Kat Thoughts 2019-2021

December 19, 2021

A Switchwords song I wrote today, to be sung to the tune of Jolly Old St. Nicholas.




Jelly INTEND Zen.


Switchphrase Definitions:

Create enjoyment, shine under pressure for enduring rewards, create significant modifications, enjoy whatever you are doing and unify.

Gather remaining details to promote dispelling anger and resentment quickly.

Progress, clear space for new ideas and positive focuses, be aware of your singular place in the Universe, be your authentic self, the world is better because you are here, enjoy whatever you are doing, reduce tension and relax.

Simply slide around what may seem an insurmountable obstacle, open additional choices and take a new course, create miraculous endeavors, smoothing the rough spots and being merciful.

Allow yourself to overcome the pain of trauma of transformation and change, calm down and simplify things, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, turn awkwardness into light fun, be alert and in advance, end hesitation and finally grasp potential possibilities.

Act on good impulse, feel peace, warmth, and comfort, and gain greater spiritual insights into daily life, shine under pressure for enduring rewards and feel joy.

Clear confusion, release the past and be in the now, surround and engulf unwanted energies and remove them, manifest and go to the extreme in being at peace and maintaining wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.

Jelly Blue Goo Zen.
See through the situation and get a feel for what is on the other side, get clarity of thought, allow for shifting of ideas, create a plan, and give a focus for attention to switching to a watchful, aware, meditative state and allowing life to simply flow.

The Timeline that Made Switchwords Worldwide
December 11, 2021

Today I am giving you a short synopsis of experiences that brought me to where I am today, and how Switchwords came to BE shared worldwide. Remember, everything that happens in your life experience is built upon previous experiences, and what may feel extremely negative as you are experiencing it may turn out to BE a CATALYST that brings something in the future that you could never have predicted.

My daughter had massive allergies in 2002. These eventually led me to Total Body Modification (TBM).

TBM led me away from allopathy and opened me to many previously unseen possibilities.

Through TBM I met people who taught me how to CREATE energy vials.

Dr. Victor Frank, founder of TBM told me that Dr. Mercola took TBM years ago, so I heard of him through TBM.

I first found the Emotional Freedom Techniques discussed ON Dr. Mercola's website.

I created the Emotional Freedom vial using what I learned through TBM and Gary Craig's EFT.

David Wilson shared Nirav's electronic book, Switchwords - Easily Give to You Whatever You Want in Life, WITH me. After reading about REACH and seeing how it covered almost everything in one of the files I had linked to the Emotional Freedom vial, I bought the book, joined Nirav's Yahoo group, and dived DEEP into Switchwords.

Along the way, Rhoda and I met at a Bach Flowers group, and she brought all of India along FOR the ride.

Back in 2010, When Yahoo had a format CHANGE which became less than easy FOR me to deal WITH I decided to joined Facebook, specifically because I wanted to spread Switchwords. (I had ignored invites to Facebook FOR years. It took Switchwords and a yearning to share them to GET me to join.)

NOW look at what we have! Switchwords have spread all AROUND the world. Many who found US ON Facebook have been sharing and expanding the Switchword audience.

TRICKLE ON Switchwords!.

Share and give get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce.


Let GO to ALLOW Manifestation
November 24, 2021

Query: Does "let go" matter in wish fulfillment?

Kat: It can make a very big difference. You place the order, what you want, then assume it is ON its way. No need to KEEP focusing ON it and noticing it is not there yet (which connects you to lack, which slows manifestation).

CONSIDER...at a restaurant you place an order and then you focus ON other things, after a while the order you placed magically appears while you were focused elsewhere.

State what you want, then let GO to ALLOW it to come to you.

Additional thoughts I have regarding wishes, wants and needs:


As humans there are basic things we all need.
We need food.
We need shelter.
We need air.
We need LOVE and human Contact.

Pretty much everything else is a want or a wish.

A wish is something you would like to have, but you don't necessarily support it WITH action. Say you wish to fly an airplane. Will you DO whatever it takes to become a PILOT? If not, it remains a wish. It may or may not BE fulfilled.

A want is something you would like to have, and are willing to TAKE action to support achieving or having it. Perhaps you want to BE a teacher. If you this is a goal you have, something you want, you DO the things required to make it happen. You study, LEARN how to teach...you DO what it takes to become the teacher you want to BE. If you are not willing to SUFFER through what it takes to BRING what you want to you, it is not a want; it is a wish.

Do what needs doing to complete the deed, manifest your heart’s desires, immerse in building ambition, passion, resilience and tenacity, connect to your inner strength and persevere, maintain focus on the end goal and deliver the goods.


A Conversation WITH  a Friend About Their  Father Passing
October 31, 2021

My father was my hero. I loved him so much. Ever since he is not by my side now, I feel no love around.

Just because one has transitioned doesn't mean their energy no longer exists.

Your father chose to have you.
He chose to BE there and teach and GIVE to you.
How lucky you are that he chose to BE everything he was to you!
DO you throw it all away because he is not here to CONTINUE giving to you?
Is that what he wanted?

What did he teach you?
Did he teach you LOVE?
Did he teach you how to BE happy?
Did he teach you to live in JOY?
Did he teach you that family is important?
Did he teach you that people are important?
Did he teach you that you are important?

What else did he teach you?
What else did he GIVE you?

So is there a reason why you would want to throw away all those gifts?
Are you upset that he no longer gives you gifts?

Live the legacy your father gave to you WITH your whole HEART.

CHOOSE-RAINBOW-Carpe Diem-Serendipity-Kaleidoscope-CREAM-HEART.
Release old pains, create a colorful conscious life, seize the day, the moment, and BE in the NOW, live in the moment, see beyond the current focus, open blind spots, make connections, form new bridges of thought, discern new paths for discovery and bring pleasant surprises and fortunate happenstances, often when least expected, increase feeling of beauty, self-worth, confidence and purpose, see that you can take control of your life and create the changes you desire yourself, create bonds with your soul, and center in joy.


Newly Defined Defusing Word: Kaizen
October 20, 2021

Today we added the Defusing Word Kaizen to our tools! Many THANKS to Manjiri Paranjpe FOR bringing Kaizen to US, and to her and Rhoda Randhawa FOR helping define it!

Kaizen Kaizen is for defusing and releasing feelings of lack of growth, disappointment, failure, directionless, bringing focus to the task at hand with diligence and cooperation. Kaizen is for defusing and releasing anxiety, need to blame others, circumstances, and simply take action. Kaizen is for defusing and releasing thinking that it is useless, nothing can happen here (or anywhere in life), opening new perspectives and allowing for new lines of thought. Kaizen helps defuse and release fear of change causing half-hearted attempts to improve life circumstances, giving one focus and dedication. Kaizen helps defuse and release separatism, jealousy and need to degrade efforts of others, bringing together teams, helping each other find solutions and solve challenges, allowing all to grow from the experience. Kaizen reminds us that each small step taken leads us closer to our goals, helping to achieve even large, complex tasks. (added October 20, 2021, defined by Manjiri Paranjpe, Rhoda Randhawa and Kat Miller)

**Kaizen also became the 27,000th entry in the Switchwords Database today!**

It is absolutely AMAZING to WATCH these special words come to US and blossom into such beautiful, helpful tools.

Look AROUND you...DO you see what I see?
October 18, 2021

I see that man thinks perfection is in straight lines, exactly round circles, PERFECT triangles, etc.

And I see that nature thinks that imperfection is PERFECT.

FIND me a perfectly straight tree trunk, a perfectly round Rock, anything in nature that is held to the standard man tries to HOLD himself to...you can't.

In fact, we know instantaneously if something is from nature or from man (unless man is striving to emulate nature), because man tends to believe it's not PERFECT unless it's PERFECT, and nature knows that perfection is in imperfection.

My daughter once said... PERFECT is always in imPERFECT.

You are the PERFECT you FOR NOW, and in the future you will CONTINUE to BE the PEREFECT you, but that PERFECT you will probably BE at least a little bit different than the PERFECT you you are right NOW.

In my eyes (and, I believe in nature's eyes) you are absolutely PURRFECT, especially in all your imperfections.

Some of My Thoughts About Masters
May 29, 2021

From a conversation WITH a friend about Switchwords "Masters."

Friend: I contacted a master here near by me, who provides Switchwords and Switchcodes. I told him about my situation (having failed an exam several times). He told me that it's not in my destiny to clear that exam.

Kat: In my opinion, a Switchwords "Master" is someone who helps you FIND ways to GET beyond the blocks that have stood in the way of you achieving what you want in life, and it is never the job of any Master to tell someone what is or is not their "destiny."

Switchwords are about helping you CREATE your own destiny.

We may have obstacles to overcome that others have not had. There may BE things that have stood in your way, but ultimately we are the ones who make our destiny.

If someone tells you what your destiny is, please remember, that is only their opinion. You can CHOOSE to make them right by believing them, or you can write your own destiny.

It is not a Master's job to shatter your world!

If you EVER ask a "Master" FOR Switchwords HELP and they tell you what you want is not in your destiny, perhaps it is time to FIND a real Master.


It's Switching Switches Time Again!
Kat Miller
April 6, 2021

So much to be done right now, meticulous work, repetitive too.
NEXT is the Switchword here now for you.

You've been so shy, you've held yourself back, not flourishing or thriving, behind a façade you would cower.
The Switchword to open up to the world and share you Inner Beauty is FLOWER.

You want it ready now, impossible achieved, a joyful surprise, finally understood.
VOILÀ makes it magically appear, a wonderful accomplishment, something you thought you never could.

Hold fast to commitments, ambition you build, with passion, resilience and tenacity you persevere.
It's GRIT that connects you to your inner strength, overcoming obstacles, and achieving the end goal my dear.

I want to fit in, but I want to stand out, a good first impression and to get noticed I want.
To stand apart from the rest and all of the above, it's clear that I want to be ELEGANT.

You want to produce and create something of rare value.
PEARL is the Switchword I now give to you.

You need to perk up, pay attention to your surroundings, increase awareness.
ALERT is the Switchword that gives you all of this.

You need to decide and hold true to your word, stand inside your decision.
Use RESOLVE to make up your mind and hold true to your position.

It feels so evil, so negative and contrary.
Use SAGE to remove it from the energy you carry.

