Dear Mother, Father, God, Source,

Thank you for the blessings on this day. I come before you with a pure and open heart. I ask that you guide me in my process of cleansing. It is my deepest desire to cleanse away anything and everything that is not for my highest good and greatest joy, under Grace in Divine timing. I am ready to release on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level all unhealthy thoughts, feelings, emotions, physical ailments, relationships, toxins, foods, allergies, people, places and things that are not of Source desire. I am ready for a fresh start. I purify my body, emotions and soul at the deepest cellular level. I release all ancestral karma and obligation.

I ask for your blessing and guidance so that the highest level of my Spirit may radiate forth throughout my days. You know all my dreams, show me how to manifest them. As I release the old and delve deep into my heart where you reside I trust I will be shown the way. Grace me, my life, my family and friends with deep peace, deep love and deep appreciation for all that we are and all that we have.

With this blessing of purification I come into my Divinity and bring transformational healing into all areas of my life. I AM ready to blossom, I AM ready to soar, I AM ready to be.

I call upon my guides and protectors to participate in this cleanse and ask that my Higher Self guide this healing. Thank you. And so it is.

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A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

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