CRYSTAL-HORSE - increase self-confidence and self-worth

Try chanting CRYSTAL-HORSE whenever you need a boost in self-confidence or self-worth.

CRYSTAL helps to clarify the situation, connect to Universal Knowledge

HORSE connects you to your strengths, your power. Together this can be a very empowering Switchword combination.

CRYSTAL-HORSE can be added as a prefix to other Switchwords
to enhance your ability to connect with the essence of those Switchwords.

CRYSTAL-HORSE-ACT - increase self-confidence in speech.
Need to lead a discussion?
Have a meeting with a superior at work?

When you wish to present yourself well to others, chant CRYSTAL-HORSE-ACT a few times before (or just as you are) entering the situation.


CRYSTAL-HORSE-CHUCKLE - increase self-confidence and turn on personality.
Want to be the life of the party?
Want people to gravitate to you?
Want to make friends?

When you wish to turn on the charisma and increase your popularity in a group, chant CRYSTAL-HORSE-CHUCKLE as you are about to enter a situation with other people.


CRYSTAL-HORSE-LISTEN - increase self-confidence and self-worth by listening to (and following) Inner Guidance.
Feel disconnected from yourself, your world?
Having difficulty finding your way?
Decisions and choices seem impossible?
Always second-guessing yourself?

Chant CRYSTAL-HORSE-LISTEN for 2-3 minutes first thing in the morning, before getting out of bed, and allow yourself to connect. Then through the day, as you find yourself wavering, not knowing, chant CRYSTAL-HORSE-LISTEN a few times and connect to your Inner Guidance, self-confidence and self-worth.

CRYSTAL-HORSE can be used as a suffix to other Switchwords
to be enhanced by them.

VIBRANT-CRYSTAL-HORSE - be a strong presence with increased self-confidence and self-worth.
Want to stand out in a crowd, and feel confident while doing so?
Want to stand up for yourself?
Want to bring power and confidence to a situation?

Chant VIBRANT-CRYSTAL-HORSE to come into your power, stand up for yourself and stand out in a crowd.


WHIMSICAL-CRYSTAL-HORSE - be innovative with confidence.
Looking to bring new things into your life?
Want to come up with unique ideas in your work?
Want to create an event to remember?

Chant WHIMSICAL-CRYSTAL-HORSE to bring you to a creative space and give you the confidence to follow through on it.


YES!-CRYSTAL-HORSE - be enthusiastic, energized and full of self-confidence.
Need a shot of enthusiasm?
Life been a bit too boring lately?

Chant YES!-CRYSTAL-HORSE to help bring enthusiasm back and energize yourself and bring yourself to a space of self-confidence.


ELATE-CRYSTAL-HORSE - turn setbacks into uplifts, build self-confidence and self-worth.
Been having a lot of setbacks affecting your self-confidence?
Feel like everything is going wrong?
Life seem to be pushing you around?

Chant ELATE-CRYSTAL-HORSE to find a way to turn those setbacks into uplifts and to help restore your self-confidence.

CRYSTAL-HORSE can be sandwiched between Switchwords
for a powerful statement.

VIBRANT-CRYSTAL-HORSE-ACT - be a strong presence with increased confidence and self-worth as you express yourself well.

Take these for a spin. See how they work for you. Let us know your experiences.

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What people are saying about CRYSTAL-HORSE

May 5, 2011 (From Blue Iris Forum)

Hi Kat,
Want to share my experiences today. After hearing Kat discuss VIBRANT-CRYSTAL HORSE-ACT, I decided to FOCUS on this SWP this morning. 1st. I finally ordered business cards for my jewelry making business. Just did it. Amazed myself. 2nd Engaged in a terrific business conversation with a local shop owner, she offered to help me with pricing. Listing all expenses, my personal time, cost of beads etc. 3rd. Was asked to participate in fund raising event for my grandaughter's school. 4th Played some really uplifting music and kept moving.

WOW....I've been sailing along on a wave of VIBRANT-CRYSTAL HORSE-ACT.

Hope your day is as JOYful.




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