Behind the Scenes at Blue Iris Learning Center

Many may see Blue Iris Learning Center as all about me (Kat) and my work.  Blue Iris Learning Center, however, is a combined effort, with tools, ideas and feedback coming from many sources.  I wish to share with you about some of the major contributors to the tools you find here at Blue Iris Learning their own words.

From Rhoda Randhawa
I requested some of my friends, who have helped to BRING Blue Iris Learning Center to what you see today to remind me some of the wonderful tools they helped CREATE, helping US all LEARN, and expand our healing and life works.

What a great opportunity I have been given by Kat to contribute endlessly to our Blue Iris Learning Center.

I remember years back when there was a plan to have such a Center, Kat and I were working on the name we would give it. I suggested Blue Iris and Kat loved it.

It was exciting when Kat requested me to send information, articles and Ideas to plump up Blue Iris.

The Energy Circles were born when I sent her the two-circle method of sending remote Rescue Remedy vibrations.

I love creating various Energy Circles and naming them and sending them to Kat to ADD to the list.

I have suggested a good many Switchwords and Defusing Words to Kat as well...WATCHMAN...SANDPAPER...ABSOLVE ....are just examples.

There are times when I CREATE work for Kat. I very simply make up Switchphrases and leave the defining for her.

Sending testimonies of the Energy Vials has been helping as well. So many of our friends from India have been introduced to Kat for Personal Consultations. I help Kat with the sale of her Energy Vials in India. It is so much easier for people to make payments in Indian Currency and that is passed on to her by my husband.

We have often worked TOGETHER adding Healing Numbers from various sources to Energy Circles.

I have set many Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers across for addition.

I LOVE Supporting Blue Iris Learning Center in any way I can.

We GIVE to it and GET back 100 times more!

LOVE Blue Iris Learning Center!


Dr. Bina Bakshi
After having spoken to Shunyam Nirav who introduced the current crop of users to Switchwords, and having seen how Switchwords changed perceptions, circumstances, offered intense and automatic reversal of health issues the next step in managing the vagaries of life came from the all encompassing Energy Circles.

It was 2008-9 I was on a trip to the capital and was doodling, writing Switchwords on a blank sheet and encircling the words…Lo! Behold the issue that was being addressed seemed to wane off SOMEHOW.

I wrote to Kat Miller sending her an image of what seemed like a circle with rays.

Observations and further usage got us/me to understand that the circle has to have no breaks in its circumference, cannot have any words touching the edge/borders of the Circle or the rays, that no lines can be drawn through them and they can never be kept face down-if they are to succeed in working on the energy and vibrational quotient of the issue/person being addressed.

While the Energy Circles were being created only in black and white until then, I started using color pens and pencils to fill in the centre and the rays. Most of my therapeutic sessions involved having the consult make these Energy Circles with colored pens, pencils or colored chart paper stuck in different colors.

Using Yellow for example was working on healing digestive issues or control issues. Yellow was also helping in making a stagnant/inert person/issue pick up movement.

Blue was causing people to simmer down, settle in, and calm the nerves as it may be.

I hit upon the use of the colors Gold and Silver when I was working on something that was long term and infinitely immovable. Gold was making a permanent change possible and Silver was quickening the reception. I let Kat know about these effects and she researched to include the usage of Gold and Silver, defining their properties etc.

I found laminating the Energy Circles after drawing them kept them discharging their effect at the same frequency, intensity and rate, and their integrity was maintained. Otherwise due to dust, maybe water or other erosions the Energy Circle print was getting damaged.

Then came the Handprint Energy Circle, for things that just didn’t seem to be positively affected by other methods, as tried by the consults. Awry relationships, Inheritances, Intense Anger, Shame, losses etc. I used the Handprint Energy Circle extensively for seemingly unchanging situations and it helped resolve things for the users.

I worked on the Gratitude Energy Circle and Forgiveness Energy Circle to create concentric circles involving the colors of the Chakras - going from Violet to Red (Gratitude) and from Red to Violet (Forgiveness), with matter being written in every concentric circle or only in the centremost circle. When a planet or God or an angel has to be addressed, I find writing in the concentric outer circle of the Gratitude/Forgiveness Energy Circle addresses the power and gets the results we are looking for.

From these developed the Concentric Energy Circles concept...writing the name of Planet in outer circle, writing a focused intent/frequency in the outer circle.

Dr. Bina Bakshi


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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.