Universal Switchword: REACH

Locate misplaced objects; reach solutions for problems; repair things; find what you’re looking for such as misplaced items like keys, papers, tools, etc., forgotten ideas, information in your mind or memory like names, numbers, etc., solutions to problems; invent; solve problems; remember, recall; retrieve

REACH Switchphrases for different situations,
when REACH by itself does not seem to be working

QUIET-REACH - to quiet the ego when it is interfering with REACH.

A friend had hopelessly lost his keys. His car had been towed, and he had not thought about them from that day until several days later when he was going to go pick it up. He could not find his keys anywhere. When using REACH he would find himself walking with purpose, then he would panic, thinking he would never find them, this is useless, and would find himself walking around and around in circles. Then he would think QUIET and wind up walking purposefully again. He used QUIET-REACH, walked into a building he had never been in, had an urge to sit on a sofa in a waiting area just inside the door. Just a few minutes after he sat down, someone came up to the counter he was looking at, picked up his keys and showed them to him (someone had brought them into the building from the steps, where he had been sitting drinking coffee the day his car was towed, and had left them).


CRYSTAL-REACH - to get a visual of it and/or make it almost magically appear. If prompted to look somewhere you already looked, do it!

Keys have been found on a counter checked multiple times before using CRYSTAL-REACH.

A lost wallet was found in the top of a bag that had been previously emptied in search for it before using CRYSTAL-REACH.


RESTORE-CRYSTAL-REACH - when it feels like something is lost forever or has been taken away from you.

A wallet was found 30 seconds after using this one - caught between the wall and the leg of a dresser. The person said RESTORE-CRYSTAL-REACH and immediately walked into the bedroom and looked down the back of the dresser and found it.

A lost camera was found buried under things next to a mirror after using RESTORE-CRYSTAL-REACH and getting a visual of the mirror as being where the camera was.


RESTORE-QUIET-CRYSTAL-REACH - restore fairness and honesty, quiet the ego, connect to Universal Knowledge and find what you are looking for.

My scenario...

September 24, 2009

I looked at my finger. A ring my daughter gave me at her wedding, exactly 4 years ago that day was gone. The imprint from it was still on my finger, so I must have just lost it.

Retrace my steps the last while....Not in the kitchen, not down a chair, not in a bag, not upstairs, not downstairs. Panic begins to strike....did I flush it down the toilet? NO! Please NO!

I had been tending the grandkids for probably about 3 hours when I first noted the ring was missing. The imprint of the ring was on my finger and when I take the ring off it generally only has the imprint for maybe 30-60 minutes. It has to be at my daughter's house.


Still nothing. Nowhere. It is gone. I have lost it. Ironically exactly 4 years after it was given to me.


Forget about it. You have looked everywhere you have been this morning. Nowhere. It is gone.

....Nap time. Kids are asleep. I leave them in Grandpa's care and come home to do a little work.



When all hope is lost. When there is no chance of finding it, RESTORE-QUIET-CRYSTAL-REACH, then just move on an d forget about it. Let it come to you.




NOW fast forward to May 16, 2013, for a fascinating experience I had, again, with RESTORE-QUIET-CRYSTAL-REACH...

Fly Giant
(May 16, 2013)

Monday....when I was emptying my pockets at the end of the day I found that I had lost one of my Violet Energy Bracelets. I looked all OVER pretty much everywhere I had been that day and couldn't FIND it.

I sit at a table near the playground and crochet after school, getting SWARMed by youngsters wanting to LEARN to crochet. I thought perhaps I had lost it out of my pocket there Monday afternoon. So I have kept an eye out FOR it AROUND there all week. No sign of it.

Yesterday I had been focused ON REACH and augmenting Switchwords for REACH. I thought about my bracelet, and thinking that I had probably lost it out of my pocket at the school or a store, thought it was probably long gone, unavailable to me. I thought to myself in the evening...I could use QUIET-RESTORE-CRYSTAL-REACH, since I have this story about it being FOREVER lost.

QUIET to quiet the mind, stop me from making up stories about it.

RESTORE to restore fairness and honesty, so if someone had found it, SOMEHOW they would GET it back to me, even though there is no way FOR them to identify whose it is.

CRYSTAL to ADD a piece of MAGIC into the MIX.

Then of course REACH to FIND my bracelet.

NOW...fast forward to this morning (Thursday). I had the single bracelet that matched the lost one in my pocket, along WITH another pair of bracelets, as I always KEEP a pair WITH me to HELP whenever I run into a situation where they will BE useful FOR Reflex Muscle Testing.

