Blue Iris Learning Center Happenings
February 29, 2012

Hi Everyone,

This year is moving right along.  I celebrate the one day in four years that today represents.  DIVINE-MAGIC-COUNT (Increase personal ability to in enchanted ways make money) is my Switchphrase for the day. This last while I joined and have several boards I have created, including my Favorite Places and Spaces, Energy Healing Tools, Kat Quotes, Switchwords Kat Thoughts, Law of Attraction Kat Quotes and My Daily Switchphrases. You can follow me on Pinterest at:

The Latest News section on the Home Page at Blue Iris is frequently updated and will help keep you apprised of all Blue Iris Learning Center Happenings:

Astrological Happenings

Mercury is approaching its first Retrograde cycle of 2012. It turns Retrograde in Pisces on March 12. Mercury Retrograde can interfere with communication, including electronics, phones, computers, personal interactions...anything that communications. Often the effects of a Retrograde Mercury cycle are felt up to a week before it begins and week after it ends. Watch for a Mercury Retrograde Switchphrase to go up soon at This Mercury Retrograde cycle starts in Pisces and then moves into Aquarius, where Mercury resumes direct motion on April 3. We generally have three Mercury Retrograde cycles in a year.

Additional Transits and Switchwords are available at the Blue Iris Learning Center.

Flower Energies Happenings

A new Flower Energy was added to the Flower Energies vial on January 28:

Positive Qualities:
Protection, stability and forgiveness, the wisdom and compassion. A teacher. Protection from disease and malevolent spirits.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Unpleasant presence. Repelling. (KAT)

Switchphrase to enhance:


Flower Energies Support is available on Blue Iris:

Click on a Flower Energy name to see the Positive Qualities and Patterns of Imbalance (and Switchphrases to enhance, if available).


The Flower Energies vial is available for purchase at:

Emotional Freedom Happenings

Shiva Sooktam (January 22, 2012)
Added to the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers Emotional Freedom file. (Subscription required)


The current Emotional Freedom File list is available at:

The Emotional Freedom vial is available for purchase at:

Animal Wisdom Happenings (subscription required)

Recent Animal Wisdom updates/additions:  A few Animals have been updated, but I seem to have neglected noting them down this month.  I do recall updating Willie Wagtail.  I will take the time to note updates more closely in the future.

Talkcast Happenings

(Click on episode to listen to audio.)

Kat Talks Archives:


Episode 89 - Kat Talks with Kevin Dill (February 7, 2012)

(Not yet summarized.)


Episode 88 - Look for Things You Like (February 14, 2012)

Kat Talks with Marianne about love relationships. Kat gives two Valentine's Switchphrases for lovers and explains them. Discussion of language, listening, interpretation of words, and how we spin the meaning of a word to our pleasure, or our distress. Kat discusses revising your stories as you write them to things you like, rather than just accepting the stories told you by your ego (storyteller). Kat discusses finding positive things, things you like about all the people you come in contact with to define what you want in a mate. This opens you up to allowing love to come into your life. Kat and Marianne discuss starting the focus for the day first thing in the morning. Kat talks about origins of different headaches.


Episode 87 - Be Okay with You (February 13, 2012)

Kat talks with Kevin Dill about how the object of a thought is the focus of the thought. Kat and Kevin discuss getting rid of negative thoughts, and preventing negative thoughts from even beginning. Kat discusses how she discovers and defines Switchwords.

Kat and Kevin discuss acceptance of self as a whole, without judgment. BE okay with being who you are, no matter what others think of you. What they think of you is none of your business.


Episode 86 - Negative Emotions (February 7, 2012)

Kat talks with Marianne about how 90% of life is how you interpret what happens. Only 10% of life is what happens. CHANGE your story about what happened, what it meant to and about you, to create a new experience. We look at the future through the lens of the past. When we CHOOSE to see the past in a different light, we CHANGE the future that is coming to us. A child applied the filters you are using in your life. Do you wish to continue to use those, or would you prefer to put different filters on now?

Kat and Marianne discuss a specific scenario and how you can change your story and reclaim your power in the now.


Episode 85 - Switchwords Database and Energy Circles (January 30, 2012)

Kat talks with Kevin Dill about working with the Switchwords Database, available on subscription at:

The Switchwords Database now has around 1200 Switchphrases in it and is easily searchable. Kevin discusses searching for a Switchphrase for focus, and finding what he wanted easily.

Discussion of the history of Energy Circles, how they came into being and have opened many new possibilities working with Switchwords and Energy Healing Techniques. Discussion of many different types of Energy Circles and applications for them.  Read more about Energy Circles at:

Kat also gives some techniques for dealing with fevers, colds, earaches, flu, etc.


Episode 84 - Taking Responsibility for Your Life (January 24, 2012)

Kat talks with Marianne about taking responsibility for your life, and how empowering that can be. If you have no responsibility in your life, you have no power. Isn't it worth taking responsibility to begin to lead the life you wish to have?

Kat has joined as Switchwords and is pinning on boards there:

Kat currently is pinning Kat Quotes and LOA Kat Quotes, and has her favorite places and healing tools on boards there.