You want meeting of the minds, everyone to benefit.
RENDEZVOUS is the Switchword you want, a perfect fit.

The conversation's gone cold, the audience is untouched and won't hush.
Enliven the gathering, bring warmth with a BLUSH.

Are there other perspectives? Are you missing subtleties?
OWL comes to the rescue, see what OWL sees.

Fellow Switchworders
April 5, 2021

Fellow Switchworders, remember this day: April 5, 2007

April 5, 2007 was the day my world, my Universe, your world changed, FOREVER.

We never know what impact a single action or experience will have ON our lives, our world, our Universe.

At the time I had no Idea what the impact of what happened would have ON me, my would, my Universe, your world. Since then, however, the significance of that date has come very CLEAR.

So Kat, what is it? What happened ON April 5, 2007 that had such a far-reaching impact?

ON April 5, 2007, David Wilson, a dear friend of mine in Toronto, Canada hooked me UP WITH Shunyam Nirav's book, "Switchwords - Easily Give to You Whatever You Want in Life."

Pretty SIMPLE - it's just a book.

Reading through that book, I had an immediate alignment WITH Switchwords. I joined Nirav's Yahoo group. Switchwords felt PERFECT. What a tool! I first started adding them to my Emotional Freedom vial work, but they were powerful in their own rite, even without the vial. I dove headlong into Switchwords – we were (and STILL are) one, Switchwords and I.

At the time I was doing weekly Skypecasts – one of the first available free discussion platforms that allowed phone conversations and live chat BETWEEN people all AROUND the world – and ON my April 7th Skypecast I introduced Switchwords.

Unbeknownst to me at that time, a NEW AMAZING movement began that day.

We lost Nirav in March 2008, and having been a Moderator FOR his group, I took it ON, and continued to expand his work, eventually establishing Blue Iris Learning Center ON April 24, 2010, as a way to REACH more people, and opening the current Main Switchwords group ON Facebook - May 4, 2011.

Blue Iris Learning Center - http://blueiris.org/community/

Facebook Switchwords Main Group - http://www.facebook.com/groups/SwitchwordsMainGroup

We NOW have more than 86,000 group members, and there are many people who have moved ON, opening their own groups, pages, workshops and other avenues FOR sharing Switchwords. Virtually all can trace their roots back to Blue Iris Learning Center and/or the Main Switchwords Facebook group. What JOY it is to see Switchwords EVER expanding and helping people worldwide.

Though we don’t have the exact dates available to celebrate James T. Mangan’s discovery of Switchwords, his book, “The Secret of Perfect Living” was introduced in 1963, and we don’t know what day Shunyam Nirav decided he wanted to BRING the focus back to Switchwords, which he told me he was afraid we would lose the technology if he didn’t DO something, and then wrote his book, which he published in 2006, those TOO are very significant rungs ON the Switchwords ladder which has brought US to where we are today.

From all of US Switchworders, THANKS Switchwords, FOR making our days, our lives SHINE ON.

Give and receive complete acceptance with Switchwords for enduring rewards.


Transmuting a Switchwords Request to FIND a Switchphrase
February 4, 2021

Below is a conversation Manjiri and I had today. I thought it was a PERFECT example of how to transmute a focus from including a negative focus to only what you want, then FIND a Switchphrase to support the desire.

Manjiri: There's cut-throat competition in all fields - A Switchphrase to grow & prosper despite it.

Kat: The supposition sets UP the need. You can't FIND a Switchphrase FOR a cut-throat competition because the statement itself sets UP the same.

Manjiri: Ok let me word it better... To overcome stiff competition?

Kat: Maybe to BE the stiff competition? I'm having difficulty WITH the competition...What if there is no competition? What if it is about growing and prospering, period.

Manjiri: Will explain ...NOW it's all about PR Marketing how you promote yourself. Talent & dedication is secondary.

Kat: So again, there is no competition. There just is what is.

Manjiri: So I just say to grow & prosper?

Kat: Yes, and you want to SHOW you have a unique ability to serve.

Manjiri: Ahh ok... To grow & prosper to SHOW you have a unique ability to serve.

Kat: How beautiful that feels.

Manjiri: CUT out the negative. Got it.

Kat: Exactly.

Manjiri: We say things - don't realize it. THANKS.

Kat: We are taught that from the cradle.

Manjiri: Yes

Start good habits, prosper, discover and grow, handle success and prosperity, promote bringing about prosperity and abundance, get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce, be attractive, appealing, get everyone to stop and take notice, everything including all connected.

Kat Thoughts is NOW ON YouTube!
August 23, 2020

A little more than a month ago, I began doing Kat Thoughts YouTube videos, addressing CONCERNS brought to me by people at the Facebook Switchwords group - http://www.facebook.com/groups/SwitchwordsMainGroup/

Currently, we have 13 Episodes available, WITH additional videos uploaded frequently. This is a link to the YouTube Channel - 77 Media - where you will FIND all of these videos:

Below is a listing of the videos currently available:

Kat Thoughts Episode 1: How Did Blue Iris Learning Center Start?

Kat Thoughts Episode 2: How to use Switchwords

Kat Thoughts Episode 03: How to select and use Switchwords

Kat Thoughts Episode 04: Introduction to Energy Circles

Kat Thoughts Episode 05: Abundance

Kat Thoughts Episode 06: Significance of violet in energy work

Kat Thoughts Episode 07: Creating an Abundance Energy Circle For YOU!

Kat Thoughts Episode 8: Clear the negative, make way for your Abundance!

Kat Thoughts Episode 9: Release Anxiety and Stress

Kat Thoughts Episode 10: People's Names as Switchwords

Kat Thoughts Episode 11: More Names That Can Be Used as Switchwords

Kat Thoughts Episode 12: Begin to Fix Your Relationships

Kat Thoughts Episode 13: Working on Personal Relationships

I TRUST you will enjoy these videos and look forward to making more.

Share and give get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce, clear and open lines of communication to Source and Spiritual communication.


Did you know that we currently have 307 Open Switchwords freely available?
April 28, 2020

The list of all Switchwords, including Universal (there are 125 Universal Switchwords) and Open Switchwords is available at http://sw.blueiris.org

This list a a compilation of Switchword presented to US by James T. Mangan, Shunyam Nirav and friends and colleagues of Blue Iris Learning Center.

All Open Switchwords listed were freely given by their contributors. Though the names of all the contributors would TAKE a lot of extra space at the Switchwords list, the contributors are listed in the Switchwords Database (ON subscription) at Blue Iris Learning Center.

As Shannon Phoenix once said...the basic information is (and always has been) all available FOR free at Blue Iris Learning Center, "hand-holding extra."

Subscriptions to Blue Iris Learning Center HELP support the things we OFFER you FOR free.

Feel cherished, clear and open lines of communication to Source and Spiritual communication for enduring rewards that keep on giving, bringing new ideas, nourishing ambition, building and producing.


Happy 10th Birthday to Blue Iris Learning Center!
April 24, 2020

I LOVE what we have become throughout the last 10 years.

Blue Iris was created ON April 24, 2010, at the behest of a number of members of the Yahoo Switchwordsgroup (no longer available). People told me I was too DYNAMIC to DO a monthly newsletter. They wanted to hear from me often and see the work CONTINUE to grow.

I chose to CREATE a community FOR articles, and a Forum FOR discussions.

Both have gown UP through the years. We NOW have hundreds of articles at the Blue Iris Community, and the Forum has more than 1000 Energy Circles available to subscribing members.

I chose to OPEN a Switchwords group ON Facebook in 2011, as I wished to expand Switchwords, allowing more and more people to LEARN about them.

We have freely given Switchwords, Defusing Words, and much, much more to the Facebook groups, and ON Blue Iris, and have compiled additional very complex and time intensive work FOR people ON subscription.

It is because of Blue Iris Learning Center that thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people NOW know about Switchwords, WITH more learning about them every day.

It is through your continued support of Blue Iris, WITH subscriptions and contributions that we have been able to CONTINUE growing and giving to the world. Thank you all so very much.

I had a lot of fun creating the attached Energy Circle. My husband (bless his beautiful being) prepared the center image FOR me and I coined the phrase and created the Energy Circle.

It is rare that I step outside the Energy Circle colors offered in Energy Circle Creator, but I thought it would BE cool to use some custom colors (which can also BE easily used in ECC).

Share and give get new ideas, nourish ambition, build and produce, clear and open lines of communication to Source and Spiritual communication.


Newly Defined Defusing Word: Mustard
April 22, 2020

(added 4/22/20, defined by Manjiri Paranjpe, Stuti Singh, Mahathi Ramakirshna, Archana Agarwal, Simran Halwasiya, Alisha Merchant, Rachita Saha and Kat Miller)

Mustard helps defuse and release melancholy, mourning losses, grief and lost faith, helping to restore faith in yourself, life and Source, allowing one to loosen up and breathe easier.

Mustard is for defusing and removing obstacles, negative energies and vibrations, purifying personal energies, opening to manifestation, bringing upliftment and joy in life. Mustard helps temper (soften) and defuse anger, sadness and gloom, bringing sudden calmness, and peaceful resolution to conflicts.

Mustard reminds you to scatter the small joys you find throughout your lives and share them with others. Mustard defuses lackluster and helps to bring new zeal and spice into your life. Mustard reminds you to take small steps, one at a time, to reach your goals.


Many THANKS to Stuti FOR allowing me to TAKE Mustard a couple of the Blue Iris-GOLD Workshops and enlist students to HELP US define Mustard.

Here We are Switching Switches Once More
April 5, 2020

Release guilt, release blame, obtain a waiver, make it all dissolve.
The Switchword you're seeking here is simply ABSOLVE.

You want to travel with ease, widen horizons, expand and explore.
VISA is the Switchword for all this with opportunities galore.

I want transportation, I need a ride right now.
The Switchword ON will take care of you somehow.

It's time to open yourself, choose to be seen, to unfurl.
ENHANCE is your Switchword, give it a whirl.

Follow inner guidance and allow yourself to know the way.
Your Switchword is GUIDE to help with this today.

I want new ideas, ambition to build and produce.
ON is your Switchword to give you the juice.

I want to consciously create a colorful life, fulfill my promises and dreams.
Switch it with RAINBOW to accomplish this, to go to extremes.

