DNA Transformation Journey

(Adapted from DNA Transformation Journey given by Kris 31-January-2008 on Kris Radio)

I take a nice deep breath and release an audible sigh of relief. I do so again, then a third one to soothe my body, mind and soul allowing myself to enter a peaceful state of awareness. Indeed even allowing myself a deepening state of relaxation unlike any I have ever allowed myself to experience before. I allow this deepening state of relaxation to continue expanding.

As I allow this relaxation to deepen within me, I am entirely free to release all tension in my body. I choose to do just that. I choose to release. I choose to let go of all tensions, all restraints, all conflicts, all stresses, and all resistance. I am letting it rise above me like steam or fog. I am allowing my body to deepen its relaxed state, starting from the very top of my head, and spreading throughout my body even into my fingertips and the tips of my toes.

Perhaps somewhere along my body I feel some kind of sensation that induces a deeper relaxation still. I allow that feeling in my body to begin expanding, reaching more and more of my body. My breathing is deepening, allowing more and more relaxation to settle in, replacing all stress, tension, conflict, and resistance as if in some magical way I am bathing in a pool or tub of relaxation that soothes my entire body from the top of my head down to the tips of my toes, and even extends beyond my body, as if somehow or other I am completely drifting freely in a flotation tank of relaxation, of centeredness, of being grounded in my energy.

From that very deep relaxed state I can choose to pretend or imagine or feel my awareness. My concentration begins to sharpen and condense until it is possible for me to be as a sharp, tiny, luminous point of attention, just a tiny awareness floating perhaps in the great energy of my body, in the great sea of energy that makes up my physical form and still as a tiny luminous point of attention I am fully myself. From that vantage point as a tiny luminous point of attention I am still able to connect and experience my own kind of relaxation and direct my energies to the great flow of consciousness within my physical form.

I ask my Body Consciousness to draw me toward a strand of DNA, the double helix, so nicely represented that it indeed represents the construct of my DNA. Perhaps from my point of luminous attention the strand of my DNA may look enormous, mountainous even. From that perspective I further ask my Body Consciousness energies to direct me to those indentations or marks on the strands of DNA that would indicate the energetic deposits of my belief structures, especially in areas that I am considering transforming from limitations into opportunities for growth, joy, happiness, fulfillment and enrichment.

I ask my Body Consciousness energies then to assist me in pinpointing those reservoirs of such energies. Then to unravel the programming within the energy, defusing the charges of energy anywhere there is limitation, restriction, fear, holding back, and/or resistance. Anything related to those attitudes and beliefs becomes defused. The charge goes in the opposite direction. All of these limitations and fears become opportunities for growth, transformation, and opportunities that open my life to abundance, to love, and to joy.

I sense, I feel, I pretend, I see, and I imagine the energy is being transformed. The coding is being transformed and takes on a new life. All the subsequent subcategories of beliefs become affected by the change and transformation at that level of consciousness. These begin to cascade. It is now becoming easier and easier for me to know what it feels like to be free of limitation, free of fear, free of what holds me back, and free of resistance. I experience fulfillment, abundance, joy and happiness.

I know what it is like to feel these particular experiences. I allow the energies of this deep layer of consciousness to keep doing the work at the level of my DNA. My DNA switches which turned on programming that would limit me -- no longer function in that capacity. Instead those switches turn on those behaviors and patterns that enrich, motivate, and fuel my beliefs in my self-worth, my worthiness, and my capacity to have joy, abundance, happiness, fulfillment, and the life I desire.

I allow the flow of this energy to continue working at that deep, deep layer of consciousness until it becomes a rushing torrent of life that fills all of those niches. It fills my DNA patterns. It fills the fibers of awareness and consciousness within the atoms and molecules that compose the cellular structure of my body. It starts on the inside from deep, deep within, working its way toward the outside. The idea and concept of myself become a new light, a new being, reborn within itself, a literal phoenix of consciousness (renewal of consciousness).

I allow it to flow into my veins. I allow it to flow into my bones. I allow it to flow from my bone marrow onward. I allow it to flow into my mind. I know that I may begin to look for confirmation of these deep changes and transformations at that level of my DNA and begin noticing that confirmation within the expressions of my physical life.

Every day in every way I become more and more of whom I desire being. I put myself in touch with the flow of that energy, allowing the processes I have now triggered into action to draw themselves to completion. I can feel the process continuing within me, trusting my inner self is working with me to my advantage. The universe is aligning itself with my purposes.

The universe becomes manifest even within me. In this way I am at peace. I am congruent. I am fulfilled. I return my awareness to the functions of my physical body, expanding my point of concentration to fill my entire form once again, becoming aware of my breathing, my hands and feet, my arms and legs, my entire body. I am fully awake and aware. I am fully returned to myself, aware, cognizant and awake, clear in my mind.

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