BUBBLE – expand beyond perceived limitations; get energized; get excited

A Few Good Morning BUBBLE Switchphrases

BUBBLE-BE-BUBBLE-BE-UP-MOVE-NOW - (expand beyond perceived limitations, be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy, get energized, be in peace and wellness, be in high spirits, eliminate tiredness now)

BUBBLE-BE-BUBBLE-BE-GO-DO-NOW - (expand beyond perceived limitations, be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy, get energized, be in peace and wellness, end laziness, eliminate procrastination now - get up and get moving)

BUBBLE-BE-BUBBLE-BE-HALFWAY-EASE - (expand beyond perceived limitations, be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy, get energized, be in peace and wellness, make the day flow smoothly and simply)

BUBBLE-BE-BUBBLE-BE-TOGETHER-RELEASE - (expand beyond perceived limitations, be unaffected by ridicule and negative energy, get energized, be in peace and wellness, master your world - stop trying to control it.)

CLEAR-LIGHT-UP-BUBBLE-GIGGLE - (dispel anger and resentment, lighten the load, be in high spirits, expand beyond perceived limitations and enjoy what you are doing.)

Success Stories

CLEAR-LIGHT-UP-BUBBLE-GIGGLE helped me immensely to finish pending work which I usually feel very lazy to do. It also helped me overcome my sloth and lethargy. What I also observed is that with this Switchphrase, I became more productive. I did get enough time to myself and to rest, but work flowed in a rhythm which was not interrupted by obstacles or any glitches.


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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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