Confidence has been lagging, feeling weak, everyone else will override.
Flip the Switch with WOLF to increase stamina, friendly dominance, and to know you can decide.

I just don't know, need more clarity, clear the negativity, the future is unsure.
Switch it with CRYSTAL for clairvoyance, Universal Knowledge, neutralizing, and finding the cure.

Feeling separated, apart from others and yourself too.
UNCLE will Switch that and bring more togetherness to you.

I want a great victory, to achieve and to win.
The Switchword is TRIUMPH to see the achievement come in.

Comprehension is lacking, so complex and hard to understand.
Switch it with FATHOM to grasp it more deeply, knowledge now at your command.

Dealing WITH the Current (Novel coronavirus) Situation
March 27, 2020

I apologize to all of you who are not ON Facebook, FOR having delayed posting this here ON Blue Iris. I very frequently post at Kat Thoughts ON Facebook - http://facebook.com/KatThoughts - and you're welcome to follow that page, as it is very DYNAMIC. Also, the post there has been frequently updated, giving more Switchphrases FOR additional requests.  GET a more complete list there.

Many THANKS to Manjiri Paranjpe, Stuti Singh and Rhoda Randhawa FOR their HELP in finding focuses and contributions to this post. This is a combined effort.

We all are acutely aware of the precautions to BE taken during the Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic - social distancing, frequent hand-washing, etc., and things to HELP MAINTAIN a healthy immune system - drinking plenty of water (warm water may HELP prevent the virus from invading the body), eating healthy foods (skip the junk food), and GET daily direct sunshine (not just sunlight).


A few suggestions to HELP deal WITH the current (and any future difficult) situation:

When one experiences something that creates terror within them, the Thymus is compromised and goes out of BALANCE. Recent events have created terror in many people. Tapping ON the center of the chest (OVER the Thymus) helps RELEASE terror and rebalance the Thymus. One suggestion is to lightly tap if it is before noon, and gently pat if it is past noon.

Stuti suggested US using the Defusing Word Genesa Crystal as well:

Genesa Crystal is for defusing and releasing atmospheric negativity and heaviness, allowing for cleansing and rebalancing of the environment. Genesa Crystal transmutes and neutralizes negative energy flow, creating a light, positive space. Genesa Crystal helps defuse and release emotional and mental negativity, conflict and discord. Genesa Crystal helps remove unbalanced, discordant and/or scrambled energy and bring renewed and refreshed vital energy to the environment around us.

We can combine Genesa Crystal and the Thymus Tap/Pat, repeating Genesa Crystal while tapping the Thymus to HELP in clearing negativity, and BRING renewed and refreshed vital energy in.


Another tool suggested by Manjiri, outside of Switchwords, that is available to everyone, is the Positive Vibrations to Troubled Beings and Earth Trauma file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial.

Use this file to send out positive thoughts, vibrations and love to help heal other beings in emotional trouble, as well as to help heal Mother Earth from trauma. This file can be accessed and run by anyone anytime through the virtual Emotional Freedom vial, whether one owns the Emotional Freedom vial or not.***insert EF vial pic***

To access this file:

1) Visualize the Emotional Freedom vial (picture above) in the middle of your chest.
2) Place your left open palm over the visualized vial, say "Positive Vibrations."
3) Place your right palm flat across the back of your left hand.
4) Close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths in and out.


Rhoda suggests also using the Bach Flower Remedies:

Rock Rose
Rescue Remedy

Homeopathic Vibration Rates FOR these two Bach Flower Remedies are:

Rock Rose

Rescue Remedy


NOW, to Switchwords...

Here we are presenting Switchwords to HELP address emotional CONCERNS in the current situation. Below are CONCERNS brought to US, and Switchphrases to HELP relieve them.


Be a comforting presence, create healing focuses, find solutions, be inspired, preserve personal safety, inherent timeless wellness, allow nature to provide the way for peaceful abundant living, and allow for natural protection.


*Fear about the future:*

Dispel fear, nervousness and anxiety, look to the future, align energies, seeing beyond the current focus, opening blind spots, making connections, forming new bridges of thought, discerning new paths for discovery and bringing pleasant surprises and fortunate happenstances, often when least expected.


*How to handle the overall situation:*

Look within the details, improve focus, find direction, defuse confusion, frustration and overwhelm, maintain focus and peaceful awareness wherever you are and whatever you are doing, maintain equilibrium and balance, methods for creating tranquility, stability and order where unruly chaos was.



Feel peace, gratitude and appreciation, awaken appreciation for the present moment, give and receive complete acceptance, defuse chronic inflammatory thoughts and irritations, defuse and release resentment and old pains, defuse deep depression, feeling unloved, unappreciated, uncared for, and feelings of wanting to give up on life, and have a sense of fulfillment, love and appreciation.



Take on responsibility for yourself, pay primary concern, defuse careless regard for Nature including wilderness and domestic living things, support responsible stewardship of Earth, its creatures, waters, and flora, feel and express gratitude for your bountiful gifts that nourish your senses, your wellness, and your enjoyment, be at peace and maintain wellness, defuse unforgiveness, taking things personally and overreacting, let go of old wounds and take responsibility for your actions, open up to forgiveness, benevolence, and generosity.



Release negative connotations, connect to the highest light and beauty within yourself, defuse self-ruining, self deprecating thoughts and low self-esteem, defuse stubbornness, holding on, and stuck situations, allow you to love yourself, exactly as you are, bring solidarity and unity in social relationships, as well as your relationship with yourself.


*To tide OVER when one has to STAY Home*

STAY-Home-Fountain-Serendipity-Oompa Loompa-DANCE-TOGETHER.
Remain undisturbed, feel secure, let down your guards and feel free to be yourself, connect to Source, have faith in the future, trust in the life cycle and a knowing that all can be, is and ever will be well, defuse need for rigid adherence to conventional behavior, open to having fun within established boundaries regardless of circumstances, feel joy, have it all together and become single-minded.


*To HELP work in our favor so everything gets normalized*

Negotiate successfully, gather serenity and strength, create supportive impact, open up to the world after having been unnoticed, allow yourself to overcome the pain of trauma of rebirth, connect to humanity with kindness, see and feel the good of humanity, restore humane human connections, equitable combining and distribution of resources, time, expertise, meeting of the minds to mutual benefit, be at peace and maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.


*To have groceries & food FOR the NEXT 21 days WITH EASE*

Increase endurance, immerse in connect with inexhaustible abundance, an overflowing supply, calm down and simplify this.


*Please remind yourself to BE grateful today, how privileged are we that during a global pandemic we can stay warm at Home, reading, working, still being educated, creating, talking to our loved ones with little worries and a fridge stocked with food.*

Awaken appreciation for the present moment, feel peace, gratitude and appreciation, smooth the rough spots and be merciful.


*Any Switchword for family members who are not following lock-down strictly? They do not understand importance of lock-down.*

Fix this, adapt, remain undisturbed, be still, preserve personal safety, be at peace and maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, feel secure, let down your guards and feel free to be yourself, stop worrying about how others see you, and relax into just being, be at peace and maintain wellness.
(Given by Stutii Siingh)


*How does one say in a Switchphrase... TAKE it one day at a time?*

Also FOR testing times, losing one's patience, keeping one's spirit UP and keeping it all TOGETHER. Carpe Diem-ALLOW-Serendipity-JASMINE-LISTEN-BE.
Defuse and release grief, despair and lackluster in the life experience, seize the day, the moment, and BE in the NOW, live in this moment, discover and make available seeing beyond the current focus, open blind spots, make connections, form new bridges of thought, discern new paths for discover and bring pleasant surprises and fortunate happenstances, often when least expected, release the past and be in the now, clear confusion, in touch with nature and your inner knowing, be at peace and maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
(Suggested by Manjiri D Paranjpe)


Financial Freedom Switchphrase
March 9, 2020

Yahoo recently closed their groups, including one that Shunyam Nirav set UP to support his book, Switchwords - Easily Give to You Whatever You Want in Life, which I joined back in 2007, and maintained after his death in 2008.

I have digests of the post from there that I had had sent to me from the group from the time I joined it, and thought it would BE fun to GO back and look at some of the GOLD shared there. The following is from a post I made there back April 17, 2007 (a couple of weeks after I found Switchwords).


I've been editing my files for my EF vial and just added one to my Financial Freedom and Goal Setting file (now called Abundance, Success, Financial Freedom & Goal Setting) that I thought others might be interested in:


CANCEL - to clear all negative energy that has been placed in the psyche regarding money.

FORGIVE - to quell the need for revenge that often is a reason why people seek money and yet cannot seem to get it

GIVE - to sell whatever their wares are for making the money

SCHEME - this goes beyond advertise because it is combined with...BETWEEN and WAIT

BETWEEN - to enhance telepathy to discover what is needed to sell your wares and enhance the advertisements

WAIT - to learn how to utilize the secrets learned with BETWEEN

COUNT - reap the benefits of SCHEME-BETWEEN-WAIT and make money

LOVE - return love to the universe, source and fellow beings for the abundance that is coming to you

PRAISE - be beautiful, stop being critical.....and....get this.....because the vial cycles back through the phrase again and again...PRAISE begins to also help CANCEL the negative energy...and so on.

Wow! To say that the Switchphrases ADD more power to the Switchwords and make the total more than the sum of its parts is a major understatement!

What fun I am having!


Proxy versus Surrogate Article Updated
March 2, 2020

I felt it was important to ADD the following information to the Proxy versus Surrogate article at:

Below are additional thoughts added there:

We don't encourage proxy chanting by strangers who are taking money FOR proxy chanting.


  1. Energy Circles are a very effective way of sending the energy to the person named inside them. They also have the ability to send Switchphrases and Healing Numbers directly to the person:

    Energy Circles don't require continuous DEEP ATTENTION ON what is inside them, as is required when someone does proxy chanting.

  2. If the person is not a close family member or friend (whom one often can easily Connect WITH), without confirmation of a connection WITH the person FOR whom one is chanting, the chanting may DO nothing. I, personally, have often had to GET more information ON a person than just their name, date and place of birth to work remotely WITH them. I always verify the connection prior to doing my work.

