Finding the Right Flowers

Flower Energies vial

Flower Energies vial

Emotional Matching Method
All Flower Energies are listed with their positive qualities and patterns of imbalance. Read through the list and find the flowers that most closely fit with the emotional imbalances you feel apply. Mark each flower that seems to be a match. Once you have gone through the whole list of flowers, prioritize. Use the four or five most prominent flowers in your current formula, then after running that formula for a week, reevaluate and move on to the next set of flowers. If you feel you need to run the same formula for more than a week, take two days off before restarting the same formula.

Muscle Testing Method
This method uses Reflex Muscle Testing (RMT) to determine which flowers are right for the situation. First, you must be familiar with RMT to be able to use it. See for how to muscle test.

To find the appropriate formula, first think of the person for whom you are setting up the formula, yourself, a family member, friend, etc. Once you have them in mind ask if the formula you are working on is for them (should get a strong, yes, response on muscle testing).

I always set up my tests to have weakness mean there is an imbalance that needs to be treated, so first I will ask for a page with an imbalance and look for the weak muscle. Once I find the page, I will ask top half or bottom half (again, looking for weak muscle to direct me). I then will ask how many flowers to count down from the top or up from the bottom to find the flower for the imbalance. Once I get the weak muscle, I will read the flower and confirm that I have found the right one, by again looking for a weak muscle. Once one flower is found, I will ask if there are more flowers required for the formula and go through the procedure again. I will keep repeating the process until I get a “no” when asking if there are more flowers in the formula. I will then ask if the formula is complete and if it is the proper formula. Once I get “yes” to complete and proper, I am ready to run the formula. Generally you will not have more than 4-5 flowers come up for any one formula, though occasionally I have had 6.  It is okay if more do come up too.

After acquiring the formula to run, ask how long to use it. You can ask something like, “to treat the patterns of imbalance I need to use this formula for x days (where x is a number).” Once you get a weak muscle, go back and check the number before that, which should be the number of days for using the formula.

Following is and example of the process I go through to determine which flowers are in a formula:


Think of the person for whom I am creating the formula (we’ll say the person is John).


Ask, “These flowers are for John” (strong).


I like to break the alphabet into segments using the vowels - a e i o u - weakness on "a" means the flower starts with a, b, c or d...weakness on "e" means the flower starts with e, f, g or h.


Ask about the letters between the vowel that gave weakness and the next vowel, perhaps had weakness on "a" so now with new intention, a (strong), b (strong), c (weak)  - flower begins with a c.


Look at Flowers starting with C and name each, looking for weakness to signify the Flower desired.


I will look at that Flower (perhaps it was Chicory) and confirm (weak if it is the right one).


Ask if formula is complete (weak)(continue on to next flower).


I then repeat steps 3-7 until the answer on 7 is strong.


Once you get that the formula is complete, confirm that it is correct for the person (John) as well.


Ask “this formula needs to be run for 1 (strong)(yes), 2 (strong)(yes), 3 (weak)(no) days” (confirm that it is for 2 days)


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