A short discussion about working with some numbers for healing, and adding to Switchphrases. Kat has two PDFs with numbers and frequencies at Blue Iris Learning Center:

Quick Code List

Restoration of the Human Organism: Concentration on Numbers


Episode 83 - Friend Talk (January 23, 2012)

Kat talks with Kevin about what it is to be a friend and to have a friend. Discussion of the Law of Attraction, and how putting out the energy of friendship toward one person may bring a friend to you. Discussion of how and why you need to take 100% responsibility in a friendship relationship, why we get frustrated and upset with others for not fulfilling on our expectations, and how to let go of that by changing our perspective.


Law of Attraction, Switchwords, EFT, etc. Archives:

Episode 196 - (Waiting to be summarized) (February 25, 2012)


Episode 195 - Stop Looking for Trouble (February 18, 2012)

If you don't like where you are, change your perception of it. Put on a different filter. Look for positive things in all situations. What do you like about what you see, what you are experiencing? CHOOSE to see things you like everywhere. When you are in a space of seeing positive things, you are in a space of creating positive things. Look for the things you like in the people around you and say YES! I like that. I want that in my mate. OPEN yourself to what you want by noticing it in others. Kat discusses defining Switchwords.


Episode 194 - Cool is the Rule (February 11, 2012)

Marianne talks about "sitting in mad" and using the Switchphrase OVER-DONE to step out of negative emotional states. You keep experiencing what you focus on. Your power is in the NOW.

Kat discusses adding PIVOT to Switchphrases that cause clearing of space, to turn to a positive focus. OVER-DONE-PIVOT.

Marianne and Kat discuss some of what was talked about on Tuesday, February 7, Kat Talks Talkcast, Episode 86 - Negative Emotions.

Kat and Marianne discuss changing our stories, the Writing on My Walls file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial, and how we and why have written so much negative on our walls.

Stop, Look and Rewrite. It is all story. You made it up and then treated it as though it was the absolute truth.

CHOOSE your filter for the day and watch your day unfold. Are you going to look at your day through LOVE?

Kat discusses SURRENDER-FOR-LOVE and 55-BE, two of her recent daily Switchphrases.

CONSIDER that our communication is not perfect, and that there may be a different meaning taken from what you meant...or that what was meant by someone else was very different from what you took it to mean. Perhaps the meaning of what was said, especially if it offends you, may BE something different from your assumption. ALLOW that "cool is the rule."

If there is a problem, you created the problem. There is only what happened until you put your filter on it and decide it is a problem. Change your filter and the problem dissolves.


Episode 193 - Does It Really Matter? (January 28, 2012)

Kat discusses a newly coined Switchphrase for confidence, self-worth, self-love, which has been working miracles. Discussion of working with the Switchwords Database and using it to find Switchphrases for specific applications.

Kat gives a technique for increasing energy, eliminating fatigue, resetting your biological clock to the current time zone (great for jet lag), adjusting a baby's internal clock when they have days and nights mixed up, and can be used to set you to wake up at the same time every day. One technique, many applications.

Kat gives some Switchword and other suggestions for hypertension (high blood pressure), along with Switchwords for releasing pressure and relaxing.

Discussion of several Switchwords, including MAGNANIMITY.


Episode 192 - Switchwords Success Stories (January 21, 2012)

Kat discusses a number of recent Switchwords success stories and working with the Switchphrases Database. The Switchphrases Database is available on subscription and is at:

Kat talks about using Switchwords with children, and how reactive they can be.

Kat gives a technique for goal setting, and a technique for connecting to the subconscious mind for getting a SUDS (subjective units of distress) level while doing energy work.


Blue Iris Forum Happenings

The General Boards on the Blue Iris Forum are available to any who wish to join the Forum for reading and posting, just ask to join the Forum and request posting rights. If you do not get access, send me at note at

The Forum is for you!  Ask questions, tell us about your experiences.  Let's grow TOGETHER!

Subscribe to the Blue Iris Learning Center at:

Switchwords and Defusing Words Happenings

Newly defined Switchwords this month
HEART – center in joy; connect to your soul (90%)  (defined 2/23/12)
INDEED – emphatic agreement (88%) (defined 2/16/12)
SLEUTH – find clues; solve mysteries (94%) (defined 2/16/12)
BOY – youthful exuberance (94%) (defined 2/16/12)


New Switchwords Articles

Headache Switchphrases added (February 13, 2012)
Kat (Daily) Switchphrases added (February 11, 2012)
Wealth Multiplier Box added (February 11, 2012)
Kat Switchword Thoughts added (January 29, 2012)


Click here for the current Combined Universal and Broad Switchwords List

Click here for the current Defusing Words List

Switchwords Database Happenings


The Switchwords Database now has over 1300 Switchphrases in it. You can search it by part or full Switchphrases, by meanings and by application/additional information.

Access to the Switchwords Database is available three different ways:

1) With a six-month or longer subscription to weekly Astrological + Personal Switchphrases:

2) With a six-month or longer Subscription to Blue Iris Learning Center:

Additional New Articles

Energy Circle FAQ (February 11, 2012)

Number Codes and Frequencies added (February 5, 2012)

LOA Kat Quotes added (January 24, 2012)

Kat Quotes added (January 23, 2012)

I look forward to sharing more Blue Iris Learning Center Happenings with you again soon.


Kat Miller, NHCP
Founder Blue Iris Learning Center


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Check out Kat's Channels
on YouTube

Kat Thoughts
(NEW videos frequently added, answering questions posed to Kat)

Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

Kat's Talkcasts

(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

Facebook (most active)

A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

Twitter Switchwords Community

Switchwords ON Band

Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.