  3. The person doing the chanting must BE completely trustworthy. If doing it FOR payment, the focus may BE more about generating income than doing the chanting, and there is a high risk of them either not actually doing it and claiming they did or cutting the session short.

  4. What is chanted proxy may BE very limited. How easily DO you GET lost in trying to repeat the same thing again and again just FOR a few minutes? What if it is several Switchwords and Healing Numbers you are trying to remember and chant?

    I know, chanting FOR myself, I often have gotten lost as to where I am and how many times I've repeated, and I've been doing this work FOR more than 12 years!


Please BE cautious about choosing to hire someone to DO proxy chanting FOR you. Though sometimes a person may see changes and improvements through this method, it is highly likely it is the belief that brings it to them, as the mind is a powerful creator.



Switchword Thoughts
(Why DO you see Switchwords elsewhere that are not ON the Blue Iris lists?)
February 22, 2020

Throughout the years, we have had people present words not listed at Blue Iris Learning Center as Switchwords, sometimes WITH less than desirable results. This is why I always test words brought to me as possible Switchwords (I use Reflex Muscle Testing to determine if words are Switchwords or Defusing Words, as well as what the Switchword/Defusing Word definitions are) before adding them to our listing.

Years ago someone introduced "cling" as a Switchword, and as they defined it they warned that you need to be careful when you use it, because whatever your focus is, it will come to you.  Switchwords don't come WITH warnings like that.

In fact, shortly after "cling" was introduced, someone using it said that they were having a lot of success in attracting back their ex, but they also said that there seemed to be a stalker following them as well. It seemed that "cling" may have helped attract back what they wanted, but it also seemed to attract something that they had focused ON that they didn't want as well.

An article at Blue Iris Learning Center that gives deeper information regarding "cling" is at:

We have also seen some additional words introduced as Switchwords at outside sites, not associated WITH Blue Iris Learning Center, sometimes WITH definitions that don't ALIGN WITH what I see.

A few additional words that people have shared OVER time, which don't test out as Switchwords to BE added to our lists, have included:

golden (which gives the appearance of gold, but not the integrity; doesn't continue to shine under pressure; and can be illusionary)

bloom (once brought to me as a suggested Switchword, points me right back to FLOWER)(please note that Switchwords are very precise, and often even the form of the word can make a difference)

vote (which seems to give away your power to someone else; to make the majority rule whether good or bad; and since voting is often done in secret where nobody knows who voted which way it may also hide real intentions)

sweat (brings first to my mind "sweatshops" which are all about forced labor in difficult, dangerous, poor and/or sometimes illegal conditions; often perimenopausal and postmenopausal women have night sweats, which may be caused by hormonal imbalances; sweating can be a good thing, as it does allow the body to cool down at times of heavy exercise and help prevent heat exhaustion)(Sweat did later SHOW UP as a Defusing Word - Sweat defuses and releases laziness, inertia, excuses and unwillingness to put forth extra effort when required. Sweat defuses and releases feelings of exhaustion, flustered, anger and irritation, allowing you to cool down. Sweat defuses anxiety, allowing for calm, clear thinking.  Sweat helps you push beyond your own perceived limitations of how much you can or cannot do. Often we draw lines without knowing our true potential, and Sweat makes us strive and flow through challenges. Sweat reminds you that you have earned the rewards and benefits you are receiving.)

boom (though sometimes "boom" may feel like a positive thing, it represents a very negative energy as well - a gun will boom when it is shot, as will a bomb, and the sound of a boom can BE startling and very unsettling)

Please BE cautious about accepting words not found ON the lists at Blue Iris Learning Center as
Switchwords - sw.blueiris.org
Defusing Words - dw.blueiris.org

Switchwords Connect one to the experiences and conditions surrounding encounters relating to them, not to the dictionary definitions. Some websites have presented articles where they have connected to the dictionary meaning, rather than the Switchword meaning. Before a Switchword is added to Blue Iris, it is deeply researched and verified that the Switchword definition is complete and accurate. It is our goal to BRING to the world clean and CLEAR information regarding Switchwords, Defusing Words, Energy Circles, and all the tools available at Blue Iris Learning Center.

February Theme: LOVE
February 1, 2020

February Theme:  LOVE (The Switchword LOVE means to generate, radiate, experience love; acceptance)

LOVE doesn't have to BE earned. LOVE just is. LOVE brings life. LOVE brings a sense of well-being. Let US CHOOSE to LOVE, and EMBRACE all that we LOVE, including imperfections, failings, shortcomings and weaknesses. Let US CENTER ourselves in LOVE, BE LOVE.


Create possibilities, flow in harmony, look to the future, enchant, thrill and excite, immerse in producing rare value, softening the heart, bringing a warm smile and being warm and accepting.

Feel peace, gratitude and appreciation, bring warmth into the conversation, immerse in and center in joy, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.

Flower: Bleeding Heart
Flower Energy Blend:  LOVE BE

Mantra: Mantra for having loving people around you
Gemstone/Crystal:  Zincite
Animal Wisdom:  Ladybug

Quantum K Harmonics: 196 875 945 631

Angel Number: 33
Focus on the Divine Spark within you and others to find peace, clarity and love within yourself. Have courage to live your life with enthusiasm and optimism. Know that you are well blessed, loved and supported in all that you do. Be in joy. Live with passion and purpose. Expand and increase development and awareness in all areas of your life.

2020 Annual Theme: The Visionary
January 2, 2020

Annual - 2020
Theme: The Visionary
The Visionary has unusually keen foresight, is able to envision the future, is passionately driven and inspired by what they see that they, others, the world, can become, and is willing to share this vision WITH the world, knowing that they need others to HELP fulfill their vision. The Visionary promotes unity and tenacity to push through times of uncertainty. The Visionary gives US leadership and guidance through transitional and challenging times, bringing cohesiveness and inspiration to meet objectives with emotional intelligence, charisma and determination.

The Visionary can see what something could BE long before it actually happens, imagining future possibilities in their mind, then explaining them clearly to others. The Visionary is big-picture oriented, sees all the links in the big picture, the whole process rather than a single step at a time. The Visionary is a powerful creator because they are focused and present, open-minded, and a fan of NEW ideas. The Visionary is patient, enjoys the creative process, exudes positive energy while attentively listening to other people's thoughts and ideas, encourages them to BE creative, and is willing to support them in their quests. The Visionary is not afraid to risk failure, knowing that failure is part of the creative process as well, and they can TRANSFORM those failures into stepping stones, discovering NEW pathways to creating success along the way. The Visionary embraces CHANGE and will POINT to the RAINBOW.


2020 The Visionary Switchphrases
(defined by Kat Miller)

Increase diligence, focus and dedication, lend your strength to others and gain strength from others, spark change, unite a team in spirit, purpose, enthusiasm and focus, make things clear, bring a powerful focus to innovation, passion and zeal.
(Given by Anusha Krishnaprasad)

Clarify the situation, things, look to the future, find direction, give purpose, harmonize well with opening up extraordinary mental and psychic powers, create a keen interest, increasing diligence, focus and dedication.
(Given by Manjiri Paranjpe)

Bring into existence diversifying yourself and growing rapidly, end hesitation and finally grasp potential possibilities and expand beyond perceived limitations.
(Given by Manjiri Paranjpe)


2020 Daily Switchphrases
(Use on the days of the week listed with the phrases, and as desired)


Align energies, recognize and distinguish relevant energy vibrations, orchestration of manifestation, transition and present yourself well.
(Given by Manjiri Paranjpe)


Give respect, transform setbacks into uplifts, create a deep focus, gain fortitude and start things moving, add permanency to this.
(Given by Rhoda Randhawa and Kat Miller)


Enlarge what you have, build and expand it, harmonize well with it, submerge within it, create a deep focus.
(Given by Manjiri Paranjpe)

BRING-ON-Buck Up-TAKE-53-Qualified-PERFECT.

Manifest, build and produce, push beyond, rise to the challenge, become a good leader, pay primary concern, take responsibility, attain goals, feel skilled, successful and complete, feel satisfied.
(Given by Manjiri Paranjpe)


Come together with having it all together, release resistance, be unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, see beyond the current focus, open blind spots, make connections, form new bridges of thought, discern new paths for discover and bring pleasant surprises and fortunate happenstances, often when least expected.
(Given by Manjiri Paranjpe)


Be your authentic self, the world is better because you are here, show brilliance and be a guiding light, stand out while still fitting in, understand the pulse of people, master presentation and grandeur, step forward and make it happen, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy.
(Given by Kat Miller)


Shine under pressure, take responsibility, pay primary concern, open new pathways, safely navigate around and through obstructions, raise your vibration, shine brightly and feel magnificent.
(Given by Kat Miller)


Flower: Black-Eyed Susan

Flower Energy Blend:  
NEW Vision

Meditation: My Personal Well-Being

Gemstone/Crystal:  Enhydro Quartz

Animal Wisdom:  Blue Whale
Blue Whale shows you how to navigate through life when big changes are happening. Blue Whale teaches you to stay focused and connected to yourself to work your way through to resolution. Blue Whale asks you to have faith in your abilities and to allow yourself to be still enough to see the way. Blue Whale helps you learn ways of clearing misunderstandings, give compassion and understanding, and develop the ability to listen between the words.

Blue Whale shares its unique knowledge to aid you in living a fuller, happier life through truly being. Blue Whale gives you hope for the environment, teaches you how to deal with fear, negativity, and division. Blue Whale teaches you how to heal and transmute, to connect physically with nature and how to have healthy relationships. Blue Whale teaches you how the chakra system works, how to sense colors and their vibrations more deeply, and how to create and dissolve energy manifestations. Blue Whale teaches you about the nature of positive and negative thought forms, how to clear negativity and how how the balance of the universe is maintained. Blue Whale shows you how children should be nurtured and how to guide them in constructive play.

Use Blue Whale Wisdom to help clear any type of conflict or misunderstanding.

Use Blue Whale Wisdom to stay focused during times of big change.

Use Blue Whale Wisdom to learn compassion, understanding and to listen between the words.


