1) Cleansing The Etheric Body Through Physical Exercise

Do physical exercise for about five minutes. Doing physical exercise has a cleansing effect on the etheric body. Light grayish matter or used-up prana is expelled from the etheric body when exercising. Physical exercises have to be done to minimize possible pranic congestion since this meditation generates a lot of subtle energies in the etheric body.

2) Invocation For Divine Blessing

Invoke the Divine Blessings. Hindus pray for Shiva or Krishna or to the Guru, Christians to Jesus or Christ or Mary, Muslims to Allah, and Buddhists to Buddha. If you are eclectic, you may say, "To the Universal Supreme God." Use the following invocation: "To the Supreme God, I humbly invoke for divine guidance, divine love and illumination, divine oneness, divine bliss, divine help, and divine protection. With thanks and in full faith."

3) Connect The Tongue To The Palate
(Connecting the tongue to the palate completes the connection between the front and back energy channels of the aura, thus increasing the energy level and facilitating the circulation of energy during the meditation.)

4) Activating The Heart Chakra And Blessing The Entire Earth With Loving Kindness

I press my front heart chakra with my finger for a few seconds. This is to make concentration on the front heart chakra easier. I visualize a small earth, the size of a small ball, directly in front of me. I concentrate on the front heart chakra and bless the Earth with loving kindness at the same time visualizing pink light flowing from my heart chakra enveloping the entire earth. I use the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. I am aware of my heart and hands as I say silently the following:

To the Supreme God,
Make me an instrument of your peace. I feel the inner peace within me. I allow myself to be a channel of divine peace. I feel the peace within me. I let it flow to my arms, to my hands. I bless the Earth with peace. I gently and lovingly share this peace with the small earth in front of me. Where there is hatred, let me sow love. I feel the divine love within me. I allow myself to be a channel of divine love. I feel this love within me. I feel this love flowing from my heart, to my arms, flowing to the small Earth in front of me. I bless the Earth with peace and with love.

Where there is injury, pardon. I feel the spirit of reconciliation. I allow myself to be a channel of divine forgiveness, divine reconciliation. Bless the earth with the spirit of forgiveness, reconciliation, understanding, harmony and peace.

Where there is despair, hope; doubt faith. I feel the divine hope and faith. I allow myself to be a channel of divine hope and divine faith. I bless the Earth with hope and faith. I bless people who are having a difficult time with hope and faith. I silently tell them, "You can make it." I bless them with divine hope and divine faith and divine strength.

Where there is darkness, light; sadness, joy. I allow myself to be a channel of divine light and joy. I bless the entire Earth with divine light and joy. I bless people who are sad, depressed and in pain with divine light and joy. I fill them with light and joy.

5) Activating The Crown Chakra And Blessing The Earth With Loving-Kindness

I press the crown chakra with my finger for several seconds to facilitate concentration on the crown chakra and bless the entire Earth with loving-kindness while visualizing divine white light flowing from my crown and enveloping the earth in front of me. When my crown chakra is fully opened, I feel something blooming on top of the head and something pressing on the crown.

I use the following blessing:
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire Earth be blessed with loving-kindness.
I feel the divine love and kindness.
I allow myself to be a channel of divine love
and kindness and share these with the whole Earth.
I let the entire Earth be blessed with great joy and happiness.
I feel the joy and happiness and share these with the entire Earth.
I visualize people smiling, their hearts filled with joy and happiness.
From the center of the heart of God,
Let the entire Earth be blessed with
understanding, harmony, and divine peace.

I allow myself to be a channel of understanding, harmony and peace. I visualize people or nations that are on the verge of fighting or are fighting reconciling and living in harmony with each other. I visualize people putting down their arms, shaking hands and embracing each other. I let the entire Earth be blessed with goodwill and the will to do good. I imagine people not filled with good intentions, not only talking about doing something good, but also actually carrying out these good intentions. This is the meaning of the "will to do good."

6) I Meditate And Bless The Earth With Loving-Kindness Simultaneously Through My Heart and Crown Chakras

After my crown has been activated, I concentrate simultaneously on my crown chakra and my heart chakra, and bless the entire Earth with loving-kindness for a few minutes. This will align both chakras, thereby making the blessing more potent. I imagine the small Earth in front of me. I visualize a golden light from my hands going down to the Earth, filling the whole Earth with light and love.

I use the following blessing:
From the center of the heart of God, I let the entire Earth, every person, every being be blessed with divine love and kindness. I feel the divine love and kindness and share these with the whole Earth, every person and every being. I let the entire Earth, every person, and every being be blessed with divine sweetness, divine joy, with warmness, caringness and tenderness.

I feel the sweet, loving feeling and share it with the whole Earth. From the center of the heart of God, I let the entire earth, every person, and every being be blessed with inner healing, inner beauty, divine bliss and, divine oneness. I feel the divine bliss and divine oneness, and share these with every person and every being.

7) I Achieve Illumination-Meditation On The Light, On The Mantra OM And The Interval Between The Two OMs

I gently imagine a brilliant white light or golden light on crown. I look at it gently and lovingly. I feel the quality of the energy emitted by the light. I feel the inner peace, stillness and bliss emanating from the light. I am aware of the light, the inner stillness and the bliss. I gently and silently chant the mantra OM or Amen.


I continue meditating for about 10 minutes. Relax and let go.

8) I am Releasing Excess Energy By Blessing And By Rooting

After the meditation, I raise again both hands with palms facing outward. I imagine the Earth. I release the excess energy by blessing earth with light, loving-kindness, peace and prosperity for several minutes until my body has normalized. After releasing the excess energy, I bless specific persons, my family and friends. Next, I gently become aware of the base of my spine. I project my consciousness down into the Earth and imagine light descending into the Earth three meters or 10 feet deep.

9) I Give Thanks

After the end of the meditation, I always give thanks to the Divine Providence and to my spiritual guides for the divine blessing.

10) I Further Release Excess Energy Through More Physical Exercises And Massaging

I strengthen the visible physical through massage of different parts of my body and more physical exercises after the end of this meditation for about five minutes. The purpose is to further cleanse and strengthen my visible body since more used-up prana is expelled out of my body. This facilitates the assimilation of the pranic and spiritual energies, thereby enhancing my beauty and health..

Massaging and exercising after this meditation also reduces the possibility of pranic congestion or energy getting in certain parts of my body that may lead to illness. I also gradually cure myself of some ailments by doing exercises after doing the Twin Hearts Meditation.

It is very important to exercise after the meditation; otherwise, the visible body will inevitably be weakened. Although the etheric body will become very bright and strong, the visible physical body will become weak because it will not be able to withstand the leftover energy generated by the meditation in the long run.

Success Stories

A couple of time I did Twin Hearts Meditation at my office and the Divine energy is showered so gracefully that I was blessed with so much work in progress. I feel nice.

Ashmee Gohil

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