New Flower Energies and Blends

Flower Energy Blends are designed to work with the Flower Energies vial.
Flower Energies vial

Click here to buy the Flower Energies vial.
Click here for a list of Flower Energy Blends.
Click here for a list of  Flower Energy Formulas for specific situations.
Click here to read more about the Flower Energies vial.


DAW - Developed/Defined by Dawnalee Shields
KAT - Developed/Defined by Kat Miller

Newly Defined Flower Energies

Orchid Root (defined 3/13/13)
Positive Qualities:
Supports continual integration of new insights, new studies, and new experiences, which manifests as holistic wisdom; nourishes those born as Indigoes.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Fearful of higher consciousness, disconnected from intuition, disconnection from the divine; autistic characteristics; withdrawing as a way to avoid personal life’s purpose. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Bougainvillea (defined 3/13/13)
Positive Qualities:
Supports the creative process of writing, un-sticks writer’s block; supports creative attitude and perspective of those with physical performance handicaps.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Writes or speaks falsehoods in order to manipulate; feels overcoming personal challenges is worthless effort, morose, despairing when physical challenges arise. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Suvarnarekha Mango (defined 3/13/13)
Positive Qualities:
Easy going; not easily flustered; ability to calm chaos by sharing the bigger picture.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Difficult when circumstances get stagnant, agitates in complaining ways for change even while unable to adapt easily to change; miserly with resources. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Night-Flowering Jasmine (defined 3/13/13)
Positive Qualities:
Supports seeing beauty in all circumstances; nourishes those born as Crystals and Rainbows; teaches “let your light shine.”

Patterns of Imbalance:
Succumbing to jealousy; promoting violence to solve dilemmas. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Hyssop (defined 1/5/13)
Positive Qualities:
Embraces the sacred nature of deep personal change; heals the space previously held by habits that no longer serve.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feckless; mocking; disrespectful. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Aster (defined 1/3/13)
Positive Qualities:
Thoughtful; benevolent; mindful.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Distracted; agitated; carelessness in making decisions, ignoring red flags. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Carnation (defined 1/3/13)
Positive Qualities:
Steadfast, loyal; unconditional love.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Possessive; controlling in a subtle "for their own good" way. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Daffodil (defined 1/3/13)
Positive Qualities:
Radiant optimism; strong moral character tempered by compassion.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Harsh judgment; tendency to give up when desired results don't come easily or quickly. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Lily of the Valley (defined 1/3/13)
Positive Qualities:
Personality that "brightens the room;" gently persuasive especially in peacekeeping situations without compromising sound principles.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Constantly following the current fad or trend regardless of detriment; unwilling to define self, looking to the popular to provide substance. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Narcissus (defined 1/3/13)
Positive Qualities:
Champion of the underdog; creating solutions in alignment with highest good.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Failure to discern detrimental situations or identify conniving people; unwillingness to make a stand. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Newly Developed Flower Energy Blends

Armonie (February) (DAW)(defined 1/21/13)
Uses: Armonie is the French pronunciation of "harmonie" (harmony).  Armonie supports creating and sustaining harmonious relationships and interactions in life.

White Kukui

Transformation (Annual - 2013) (DAW)
Uses: Supports Transformation: A miraculous change in form, appearance, nature, and/or character.

Tone D

Love (January) (KAT)
Supports bringing one to a space where one can experience the world with love, fill the world with love, and simply be love. Use through January to align with the Month of Love.

California Wild Rose
Mariposa Lily

Appreciation (December) (KAT)
Supports appreciation of life as it unfolds, appreciation of the small things, as well as the bigger things in life. Helps one fill their life and feel their life with thankfulness, gratitude and appreciation. Use through December to align with the Month of Appreciation.

Green Cocoa Bean
Iris Blue Flag
Water Lily
Pink Comfort (Support Energy) 
Nourishing Light (Light Support Energy)

Forgiveness (November) (KAT)
Supports forgiveness, letting go of past traumas and opening yourself to just BEing. Use throughout November to align with the Month of Forgiveness

Green-Lipped Mussel
Milk Thistle

Tick Tock - Match the Clock (DAW)(created November 2, 2012)
Use: Use Tick Tock - Match the Clock when you have to deal with time shifts. This Flower Energy Blend is to help you adjust to the new time, whether it is a shift from Daylight Savings to Standard Time, from Standard Time to Daylight Savings, jet lag from travel or any other reason why your body is not in sync with the current time (zone).

Ginger Root
Sunlight (aligns you current geographical location)
Body Clock Adjustment (aligns you with current local time)

Flower Energy (FE)  vial Instructions:

1. Place FE vial on your chest (near thymus)

2. Lay your left hand flat across the vial

3. Call the Flower Energies (or Flower Energy Blend/Formula) you desire

4. Place right hand over left hand, close eyes and take 3 breaths (in and out)

For children (or others) unable to follow instructions:

1. Place FE vial on their chest (near thymus)

2. Call Flower Energies (or Flower Energy Blend/Formula) for them

3. Keep FE vial on their chest for at least 30 seconds

Call Flower Energy Blends/Formulas from the Flower Energies vial by name or by the Flowers listed in the Blend?Formula. When calling a Blend with *Spacer* listed in it, call the Blend by name (i.e., Center) to have Innate fill in the space according to individual need, or follow Inner Guidance (or muscle testing) to find the appropriate Flower Energy to fill the space according to individual need.


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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.