Number:  331
Archangel Metatron
Archangel Metatron utilizes the Merkabah cube for healing and clearing away lower energies. The cube spins clockwise and uses centrifugal force to push away unwanted energy residue. Call upon Metatron and his healing cube to clear you. His aura coloring is deep pink and dark green. Archangel Metatron is a teacher of esoteric knowledge. Archangel Metatron is a wonderful teacher to call upon when you’re trying to grasp high-level concepts. Archangel Metatron teaches Esoteric Wisdom to children and adults, taking a special interest in highly sensitive young people who are misunderstood or even medicated because their spiritual gifts make them socially awkward. Metatron can be of assistance in adjusting to socialization at school, work, or home. Archangel Metatron dedicated to teaching the practical application of Esoteric Wisdom.

Archangel Metatron brings motivation to create positive changes.

Ways to Work WITH Energy Circles
December 7, 2019

Energy Circles are one way to send remote healing energy, Switchwords, etc., to a person, place or thing, or even to yourself.

It is preferred to put no more than two or three Switchphrases in an Energy Circle and it is preferred to have no more than three Energy Circles actively sending energy to a person at one time. A Switchphrase may be one or two Switchwords, or even possibly as many as nine or ten Switchwords. More than three Switchphrases inside an Energy Circle may cause dilution of effects, and more than three Energy Circles with a person's name inside as a Requester, may again, begin to dilute effects. We have also experienced extra Energy Circles beyond three with a person's name inside causing some to be deactivated.

An Energy Circle printed and set ON a flat surface, face-up or hanging ON a WALL, as long as it is unobstructed.

An Energy Circle displayed in a digital frame or displayed ON a computer screen FOR a minimum of 15 seconds (longer is FINE) broadcasts.

1) General Broadcast: Without a name added to the Energy Circle, it will broadcast to the room or space where it is displayed. There is no LIMIT to how many Energy Circles can BE set FOR general broadcast.

2) Personalized Broadcast: No more than 3 Personalized Energy Circles should BE set to broadcast at once. Personalize an Energy Circle by writing your name inside it or placing a photo inside the Energy Circle (picture doesn't need to BE fully inside the Energy Circle. Nor does the Energy Circle need to BE completely covered by the photo).

Charging Water, Food or Pills:
Plastic, copper and aluminum tend to slough cells into the water/food, and therefore, though they can be used, are not preferred materials FOR charging (or even eating/drinking anything from). You can use a transparent container, but transparency is not required.

Set the filled water, food or pill container (glass or stainless steel preferred) ON or NEXT to an Energy Circle FOR a minimum of 15 seconds (longer is FINE).

Laminated Energy Circles HELP to MAINTAIN Energy Circle integrity, allowing you to use them indefinitely. As long as the information inside the Energy Circle is legible, it can BE used FOR charging.

Water, food and pills can also BE charged by setting it in front of (preferably rather than ON) a computer screen, digital frame, mobile phone or tablet screen.

Water, food and pills can BE charged WITH as many Energy Circles as you wish. Simply charge it WITH one after another.

Charging yourself (three-finger method):
Your left side is your receiving side. The preference FOR charging yourself (absorving the Contents of an Energy Circle directly into your energy) is to use your left hand, but you can use either hand.

To charge yourself, place 3 fingers from your hand inside the Energy Circle FOR a minimum of 15 seconds. It's easiest to use the index, middle and ring fingers, but any three fingers will work.

Sleeping ON Energy Circles:
Putting an Energy Circle underneath your pillow or mattress puts the Energy Circle Contents in your energy field while you sleep, allowing the Energy Circle to work FOR you while you sleep.

There is no known LIMIT to how many Energy Circles you can sleep ON. However, a few things of which you may wish to BE aware:

Everything inside and outside the Energy Circle is in your energy field when you sleep ON it. Sometimes things you don't want in your experience are placed outside an Energy Circle in a graphic. These should not BE ON the graphic when you sleep ON it, as it brings them into your energy field.

You may not wish to sleep ON Energy Circles that may activate the mind or interfere WITH sleep. If you start sleeping WITH Energy Circles in your energy field and you FIND yourself restless, look at Energy Circle Contents, CONSIDER which might BE interfering WITH sleep, remove them and use them WITH another method.

LEARN more about Energy Circles at Blue Iris Learning Center: http://ec.blueiris.org

Switchwords, Energy Circles and Controlling Others
November 14, 2019

When we work WITH Switchwords and Energy Circles, we often are prompted to make changes in our thoughts, actions, routines, habits, etc. If we don't follow these promptings we may not see changes (as we are not making changes in ourselves that make changes in our experience).

We have experienced many times Energy Circles working well when just set and forgotten, such as hanging ON a WALL or setting face-up ON a flat surface such as a desk or counter.

One must also realize that one cannot control another. One can PUT out the energy of what one desires in a relationship WITH another, but if the other is unwilling to accept those desires and make them theirs as well, things may not CHANGE.

Often we are so busy holding onto the things we don't want (feeling lack of CHANGE) that we don't ALLOW what we want in.

A problem is not a problem until we decide it is a problem. When we say there is a problem in our relationship, we actually CREATE that whatever is happening is a problem. We also write all kinds of stories about our lives, and then we react to the stories, not (really) what is happening. An experience is 10% what happens and 90% our story about what happens. That 90% can CHANGE the whole situation if we OPEN our minds to a CHANGE in our view.

Also pay ATTENTION to your intentions...are you intending to "not" have something happen? Are you intending that someone else needs to CHANGE FOR you? Or are you intending that everything is good BETWEEN you? And are you seeing that everything is good BETWEEN you?

When you INTEND what you want, unattached to what you don't want, you send a much clearer message to the Universe.

Sometimes our focus is so deeply attached to why we can't have what we want that even Switchwords, Healing Numbers and Energy Circles can't perform their MAGIC, until we BEGIN to EMBRACE and ABIDE WITH what is, and if we can't or won't DO that we prevent our manifestation.

CONSIDER also that it is the feeling that experience we want that we wish to Connect WITH, rather than the person...because bringing about and feeling the feeling will cause the changes...whether within the relationship itself, or will BRING about a NEW relationship that offers what it is we want to feel.

Sometimes what we think we want and what we actually want are two very different things....we may want a relationship WITH a specific person to work, but we may also want PEACE, CALM, and other things that are simply not a part of that relationship. In this case, we must CHOOSE that we want the relationship to work and EMBRACE it as it is, letting GO of the want FOR PEACE, CALM, etc., and simply TAKE what is there, or CHOOSE that we want the PEACE, CALM, etc., and ALLOW whatever the Universe brings US to BE, knowing that our deepest needs and desires are always met, unless we HOLD tight to lack of them.


November 11, 2019

Expect a MIRACLE every day.  Look FOR it.  It doesn't have to BE a big MIRACLE.  Just something that you see as a MIRACLE, BE it something in nature, something in family, society, anything.

FIND a MIRACLE every day, and BEGIN to CRESCENDO the larger miracles from the smaller ones.

What is a TINY MIRACLE you saw today? FIND it.  It's there.

A Bit About Switchwords and Blue Iris Learning Center
October 28, 2019

Though some people STRETCH back to Sigmund Freud to write their histories of Switchwords. I tend to MOVE to the more modern era, as Switchwords as we know them today originated, in term and description, WITH James T. Mangan in his book, The Secret of Perfect Living, originally published in 1963.

Because of the way the mind stores experiences, filing like things TOGETHER, Mangan looked FOR specific words or actions that were connected to specific life experiences. When a word or action is very often associated WITH a specific experience, the other than conscious mind eventually expects that word or action to BRING about the same experience - flipping a switch in the other than conscious mind so to speak. Thus, he chose to call these words Switchwords.

Mangan studied and discovered 75 Switchwords, which he listed in his book, along WITH Switchword definitions FOR them.

Let US look a little deeper into one of Mangan's Switchwords, to see more about how they work...

COUNT is the Switchword FOR making money, and FOR decreasing smoking. Why?

Look at what you DO every time you come into Contact WITH money. You COUNT. How much cash DO I have? COUNT. How much money is in the bank? COUNT. How much will this cost me? COUNT.

What about smoking? Why would COUNT work there? When one wishes to decrease or stop smoking, they tend to COUNT the number of cigarettes they smoke, expecting to reduce the number. Each time they smoke, they focus ON smoking fewer. COUNT.

Though COUNT is not specifically listed FOR decreasing other habits, it may also BE useful FOR that as well. I have found that often a Switchword is applicable in a situation not actually listed as part of the definition FOR the Switchword.

In the 1970s, Shunyam Nirav bought Mangan's book at a yard sale. He read it WITH interest, and used the principals himself FOR 20-30 years, seeing how marvelously they worked. Nirav once told me that in the early 2000s, he was concerned that we may lose the Switchwords technology, so one afternoon he sat DOWN ON a beach in Maui and wrote his book, Switchwords - Easily Give to You Whatever You Want in Life. Nirav had been studying Catherine Ponder's work, and added a few of the words she talked about, including CANCEL. I don't recall which other words he brought UP from her work, but he did tell me there were a few. He added 25 more words to Mangan's 75, bringing the tally of Switchword available to 100.

In 2007, I was shown Nirav's e-book (no longer available) by a friend, David Wilson, and when I saw how powerful and useful Switchwords were, bought his book, and I joined his Yahoo Switchwordsgroup (no longer available). At that POINT we had 100 Universal Switchwords.

I aligned very quickly and very deeply WITH Switchwords. I wondered if there were more yet undiscovered Switchwords. As healing modalities I work use WITH Reflex Muscle Testing, I used that to HELP me discover additional Switchwords. Along the way, I realized that some Switchwords worked FOR virtually everyone, and some FOR most people, and others ON an individual basis. To simplify things, I coined the terms Universal, Broad (originally used that to describe what we NOW call Open Switchwords) and Personal Switchwords:

Universal (U) Switchwords: These are words that flip switches in 95-100% of people. The Switchwords given in a list by James Mangan in his book, The Secret of Perfect Living and by Shunyam Nirav in his book, Switchwords – Easily Give You Whatever You Want in Life are all Universal Switchwords (though there are other Open Switchwords which James mentions in passing throughout his book).

Open (O) Switchwords: These are words that flip switches in most people (50-94% of people). There is a very large number of this type of Switchword. Many words that resonate with you but are not listed in Mangan’s book, nor on the list of Universal Switchwords at Blue Iris Learning Center - http://usw.blueiris.org - fall into this category. There are thousands of Open Switchwords.

