Blue Iris Learning Center Happenings
May 25, 2012

Hi Everyone,

A lot has been happening at the Blue Iris Learning Center.  I completed my posts on Creating Energy vials on the Members Only Boards at the Forum:

The Teeth Switchwords article has also been completed and is available for those with Blue Iris Subscriptions:

The Teeth Switchwords article is also available through the Disease/Illness/Feelings/Switchwords list and on the menu under Switchwords Revealed.

I am now working on a Travel Tips and Tricks Article I had originally written for, but am updating and bringing a new improved version to Blue Iris. Watch for its arrival soon.

The Latest News section on the Home Page at Blue Iris is frequently updated and will help keep you apprised of Blue Iris Learning Center Happenings:

Astrological Happenings

Taurus has just loaded up with planets...
A Switchword for all encounters with Taurus is ELATE
A Switchphrase for all encounters with Taurus is OPEN-ELATE-PRAISE-LISTEN.

For current, upcoming and past Astrological Transits still affecting us, and Switchphrases to help keep things running smooth see:

The Astrological Signs and Elements document was just updated with New Moon Switchphrases for each Sign:

For $5 USD or less a week, get weekly Astrological Transit Switchphrases, Personal Switchphrases and Kat's own Personal Switchphrases on email. Learn more at:

Emotional Freedom Happenings

The file Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers linked to the Emotional Freedom vial has many new additions:

Fertility Prayer added (May 18, 2012)

All of the following Prayers were added on May 8, 2012

Ask Divine for Healing of a Relationship
Archangel Barachiel's Prayer for Abundance
Cancer Process
Archangel Chammuel's Prayer for Strength
Archangel Fanuel's Prayer for Forgiveness
Angel Hadriel's Prayer for Wisdom
Prayer for Intelligence
Angel Kadmiel's Prayer for New Birth
Angel Labbiel's Prayer for Truth and Peace
Archangel Michael's Prayer for Protection
Angel Qafsiel's Prayer for Safety
Archangel Raphael's Prayer for Healing
Angel Theliel's Prayer for Relationship
The Virtues Prayer for Miracles
Angel Xexor's Prayer for Enchantment
Archangel Zadkiel's Prayer for World Peace

Learn more about the Chants, Mantras, Meditations and Prayers file at:


The current Emotional Freedom File list is available at:

The Emotional Freedom vial is available for purchase at:

Flower Energies Happenings

A new Flower Energies Formula for Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) has been developed:

A new Flower Energy Blend has been developed - Liver Balm - to help balance and sooth the liver, and clear toxins and toxic emotions:


Flower Energies Support is available on Blue Iris:

Click on a Flower Energy to see the Positive Qualities and Patterns of Imbalance (and Switchphrases to enhance, if available).


The Flower Energies vial is available for purchase at:


Kat also makes Flower Energy Recommendations subscription. Learn more about Flower Energy Recommendations at:

Switchwords/Defusing Words Happenings

Switchwords Database
Switchwords List -
Defusing Words List -


The Teeth Switchwords article has also been completed and is available for those with Blue Iris Subscriptions:

The Teeth Switchwords article is also available through the Disease/Illness/Feelings/Switchwords list and on the menu under Switchwords Revealed.

Newly Defined Switchwords since our last Happenings Newsletter:

CRESCENDO – gradually increase (92%) (defined 5/17/12)

ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%) – complete alignment (93%) (defined 5/8/12)

SOAR – feel elation (90%)(defined 5/1/12)

LAVENDER – let go of anxiety; relax into sleep (92%) (defined 5/1/12)

EVOKE – bring forth (90%)(defined 5/1/12)

CONDUIT –  channel for transferring (information, objects, articles, etc.) into a new realm or space (94%) (defined 5/1/12)

HERO – inspire inspiration; inspire aspiration (92%) (defined 4/9/12)

SUDDENLY – bring immediate shift; rapid modification (90%)(defined 4/5/12)


Newly Defined Defusing Word since our last Happenings Newsletter

Humble (defined 4/29/12)
Humble is for defusing arrogance and false pride.  Humble is for quieting the tyrannical ego, allowing for release of suffering and sorrow.  When Humble, one is open to learning and gaining wisdom. Humble allows for self-understanding and awareness, openness, and perspective taking. Humble enhances effectiveness in leadership.


The Switchwords Database now has over 2400 entries. It can be searched by part or full Switchphrases, by meanings and by application/additional information.

Access to the Switchwords Database is available three different ways:

1) With a six-month or longer subscription to weekly Astrological + Personal Switchphrases:

2) With a six-month or longer Subscription to Blue Iris Learning Center:


Learn more about the Switchwords Database at:


Subscribe to the Switchwords Database at:

Animal Wisdom Happenings (subscription required)

Recent Animal Wisdom updates/additions:

Kudu updated:

Magpie updated:

Willie Wagtail Technique (for fun):

Talkcast Happenings

Kat Talks Archives:

Most recent Kat Talks Talkcasts

Episode 107 - Dealing with Negative Behavior of Others
(May 14, 2012);cmd=apop

Episode 108 - Angel Prayers
(May 15, 2012);cmd=apop


Law of Attraction, Switchwords, EFT, etc. Archives:

Most recent Law of Attraction Talkcasts:

EPISODE 206 (May 5, 2011)
Passive Modifications, Remediation and Soothing
(Emotional Freedom file)

EPISODE 207 (May 12, 2011)
Simple Acts of Kindness

EPISODE 208 (May 19, 2011)
CRESCENDO and Creating Flower Energy Blends

Blue Iris Forum Happenings


The General Boards on the Blue Iris Forum are available to any who wish to join the Forum for reading and posting, just ask to join the Forum and request posting rights. If you do not get access, send me at note at

Creating Energy Vials instructions completed (subscription required):

Let me know if you have any questions on this, and soon I will work on creating an article from these postings.

Subscribe to the Blue Iris Learning Center at:

I look forward to sharing more Blue Iris Learning Center Happenings with you again soon.

(Take pause, feel joy, be in peace and wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative energy.)

Kat Miller, NHCP
Founder Blue Iris Learning Center


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Check out Kat's Channels
on YouTube

Kat Thoughts
(NEW videos frequently added, answering questions posed to Kat)

Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

Kat's Talkcasts

(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

Facebook (most active)

A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

Twitter Switchwords Community

Switchwords ON Band

Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.