I pick up Cammarie and TAKE her to school. There's a great parking space available for US. I GET out of the truck, and standing there, ON the footing of a LIGHT pole I parked NEXT to is this huge, and when I say huge I mean humungus, ginormous fly. It looks like an ordinary fly but it is probably 10 times the size of any other fly I have EVER seen. It's big enough to BE a Dragonfly, but the body is thick like a housefly, and the WINGS are CLEAR and folded back like a housefly.

I am fascinated by this Fly Giant. I tell Cammarie we have a friend here greeting US. She CLIMBs out and walks AROUND the pole and looks at him. "Wow he's scary Grandma." No worries. He's just a fly. He CONTINUEs to HOLD his stance as we look at him. We don't approach him TOO close.

Then, I turn a little, something catches my eye. WHAT?????

Sitting about a quarter of a turn AROUND the pole away from our friend, Fly Giant, is my bracelet. It's UP there ON the footing, WAITing FOR me. I must have parked near that same parking space ON Monday, and lost the bracelet out of my pocket. Then someone found it and placed it ON that footing for me to FIND. And my friend, Fly Giant took it as his job to WAIT FOR me and GUARD my bracelet, then GET my ATTENTION so I would see it.

So, the way I see it, the Universe LOVEs me! I used Switchwords to beckon it to RESTORE my bracelet and the Universe bent OVER backward to DO it. The Universe ENROLLed a kind soul who saw it ON the ground to PUT it UP where it was easily visible, and out of harm's way. The Universe beckoned others to KEEP away from it, and let it WAIT for me so it could BE RESTOREd. And the Universe asked Fly Giant to ENCHANT me until I saw my bracelet and it was RESTOREd to me.

NOW that's my story and I'm sticking to it!



Additional REACH feedback:

November 9, 2012

Here is my success story!!I had misplaced a valuable piece of jewelry sometime back and suddenly discovered it wasn't there! I was upset as it was meant for my daughter and also an antique piece.

Feeling low and anxious, I messaged Rhoda, who as always, came to my rescue with advice on how to run the (Emotional Freedom) vial, what Switchwords to chant, what Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers I should repeat etc. Did it all of yesterday continuously and this morning had a feeling it is among my saris so took them all out and LO!! found it there!!

Thanks to Rhoda and Kat and the (Facebook) Switchwords group for this miracle!

What was used...

NEXT....Chant the Prayer to St. Anthony.
Send Wolf and Anteater to look for it..UNMASK it where ever it may BE.

Talk to Planet Mercury and request it to XERO-PLAY games.
Ask for it to be shown to you in a dream!
When you sleep chant---CRYSTAL-WAIT and GO-CRYSTAL.

Also as instructed kept the (Emotional Freedom) vial on my chest all night and dreamed that Mercury showed me in my dream as to where I should look. I had searched high and low already but when I got up, I was led to look among my saris and there it was!!


FYI to all of us: CRYSTAL-REACH has ACHIEVED the seeming impossible.

Someone I know lost her gold chain in Madras, she found it 6 months later (when she started with this string!)

A friend in Telford UK lost her cell in a cab and got it back! without having to spend a penny!

amazing haan!


I chant REACH when things are misplaced or to solve a problem and it works so nicely. I would like to share my experience of last week when my purse was misplaced and I was tired of searching... suddenly I remember that I wasn't chanting REACH... the moment I started Chanting, after few minutes I found that, there are several instances like this.... and every time REACH helped me.



What an amazing success I had with DIVINE-CARE-REACH.

It was my friend's birthday and I was going through all kinds of things in my mind as gifts for her.

Nothing clear came up and time was short.We had to leave for the birthday party and no gift in hand.

I started to chant DIVINE-CARE-REACH.Hardly some time went by and WOW! Something struck me and that was it! Happily stopped at the shop, bought the article to be gifted and it was appreciated very much by her.

Don't waste time thinking, just chant DIVINE-CARE-REACH.

LOVE the way the Switchwords work!

Thanks Kat for giving us the SW Phrases!


Rhoda Reporter



It is always the same....I want to get something out of the fridge, it slips my mind where it is, and I call DIVINE-CARE-REACH and wham! I go straight to it.

And, some lost thought, DIVINE-CARE-REACH....and wham it's there.

The retrieval is AMAZING.
No wonder it is so good for students!
Study...go for an exam---call DIVINE-CARE-REACH and wham! It is all there for you!

IT WORKS 100% of the time.

I guess it just brings it back...brings back what you already know.

(Increase personal ability to retrieve the information.)

Links to notes on the Blue Iris Forum regarding REACH:

Marianne, Rhoda 08-04-10 - REACH Energy Field, CRYSTAL-REACH

Rhoda, 08-06-10 - RESTORE-CRYSTAL-REACH-NOW (found a lost ring)


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