Personal (P) Switchwords: These are words that flip switches in individual people. These words often are names of family members and close friends, as well as words that have been individual to their experiences in setting up the switches.


Both Mangan and Nirav had suggested utilizing the name of a person that represents the things you wish FOR connection to as Switchwords. I chose to look deeper into the three descriptions Mangan had given US, asking US to use someone's name that represented those things, looking FOR names that may BE Universal in application. I then added CHARLETON HESTON, MONA LISA and JACK LALANNE to the Universal Switchwords list:

CHARLTON HESTON – stand straight and tall (or use someone you know who stands straight and tall)(U)
MONA LISA – smile; dispel hate; dispel envy (or someone who represents a smile to you)
JACK LALANNE – enthuse (or use someone you know who is an enthusiast)(U)

I then asked if there were additional Universal Switchwords not yet discovered. The Reflex Muscle Testing answer was YES! And the number yet to BE defined showed as 25. Rhoda and I began looking FOR the remaining Universal Switchwords. A few others also joined in, bringing possible suggestions as well. For several weeks, maybe months, we were searching FOR Switchwords.

NOW I went about the discovery process a little different than did Mangan and Nirav. I utilized Reflex Muscle Testing to FIND the Switchwords, and then researched and focused deeply to see why they were Switchwords, and what they represented. Using Reflex Muscle Testing as my GUIDE, I would look to defining the Switchwords once discovered. There were many other friends who also made suggestions of possible Switchwords and definitions as well. Defining Switchwords can BE a long and tedious job.

Once we had found and defined the additional 25 Universal Switchwords, we changed our focus to the Open Switchwords, looking FOR any that tested out to work FOR 80% or more of people. That focus has continued to this day. At this moment we have 303 Open Switchwords defined at Blue Iris Learning Center.

I CHOOSE to MAINTAIN the Switchwords list, and GIVE free access to the list to everyone at Blue Iris Learning Center. Because we want to KEEP the listing clean and easily accessible, we don't list each individual contributor ON the list, but we DO in the Switchwords Database, where we have not only the freely available Switchwords, but also many Switchphrases (strings of Switchwords strung TOGETHER, a term I believe was actually coined by Rhoda Randhawa). The Switchwords Database represents tens of thousands of hours of work, including Switchphrases coined FOR specific requests, Switchphrases to ENHANCE Flower Energies, Success Stories, etc.

The Switchwords Database, at the time of this writing has 23,633 entries in it, again representing tens of thousands of hours of work. Because there are costs involved in maintaining the website and so much time involved in updating and maintaining the Database, a Blue Iris Learning Center subscription is required to access the Database.

Some people have chosen to TAKE what has been so diligently created and compiled FOR the benefit of all and treat it as though it is nothing, giving it away FOR free (and some even charging more than a Blue Iris subscription that gives access to everything, including NEW entries added daily). This is theft. In saying that Switchwords are available FOR free, and therefore you have a right to the Databases, without charge, you're forgetting that I and Blue Iris Learning Center are the ones who made the extensive list of Switchwords available to you FOR free in the first place.

There is a lady at the Farmers Market which I frequent who sells beautiful purses, bags, etc., made from free stuff - plastic grocery bags, old VHS tapes and audio cassettes, and many other things that people GIVE her FOR free. She spends many hours every week creating AMAZING beauty WITH this "trash" and then charges people FOR it. Expecting someone to GIVE you FOR free all the things they have worked so hard to contribute to the world, just because the components used to CREATE it are available FOR free is tantamount to taking the bags our friend at the market makes and telling her she shouldn't receive anything FOR it because, after all it was made from worthless trash.

At Blue Iris Learning Center, not only DO we provide the list of all Switchwords to you FOR free, but we also OFFER to GIVE you additional tools made from the free offerings as part of your paid subscription.

Be at peace and maintain wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative or contrary energy, incorruptible, shine under pressure for enduring rewards.


RESTORE Switchpairs
October 21, 2019

RESTORE seems often to work on its own about restoring fairness and honesty in a situation. I like to use RESTORE as a prefix in a Switchphrase when someone feels victimized, something was unfairly taken from them, or justice is not being served in their current experience. Below is a compilation of some useful RESTORE Switchpairs that may BE used ON their own or added to Switchphrases:

RESTORE-ACT (speak honestly)
RESTORE-ADJUST (restore balance)
RESTORE-AROUND (restore improved perspective)
RESTORE-BE (restore peace and good health)
RESTORE-BETWEEN (restore broken communication)

RESTORE-BOW (restore honesty and dispel arrogance)
RESTORE-BUBBLE (restore vision beyond perceived limitations)
RESTORE-CANCER (restore calmness)
RESTORE-CARE (restore ability to memorize; remember; retain)
RESTORE-CHLORINE (restore ability mingle, share yourself, make a difference)

RESTORE-CHUCKLE (restore ability to turn on personality)
RESTORE-CIRCULATE (restore ability to end loneliness)
RESTORE-CLEAR (restore ability to dispel anger and resentment)
RESTORE-CLIMB (restore ability to enhance your view point)

RESTORE-CONCEDE (restore ability to stop arguing)
RESTORE-CONFESS (restore ability to end aggression)
RESTORE-CONSIDER (restore ability to be a good mechanic, a fixer of things)
RESTORE-CONTINUE (restore ability to create or increase endurance)

RESTORE-COPY (restore good taste; restore fertility)
RESTORE-COUNT (restore ability to make money)
RESTORE-COVER (restore ability to reduce nervousness and subdue inner excitement)
RESTORE-CRISP (restore ability to dispel fatigue, feel refreshed and rejuvenate)

RESTORE-CRYSTAL (restore ability to clarify, purify, neutralize and access Universal Knowledge)
RESTORE-CURVE (restore ability to create beauty)
RESTORE-CUTE (restore ability to think, discern, be sharp-witted, be clever)

RESTORE-DEDICATE (restore ability to stop clinging)
RESTORE-DIVINE (restore ability to work miracles or extraordinary accomplishment)
RESTORE-DIVINE-LIGHT (restore ability to brightly focus positivity)

RESTORE-DivineORDER (restore ability to be efficient)
RESTORE-DO (restore ability eliminate procrastination)
RESTORE-DONE (restore ability to create completion, meet a deadline, keep a resolution, build willpower)

RESTORE-DUCK (restore ability to dispel hypersensitivity) RESTORE-ELATE (restore ability to transform a setback into an uplift or benefit) RESTORE-FIFTY THREE (restore responsibility) RESTORE-FIND (restore ability to build a fortune)

RESTORE-FOREVER (restore ability to keep a secret)
RESTORE-FORGIVE (restore ability to eliminate remorse; end desire for revenge)
RESTORE-FULL (restore ability to go beyond, expand capacity)
RESTORE-GIGGLE (restore ability to enjoy the task at hand)

RESTORE-GIVE (restore ability to sell)
RESTORE-GO (restore ability to progress)
RESTORE-GUARD (restore ability protection of body, spirit or property)
RESTORE-HELP (restore ability to increase focus)
RESTORE-HO (restore ability to relax)

RESTORE-HOLD (restore character)
RESTORE-HOLE (restore attractiveness)
RESTORE-HORSE (restore strength)
RESTORE-HORSESHOE (restore sturdiness and balance)

RESTORE-JACK LALANNE (restore enthusiasm)
RESTORE-JUDGE (restore increased comprehension)
RESTORE-LEARN (restore youth)
RESTORE-LIGHT (restore ability to be inspired)
RESTORE-LIMIT (restore ability to keep others from taking advantage of you, regain control)

RESTORE-LISTEN (restore connection to nature and self)
RESTORE-LOVE (restore ability to generate, radiate, experience love and acceptance)
RESTORE-MAGNANIMITY (restore generosity)

RESTORE-MASK (restore shield)
RESTORE-MONA LISA (restore ability to smile)
RESTORE-MOVE (restore increased energy)
RESTORE-NOW (restore ability to act on good impulse)
RESTORE-OFF (restore ability to go to sleep)

RESTORE-OIL (restore ability to release tension)
RESTORE-OPEN (restore ability to comprehend and allow)
RESTORE-OVER (restore ability to end frustration)
RESTORE-PERSONAL (restore success)
RESTORE-PHASE (restore ability to improve situation)

RESTORE-POINT (restore ability to find direction)
RESTORE-POSTPONE (restore ability to stop pouting and let it go)
RESTORE-PRAISE (restore beauty)

RESTORE-PUT (restore ability to build and expand)
RESTORE-QUIET (restore ability to quiet the ego)
RESTORE-REACH (restore something felt to be irretrievably lost)
RESTORE-REJOICE (restore ability to stop being jealous)
RESTORE-REVERSE (restore ability to bury a grudge)

RESTORE-RIDICULOUS (restore ability to center attention on you)
RESTORE-ROOT (restore ability to discover and grow)
RESTORE-SAGE (restore ability to dispel evil)
RESTORE-SCHEME (restore ability to create)

RESTORE-SHOW (restore respect)
RESTORE-SLOW (restore wisdom and patience)
RESTORE-SOPHISTICATE (restore greater success)
RESTORE-SUFFER (restore ability to handle success and prosperity)

RESTORE-SWEET (restore ability to be soothing and caring)
RESTORE-SWING (restore courage)
RESTORE-SWIVEL (restore normal bowel function)

RESTORE-TAKE (restore leadership abilities)
RESTORE-THANKS (restore ability to release guilt and regrets)
RESTORE-TINY (restore kindness and politeness)
RESTORE-TOGETHER (restore mastery of skills lost)
RESTORE-UNCLE to me would be about restoring fairness and honesty and then dispelling apartness, untogetherness.

RESTORE-UP (restore ability to be in high spirits)
RESTORE-WASTE (restore opulence)
RESTORE-WATCH (restore ability to learn)
RESTORE-WITH (restore harmony)
RESTORE-WOMB (restore security and connection with Source)

Why is SUFFER a Switchword?
October 16, 2019

SUFFER – handle success; handle prosperity

Someone asked me to explain further why SUFFER is a Switchword. Below is a closer look at SUFFER.

James T. Mangan introduced SUFFER as a Switchword in his book, "The Secret of Perfect Living."

