Sun represents soul, king, highly placed persons, father.
Moon represents Mind, queen, mother.
Mars represents energy, confidence and ego.
Mercury represents communication.
Jupiter represents the great teacher.
Venus represents wealth, pleasure and reproduction.
Saturn represents learning and Career.
Rahu represents an Asura who does his best to plunge any area of one's life he controls into chaos.
Ketu represents supernatural influences.

Mantra (SUN):
Om jabaakusuma sankaasham kaashyapayam mahaadyutim
Tamorim sarvapaapaghnam pranato-smi divaakaram
Om suryaaya namah

English Translation:
Om, I bow down with devotion to the shining light that is shining red like a hibiscus flower, shining onto the earth, removing all the darkness and removing sin. Om, I bow to the Sun.

Mantra (MOON):
Dadhi sankha tushaaraabham kshiirodaarnasambhavam
Namaami shashinam somam shambhormukuta bhushanam
Om candraaya namah

English Translation:
I bow down to the Moon, who is creamy white like a container of yogurt (dahi) and most pleasing, born from the churning ocean of milk, the effulgent emblem of devotion, which adorns the head of Lord Shiva. Om, I bow to the Moon.

Mantra (MARS):
Dharaniigarbhasambhutam vidyutkaanti samaprabham
Kumaaram shaktihastam ca tam mangalam pranamaamyaham
Om mangalaaya namah

English Translation:
I bow down to Mars, the auspicious one, who supports the womb of all creation, shines forth with the radiance of beauty enhanced by love, and wields power in his hand. Om, I bow down to Mars.

Mantra (MERCURY):
Priyangukalikashyaamam ruupenaa-pratimam budham
Saumyam saumyamgunopetam tam budham pranamaamyaham
Om budhaaya namah

English Translation:
I bow down to Mercury, whose beloved body is dark like the night, the symbol of intelligence, and whose qualities are most beautiful. Om, I bow down to Mercury.

Mantra (JUPITER):
Devaanaanca rishinaanca gurum kaancana sannibham
Buddhi bhutam trilokesham tam namaami brihaaspatim
Om gurave namah

English Translation:
I bow down to Jupiter, teacher of gods and sages, the greatest treasure, and the most intelligent of all creation. Om, I bow down to Jupiter.

Mantra (VENUS):
Hima kunda mrinaalaabham daityaanaam paramam gurum
Sarvashaastrapravaktaaram bhaargavam pranamaamyaham
Om Shukraaya namah

English Translation:
I bow down to Venus, who is fragrant like crushed sandal and jasmine, the great guru of the demons, expounding all scriptures, and the descendant of sage Brigu. Om, I bow down to Venus.

Mantra (SATURN):
Niilaambujasamaabhaasam raviputram yamaagrajam
Chaayaamaartandasambhuutam tam namaami shanaishacaram
Om Shaanaishcaraaya namah

English Translation:
I bow down to Saturn, who is blue like a storm cloud, the son of the Sun and the brother of Death, who can cast his shadow even over the Sun. Om, I bow down to Saturn.

Mantra (RAHU):
Arddhakaayam mahaaviiryam candraadityavimardanam
Simhikaagarbha sambhuutam tam Raahu pranamaamyaham
Om Raahave namah

English Translation:
I bow down to Rahu, the great warrior who divides even the Sun and Moon in half, born from the womb of Simhikaa. Om, I bow down to Rahu.

Mantra (KETU):
Paalaashapushpa sankaasham taarakaagrahamastakam
Raudram raudraatmakam ghoram tam ketu pranamaamyaham
Om Ketave namah

English Translation:
I bow down to Ketu, who is red like a paalaasha flower, who makes the star-eyed constellation to set, terrible and awesome to behold. Om, I bow down to Ketu.

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