Gemstone/Crystal Support Q-Z

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Gemstone/Crystal: Red Spinel Crystal

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Stimulate strength & physical vitality
Opens Root Chakra

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Revitalize, enhance, rejuvenate and brighten, be solid and strong, gain power, create a deep focus, bond with inspiring inspiration and aspiration, gather serenity and strength, and create a supportive impact.

Gemstone/Crystal: Rhodochrosite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
For treating low self-esteem.
Connects the mind and the heart chakra.
Gives one confidence while making desired changes.
Very supportive.
One can make large changes very quickly with this stone.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
End pettiness, dispel resentments, renew self-confidence and self-worth, give respect at this time, generate, radiate and experience love, turn setbacks into uplifts, be a fixer of things and expand.

Gemstone/Crystal: Rhodonite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Emotional support.
Helps one take the next step emotionally.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Increase endurance, be unaffected by ridicule, radiate love and acceptance and progress.

Gemstone/Crystal: Rose Quartz

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Emotional balance
Very good for expressing and soothing emotions
Brings tranquility when a relationship is in peril
Instigates romance when the relationship is in need of rejuvenation
Epitomizes the vibration of love
Symbolic of love, peace and calming energy
Helps kindle happiness, love, romantic feelings and sensuality

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Restore soothing, caring love and transition to same.

Gemstone/Crystal: Rubellite Tourmaline

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Love & devotion
Opens Root & Heart Chakras

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Show devotion, generate, radiate and experience love and acceptance, internalize information, give and receive joy, be a strong presence, an enduring reward, incorruptible.

Gemstone/Crystal: Ruby

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Passion, life, courage, perseverance and positive leadership qualities.
For pioneers those who must go first bravely into uncharted territory.
Releases the soul's true potential.
Removes inertia, procrastination, lethargy, fear, deep energy blocks, and survival issues.
Open the heart.
It allows one to overcome fear.
Carrier of the red ray.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Avoid carelessness, be bold, increase endurance, become a leader, expand beyond perceived limitations, take responsibility, allow inertia to clear, release frustrations and fears.

Gemstone/Crystal: Ruby Rose

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Heals grief and a shut-down heart chakra.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Heal and nurture, be in good health and at peace, rejuvenate, release anger and resentment, intensify intents, dispel hypersensitivity, gain power, become single-minded and generate, radiate and accept love.

Gemstone/Crystal: Seraphinite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Healing stone brings yin-yang balance, stability to heart chakra and allows alignment with opening of crown chakra.
Aids discrimination of heart.
Helps you feel that it is good to be alive.
Helps you succeed without struggle by harmonizing desires of heart into perfect alignment with your soul's desires.
Removes imbedded thought forms with in mental body help those who feel disconnected or disoriented.
Dispel negative emotions.
Brings healing to all levels of body.
Purifies blood oxygenates blood.
Heals longstanding degraded physical conditions.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Stop clinging to remorse and desire for revenge, nourish ambition, be in good health and in peace, quiet the ego and dispel anxiety.

Gemstone/Crystal: Sodalite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Protects from external negative energy.
Use it by computers to help reduce the damage from EMF.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Increase personal ability to purify and release negative energy.

Gemstone/Crystal: Spinel

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps rejuvenation
“Stone of immortality”

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Work miracles, rejuvenate, make new discoveries, be bold, repeat.

Gemstone/Crystal: Starbrary Quartz

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
To give you dreams and strength to live them

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Look to the future, dreams beckon reality, be a strong presence, gain power, and set focus intently on creating comforting and uplifting supply

Gemstone/Crystal: Sunstone

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Enhances contemplations.
Improves meditation.
Helps remember dreams more.
Use it for a few days in a row when you have not been remembering your dreams.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Expand beyond perceived limitations in fixing things, relax and be patient, connect with Universal Knowledge, learn the secrets you are looking for, progress and connect to psychic world of dreams and improve dreams and dream recall.

Gemstone/Crystal: Sugilite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Absorbs garbage from aura.
It uplifts and gives more energy.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Increase personal ability to release negative energy, be uplifted and increase energy and movement.