People sometimes wonder how something that seems so negative could possibly BE a Switchword. Remember, we are looking at the experience AROUND a word, what is happening ON all levels (as the other than conscious mind does that FOR filing information away FOR later use), not at the dictionary meaning.  Switchwords specifically Bypass the conscious mind and access the other than conscious mind, where they can then flip switches to BRING about the things we desire.

Specifically regarding SUFFER - Everything comes WITH attachments of one type or another. Everything. If you wish to BE a success in your career, you must BE willing to SUFFER through whatever it takes to become that success.

If you wish to BE an accountant, you must SUFFER the courses required to achieve that goal. Once you have received the education required, you then must SUFFER through finding a job as an accountant, or SUFFER through what it takes to build your own clientele. You also must BE willing to SUFFER interconnectedness WITH others using your service, including dealing WITH their emotional woes and any ineptitudes they may have associated WITH finances. You CHOOSE to BE an accountant, you SUFFER what it takes to BE an accountant.

The same is true WITH everything you want in life. You want a spacious comfortable Home? Even if it is given to you, there are many attachments you must SUFFER to BE in that Home. You must BE willing to clean the space, or pay someone else to DO it, or SUFFER the clutter and chaos simply living in the Home creates. You also must SUFFER paying utilities to KEEP yourself comfortable, pay for repairs as required, MAINTAIN the property or pay someone else to MAINTAIN it FOR you, etc.

DO you want a family? You must BE willing to SUFFER the consequences of creating a family. A baby is not all smiles and enjoyment. A baby is hard work. You must BE willing to SUFFER through everything it takes to BE a parent to enjoy the child. Children are intensively invasive. You must BE willing to SUFFER the invasion into your space, your life, that comes along WITH having children to BE a successful parent. If you are not willing to SUFFER through what it takes to BRING UP children into successful adults, you don't have to, but refusing to SUFFER through the ups and downs of raising children, you may FIND yourself abandoned by your children when they become adults.

If you wish success and prosperity, you must BE willing to SUFFER the consequences of being successful and prosperous.

SUFFER – handle success; handle prosperity



ALLOW Switchwords to work FOR you...
October 9, 2019

Switchwords and Energy Circles implore you to CHANGE your story and your thinking. They OFFER NEW ways of experiencing life. When working WITH them, you may often experience a thought about a CHANGE in the way you are doing things, actions you are taking, etc. Follow inspiration - ALLOW FOR CHANGE to OCCUR.

Switchwords can work quite magically UP front, showing you the possibilities, but if you return to the old ways of thinking and being, not allowing yourself to CHANGE WITH them, you may FIND them working FOR you more temporarily than permanently.

Blue Iris Learning Center WhatsApp Workshops
June 2, 2019

Blue Iris Learning Center currently has two WhatsApp Workshop series available FOR those who wish to LEARN in-depth regarding Switchwords, Defusing Words, Healing Numbers and Frequencies, Energy Circles, etc. These are both supported by Blue Iris Learning Center and overseen by Kat Miller, Founder, Blue Iris Learning Center:

Blue Iris-GOLD
Stutii Siingh
Stutii is a Moderator at the Facebook Switchwords groups. She has been in close Contact WITH me FOR several years, has learned and connected deeply WITH Switchwords, Defusing Words, Healing Numbers and Frequencies, and Energy Circles. She has always asked FOR deeper clarity when something wasn't fully grasped, and has proven herself to BE an excellent instructor in presenting Blue Iris Learning Center Contents.

About our Blue Iris-GOLD Instructor:
Having experienced the power of Switchwords, Stutii has been using Switchwords, Healing Numbers and Frequencies, and Energy Circles FOR several years, and actively participates in online Switchwords groups, helping KEEP groups in focus, answering questions and simply being a there to HELP wherever HELP is needed.

(The main Facebook Switchwords group is at: http://www.facebook.com/groups/SwitchwordsMainGroup/)



Blue Iris-Wisdom
Neera Sareen and Aalok Sood
Neera and Aalok came to Tucson, Arizona, FOR an intense 3-day Workshop to study the Blue Iris Learning Center curriculum. I enjoyed the time we spent TOGETHER and found them earnest in their desire to LEARN the intricate details about the Learning Center's tools, and how to present them and spread them throughout the world. They have been certified as Blue Iris Learning Center instructors.

Blue Iris-Wisdom Workshops OFFER two levels, WITH level 2 including more Blue Iris Learning Center tools, such as extended Switchword, Defusing Word and Energy Circle applications, working WITH Animal Wisdom, Healing Cards and Energy Vials.

About our Blue Iris-Wisdom Instructors:
Neera is a Renowned International Intuitive Master and Switchword Consultant. Neera has been practicing and, through teaching and understanding of Switchwords as a modality, has been healing and transforming innumerable lives.

Aalok is an International Master Trainer and is a combination of a technocrat venturing in to the journey of intuitive and energy sciences domain. Aalok has many insights and goes into intricate details in the domain of Switchwords.

Aalok and Neera have done a great deal to learn and now also teach about the Astro Remediation Box, along with other Switchword tools.

LEARN more about these Blue Iris Learning Center WhatsApp Workshops at:

A few thoughts I have as we BEGIN the NEW year...
January 1, 2019

So very often people start the NEW year WITH resolutions FOR what they will DO as the NEW year begins, but without the support of a plan as to how they will accomplish this.

I'd like to look at four things that can impede the follow-through of NEW year's resolutions, and see what we can DO to overcome them.

1. Stress
Changes can cause stress. When we CHOOSE to make a CHANGE in our lives, as we BEGIN the NEW routines, we must BE willing to let GO of old stories, of old thoughts, of previous ways of being to ALLOW the NEW to BEGIN.

Have you intended to exercise daily, but never gotten into the habit? What was your story about it? Was your story that you have to exercise?

As humans, we often reel against things when we "have to" DO them. What if you changed your story to "I am choosing to exercise every day." When it is our choice to DO something we enjoy doing it, we GIVE it our ATTENTION, we BE WITH it.

But I don't have time to exercise...
This statement keeps you in a space of never having time to exercise. Again, CHANGE your story.

"I am choosing to exercise every day" can BE a very powerful motivator. When you "I AM..." something you BEGIN to ALIGN WITH it and become it. BE cautious about using "I AM..." WITH things you don't want in your future, and use "I AM..." freely FOR things you wish to KEEP building into your future.

It is our stories that build stress in our lives. If you say "I am so stressed out today" you are building a future of stress. CHANGE your story. If you've been stressed, okay, FINE, you have 'been' stressed, maybe even until this very moment, but all of that is NOW in the past. The past exists only in your mind, in your thoughts, in your looking back at it, and the more you look back at it the more you build the same thing into your future.

Just as the past exists only in your mind, so does the future. You are always in the NOW, always. You build your future in the NOW. It is never set until it becomes the NOW. Changing your story in the NOW changes your future as it becomes the NOW. Looking to the past with remorse and regret brings more regret and remorse into your future. EMBRACE (give and receive complete acceptance) the past, CHOOSE (release old pains; be empowered) the past. You already did CHOOSE the past ON some level, whether you realize it or not, or it wouldn't have been. Rejecting, resenting and regretting what has been cannot CHANGE what has been, so accept it and MOVE ON.

A few words/phrases that may BE helpful in relieving stress:

Relax and be patient, be wise.

Release old pains, give and receive complete acceptance.

Defuse confusion, frustration and overwhelm, maintain focus and peaceful awareness wherever you are and whatever you are doing, maintain equilibrium and balance, methods for creating tranquility, stability and order where unruly chaos was.

Return to homeostasis, restore inner peace and contentment, let go of unwanted energies and release negativity.

Chewing Gum
Chewing Gum is to defuse and release pressure, tension and stress. When one is feeling pressure, tension and stress, Chewing Gum gives a way to work through it and bring back peace of mind. One can use the word or the action of Chewing Gum to defuse and release.


2. Overwhelm
When there is "so much to DO" that we don't know where to BEGIN we experience overwhelm. When this happens, the human tendency is to SHUT DOWN and not want to DO anything, experience fatigue and often walk away, letting things sit longer, increasing the overwhelm.

Manhattan-Wisdom can BE a very powerful Defusing Word pair for defusing stress and overwhelm. Use it, then look at the list of what is to BE DONE. CHOOSE one thing FOR your current focus. Let everything else leave your focus and concentrate ON the one thing, creating a plan to execute whatever is to BE DONE.

You can organize a list of the tasks to BE completed, prioritizing them first, then CHOOSE the one to focus ON. However, if this in itself gets overwhelming, simply pick one and GO from there.

Remember saying "it is overwhelming" will KEEP you in the space of overwhelm. CHANGE the story, perhaps to something like, "at first this seemed to BE overwhelming, but NOW as I look at the smaller details, I see that I can work my way through it..." Even if you feel like it is STILL overwhelming, saying that begins to MOVE it toward simplifying.

A few words/phrases that may BE helpful in relieving overwhelm.

Defuse confusion, frustration and overwhelm, maintain focus and peaceful awareness wherever you are and whatever you are doing, maintain equilibrium and balance, methods for creating tranquility, stability and order where unruly chaos was.

FILTER – restrict available information to (focus); focus on smaller details

Phoenix is for defusing trauma, confusion, and overwhelm due to sudden, unexpected changes. Phoenix supports taking a deep breath, stepping back, and taking comfort before renewing forward motion.

Buck Up
Buck Up is for defusing and releasing feeling incapable, overwhelm, weakness and reeling against. Buck Up gives a second wind, helps one push beyond, rise to a challenge. Buck Up gives fortitude and starts things moving. Buck Up brings encouragement and inner strength to deal with the current situation.

SHOULDER – assume a task; simplify a complexity

MAGIC CARPET – dispel feeling overwhelmed, trapped, unable to cope with earthly issues; experience new horizons; witness the world from a detached, higher perspective; safely and easily navigate life experiences, bypassing negative emotional attachments; all that is desired may be achieved by first visualizing it

Release old pains, defuse confusion, frustration and overwhelm in a chaotic and/or busy environment, allowing you to maintain focus and peaceful awareness wherever you are and whatever you are doing, maintain equilibrium and balance, release need to maintain a routine, harmonize well with simplifying tasks.


