you said "I have a problem with something I start and I lose interest in it."

Here the "syndrome" is perpetuated. By saying "I have a problem" the problem is brought from the past (I have done this before) to the now (I am doing it now). If it is your desire to get beyond this, one of the first and most important things to do is to put it into the past and let go of it in the now, thereby releasing it from the future.

When you let go of something, it opens up a space, a space which will be filled back up by something, so it is wise to have a replacement prepared for the opening space. What do you want to replace this behavior with? Perhaps completion, integrity in standing by your word with your actions?

Decide what it is that you want:
I want to complete projects I start.

Then DECLARE what you are doing based on that want:
I complete projects which I start.

Then stand in your integrity and DO what you said you were going to DO.

Enroll others in what it is you are doing by telling them what you are doing. This reaffirms to the Universe that you are indeed wanting what you say you are wanting. It also brings you to a place where you have others looking forward to you doing what you say you are doing. They are eager to see the completed project. The energy shifts to where you find yourself driven to do what you said you were going to do.

You will find that the more you DECLARE what you want by stating it as though you already are doing it, having it, being it, the more you feel an urge to DO it, and the easier it becomes to stand in your integrity and follow through.

Once you begin to DO what you say you are doing, you show the Universe that you stand by your words, and you will find that the Universe will then begin to assist you in bringing manifestation of the things you desire.

How can the Universe TRUST that you mean what you say when you vacillate?

Now Switchwords to help facilitate:

(Restore fairness and honesty [be what you say you are], balance energies, support [what you say you want], become a good leader, take responsibility [for fulfilling your promises], be in touch with your Inner Being [pay attention to the guide within who is trying to guide you to what you said you wanted], and take inspired action to create completion.)

Listen to Kat Talks Episode 13 - Finishing with Integrity


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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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