Gemstone/Crystal: Tanzanite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Uplifts and opens the heart.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Increase ability to generate, radiate, experience love and acceptance, and be uplifted.

Gemstone/Crystal: Tiger's Eye

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Motivation and Drive

Lack of Direction

Low Self-Esteem

In summary, Tiger's Eye boosts vitality, enhances willpower, and promotes mental clarity, aiding in balancing energy and grounding emotions.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Move from thought to action to achievement, increase energy, clear inertia, nourish ambition, build and produce, be in high spirits, maintain poise, confidence, composure and self-assurance, increase personal ability to work miracles, connect to you inner strength and capacity to tackle challenges head-on, transform negative energy into a proactive, assertive approach, draw boundaries, protect your own and guard your territory.

Gemstone/Crystal: Topaz

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Emotional stability

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Set parameters, regain control, be grounded, stabilize, balance negatives with positives, clarify the situation, find direction, give and receive complete acceptance.

Gemstone/Crystal: Tourmaline

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Help balance the mind

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Understand, be inspired, clarify the situation, increase confidence and self-worth, free the mind, maintain balance.

Gemstone/Crystal: Tree Agate

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps one view themselves with more clarity and see the world through a broader viewpoint.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Make psychic connection with yourself and expand beyond perceived limitations.

Gemstone/Crystal: Turquoise

Positive Qualities/Imbalance Support:
Sense of authentic self

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
We are all one, explore and merge with external values and views while maintaining protection, be aware of your singular place in the Universe, maintain safety and wellness, feel peace, gratitude and appreciation, gather serenity and support, create supportive impact, lend your strength to others and gain strength from others, master this ability.

Gemstone/Crystal: Unikite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Balances physical/emotions.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Balance and be in good health.

Gemstone/Crystal: Vanadinite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Allows deep state of meditation
Opens Root & Sacral Chakras

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Take on responsibility for patience and wisdom, repeat with focused attention, create a deep focus, be in peace and wellness, unaffected by ridicule and negative energy.

Gemstone/Crystal: Watermelon Tourmaline

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps parent/child relationships
Opens Heart Chakra

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Bond with Source, be quenched, nurtured and nourished, refreshed, energized, relieve stress and calm the spirit, have faith in the future and trust in the life cycle, knowing that all can be, is and ever will be well, hope springs eternal, feel cuddled and secure, with meeting of the minds, feel safe, resolve conflicts and reunite, defuse overstepping boundaries, improve trust and be a better support by encouraging others as they learn to manage what is theirs.

Gemstone/Crystal: White Moonstone

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps one accept others’ help through highlighting the others effects.
When worn by itself it balances yin/yang.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Increase awareness of others, improve focus, find direction and balance.

Gemstone/Crystal: Yellow Sapphire

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Attracts wealth and brings prosperity to the home.
Stimulates intellect.
Improves focus.
Enhances wisdom. Spreads warmth, peace and tranquility. Stimulates lymphatic system and aids in eliminating impurities from the body.
Helps clear liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach problems/disorders.

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Calm down, help others, be generous, create comfort, be inspired, feel cherished, access your unseen power.

Gemstone/Crystal: Zeolite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps remove toxins from body’s energy field
Inspires positivity

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Defuse suppressed toxic emotions, polluting thoughts and associated poor behavior patterns, surround and dilute toxic emotions with pure, clean, uplifting energy, to help wash away polluted thoughts, allowing renewal, and opening opportunities to release associated negative behaviors, let go of the details, progress, lighten the load, dispel the blues and be in high spirits.

Gemstone/Crystal: Zincite

Imbalances/Positive Qualities:
Helps remove energy blocks
Helps increase mental clarity)

Switchphrase to enhance:

This Switchphrase means:
Clarify the situation, look to the future, defuse rigid thinking and concrete thoughts, allow for shifting of ideas, get clarity of thought by removing clutter and large obstacles to see through a situation and get a feel for what is on the other side, make a significant modification, regain control, turn over a new leaf and embark on the optimal journey.


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Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.