3. Discouragement
So you tried once, it didn't work. You tried twice, still didn't work. DO you then GIVE UP? Why? Isn't failure simply one step ON the ladder to success? What if Thomas Edison had felt discouraged and given UP before he invented the light bulb? There were probably 1000 failures before he found what he wanted.

Worse yet, what if you had given UP when you tried to walk all those times during your first year of life? Of course there was discouragement then, but you would Buck Up, and try again, and again, and again...

Each failure you have in life brings you closer to the success you want to see. All through our lives we tend to see many failures before we see successes. Where is your focus? Are you telling yourself it will never work, so you might as well GIVE UP? Are you willing to spin your story again?

What if, instead of "it will never work" you chose to say, "I can eliminate that line of thought and MOVE ON to the NEXT"? This world, and you, expand and grow by trial and error until there is success. Remember the difference BETWEEN failure and success may simply BE standing UP and trying one more time. So many times you have used failure in the past to FIND your way to success (learning to walk, talk, run, jump, play games, drive, etc.).

Negative self-talk can BE the greatest source of discouragement, so when you FIND yourself feeling discouraged, TAKE a moment, recenter yourself and CHOOSE a NEW way to look at what is happening. REACH FOR a story that feels better than the one you have been telling.

Another useful tool is getting another person's perspective ON the task. People LOVE to HELP each other. Sometimes getting a NEW perspective can MOVE US past an impasse and GIVE US motivation to CONTINUE. After all, two heads are better than one sometimes. What if the greatest failures happen when a person doesn't share and ask others to HELP gain perspectives...and the greatest successes come from opening and sharing your ideas WITH others, who then HELP BRING success.

Sometimes walking away from whatever has you discouraged for a few minutes, to ALLOW you to QUIET your mind so you can, in a little while, rethink things, can have a positive impact as well. Sometimes "sleeping ON it" can BE a powerful HELP.

When you feel you've hit a wall, CONSIDER changing your focus to another task and let this one MOVE to the back of your mind, allowing your powerful subconscious mind time to UNTHREAD things and PUT them into DivineORDER, so when you return the path becomes clearer.

A few words/phrases that may BE useful in dealing with discouragement:

Buck Up
Buck Up is for defusing and releasing feeling incapable, overwhelm, weakness and reeling against. Buck Up gives a second wind, helps one push beyond, rise to a challenge. Buck Up gives fortitude and starts things moving. Buck Up brings encouragement and inner strength to deal with the current situation.

POOL – share resources; be accommodating of others; share togetherness; share intelligence

ENROLL – gather support by sharing your vision; gain detail by sharing

ENGAGE – occupy possibilities; fill a space; hold attention

SKY – open closed viewpoints; let go of limitations

CONSIDER – be a good mechanic, a fixer of things

UNTHREAD – disentangle emotions, beliefs, and/or thoughts that have become "stuck together" or are difficult to sort through

Butter is for defusing and releasing stubbornness, an unbending and inflexible nature, hardhearted and stinginess. When it feels like a stalemate has been reached and things cannot be figured out, Butter helps to soften the situation, grease the grooves of the mind, open additional choices and take a new course, releasing resistance. Butter also helps one to simply slide around what may seem an insurmountable obstacle. Butter adds a savory flavor to what otherwise may be a dry and tasteless life.

Mea Culpa
Mea Culpa helps defuse and release inability to acknowledge and take responsibility for one's own mistakes, which may have caused victimization and feelings of guilt, in turn bringing about stubbornness, rigidity of thought, perfectionism, dogmatism and arrogance.

Mea Culpa is a Latin phrase that means "through my fault" and is an acknowledgment of having done wrong. Mea Culpa helps one acknowledge that they are human, can make mistakes, but also have the spirit, ability, wherewithal and power to make things right again.

SIMPLE – gain perspective on a difficult task

SHOULDER – assume a task; simplify a complexity

Mix and match any of the above words into phrases that feel good to you.


4. Procrastination
Why DO people procrastinate?

It's so complex. (SHOULDER – assume a task; simplify a complexity)

I don't feel like doing it. (GIGGLE - get in the mood for writing; enjoy the task at hand)

I'm tired. (Reaction to overwhelm, see above. BUBBLE – expand beyond perceived limitations; get energized; get excited. PerkUP – get energized; feel refreshed; feel confident and cheerful; draw positive attention; enliven; dress smartly)

I don't know where to BEGIN. (Every journey begins WITH a first step; it doesn't matter where you start, pick anything, anyplace and BEGIN.)

Again, CHANGE your story. If you say "I don't know where to BEGIN" you will remain unable to BEGIN. What if you said "I am beginning NOW" to start putting yourself into the task?

Additional words/phrases to start moving beyond procrastination:

EASE – simplify the task at hand; unleash yourself; calm down

BEGIN – bring into existence

RUSH – overcome obstacles; move quickly toward a goal

TAKE – become a good leader

53 – pay primary concern; take responsibility

Give focused attention, find focus, finish lots of meticulous work, be efficient, end procrastination and create completion.

With efficiency, end laziness, begin, progress, act on good impulse now, end procrastination.

Restore fairness and honesty, become a good leader, take responsibility, bring into existence (whatever you are focused on) by quieting the ego and being efficient and progressing.

Be in high spirits, clear inertia, eliminate procrastination and act on good impulse, now.


ALLOW-Serendipity-WITH-DEEP-PASSION-NEW. Release, discover,see beyond the current focus, open blind spots, make connections, form new bridges of thought, discern new paths for discover and bring pleasant surprises and fortunate happenstances, often when least expected, immerse in, submerge within, give focused attention, create a deep focus and form innovation.


P.S.  THANKS to Kevin Dill for spurring me to write this note

Dealing WITH Blue Iris "Overwhelm"
December 27, 2018

There's too much information when I search for specific things (at the Facebook Switchwords group) it's confusing. Can someone please explain the difference between Switchwords, Energy Circles and Healing Numbers, colors of Energy Circles, how many Energy Circles, writing on arms, the hyphens between words etc... It's getting too confusing to comprehend. How does each one work and what to use when??

From Kat:
Switchwords are one-word affirmations, which can BE strung TOGETHER into phrases to HELP BRING about the things they represent.

Read the Switchwords List to LEARN about each of the Switchwords:

Generally, a Switchphrase (string of Switchwords) we prefer to present with hyphens BETWEEN the words - not required but preferred.

Writing Switchwords and such ON the arm is just another way one can KEEP the Switchwords they wish to use in their energy field.  It's not necessary, but is often useful when one wants to immerse in the energy.

Switchwords FAQ:

Start simply. Just read through the list of Switchwords and pick words that represent what you are looking FOR. PLAY WITH them. Experiment.

It's not hard. People tend to think it has to BE hard, but it doesn't. You can KEEP it SIMPLE.


Energy Circles are simply one way of broadcasting Switchwords, Healing Numbers and Frequencies, Defusing Words, etc.

Rule of thumb regarding Energy Circles, one can use as many as desired to broadcast to a space (print out and hang ON a wall or place face-up ON a flat surface, or charge water (set water vessel ON the Energy Circle(s) FOR a minimum of 15 seconds each).

However, Energy Circles with a person's name or picture should BE limited to 3 actively broadcasting to the person at one time.

In their simplest form you simply write a phrase and circle it. More about Energy Circles and creating them:

Color simply adds the Attributes of the color to the Energy Circle broadcast/charge. They are something like color therapy. This article shows the different color Attributes:

Energy Circle FAQ:

You don't have to use Energy Circles to use Switchwords, but it's a great way to KEEP the energy of the Switchwords flowing to you.

Again, Energy Circles are really SIMPLE...Switchwords and/or Defusing Words (used similar to Switchwords) and/or Numbers written and circled.

One can make it more complex if one wants to, but it is not required. As familiarity WITH the tools grows, so can the complexity of what you use. It's kind of like learning to crawl, stand up, walk, run, ride a tricycle, bicycle, then motorcycle or car...You don't have to drive a car or motorcycle to GET where you want to GO, but you can. And you can even have someone drive the car FOR you, or make an Energy Circle FOR you.


Numbers have vibrational qualities that can affect US, just like words can. Numbers tend to BE closer to the body's own language (just like on a computer programming languages are closer to the language the computer speaks than are word processors and applications written in the programming languages). Even if you can't comprehend what a number means, the body can, and therefore responds, just like the computer does when it gets instructions from a program.


TAKE it one step at a time. If a need is there that you want addressed before you can LEARN all the tools, have a Consultation or attend a workshop - here ON the Facebook Switchwords group we have Stutii Siingh, who runs workshops ON Whatsapp, which I oversee, and Neera Sareen Ojaswani, who attended a Blue Iris Learning Center Certification workshop here in Tucson to LEARN from me and BE certified to teach, Blue Iris Learning Center curriculum  who does workshops in person in India.

Everything needed to work WITH these tools is available to the public at Blue Iris Learning Center, and ON subscription there is much deeper information available, including specific Energy Circles, Numbers, etc., FOR healing, relationships, financial and business issues, etc., as well as a private group ON Facebook for subscribing members only, which gives quick in-depth answers, as well as newly developed tools.

That all make sense?

Increase personal ability to give and receive complete acceptance.


P.S. This article gives a quick list of articles to HELP one LEARN all about the Contents at Blue Iris Learning Center:

December 1, 2018

Every day of my life, I CHOOSE JOY.
My days are DELICIOUS because I CHOOSE JOY.
My nights are auspicious because I CHOOSE JOY.

Every day of my life, I CHOOSE JOY.
Each day when I awaken, I CHOOSE JOY.
No matter where I am taken, I CHOOSE JOY.

Every day of my life, I CHOOSE JOY.
Even when plans have gone awry, I CHOOSE JOY.
When something has made me want to sigh, STILL I CHOOSE JOY.

Every day of my life, I CHOOSE JOY.
Even if the day unwound giving losses not gain, I CHOOSE JOY.
It might have hurt and caused me pain, STILL I CHOOSE JOY.

Every day of my life, I CHOOSE JOY.
If the story I've told myself hurts TOO much...
I know I must PIVOT and GIVE it a NEW TOUCH...

Every day of my life, I CHOOSE JOY.
I know in the END I'll always FIND a way, because I CHOOSE JOY.
Carpe Diem! Seize the day! YES! I CHOOSE JOY.

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Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

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(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.