(This is famous raksha stotram for pregnant ladies.)

Instructions: Chant Slokasm Daily 108 times if possible
Chant the first slokam - First month of pregnancy.
First and second slokam – Second month of pregnancy.
First and second, third slokam – Third Month of pregnancy And so on, until delivery.

Slokam 1

Aehyaehi Bhagavan Brahman, Praja-Karthaha Prajaapathae I
Pragrihneeshva Balim Sa-imam, saapathyam raksha Gharbineem II

English Translation: Please accept this sacred offering, Lord Brahma, who creates people, and who is the lord of the people, and be pleased to protect this lady, who is in the family way, from all dangers.

Slokam 2

Ashvinou Dheva Dhevaesow, Pragruhneedhan Balim Dhvimam I
Saapathyaam Garbineem sa-imam sa Rakshatham Poojayaanayaa II

English Translation: Oh Aswini Devas, who are the doctors of Gods, please accept this sacred offering, and be pleased to protect this lady, who is in the family way, because of this worship offered to you, from all dangers.

Slokam 3

Rudhrasha Aekaadhasha Broktha , Pragrahnanthu Balim Dhvimam I
Yakshamaagam Preethayae Vrutham, Nithyam Rakshandhu Garbineem II

English Translation: Oh Holy Rudras who are eleven, Please accept this sacred offering, which has been made as per your wish, to get your mercy and blessing, and be pleased to protect daily, this lady, who is in the family way.

Slokam 4

Aadhithyaa Dhvaadhasha Brokthaha, Pragrimneethvam Balim thvimam I
Yashmaakam Thejasaam Vridhya, nithyam rakshatha garbineem II

English Translation: Oh Holy Sun Gods who are twelve, please accept this offering, so that your great luster increases, be pleased to accept this sacred offering, and be pleased to protect daily, this lady who is in the family way.

Slokam 5

Vinayaka Ganaadhyaksha, Shiva puthra Mahabala I
Pragrihneeshva Balim sa-imam, Saapathyam raksha garbineem II

English Translation: Oh Vinayaka, Oh Ganesa, Oh Son of Lord Shiva, Oh God who is very strong, please accept this sacred offering, and be pleased to protect this lady, who is in the family way, from all dangers.

Slokam 6

Skandha Shanmuga devaesha puthra preethi vivardhana I
Pragrihneeshva Balim sa-imam, Saapathyam raksha garbineem II

English Translation: Oh Skanda, Oh God with six heads, Oh God who is the chief of devas, Oh God who increases the love for our sons, please accept this sacred offering, and be pleased to protect this lady who is in the family way, from all dangers.

Slokam 7

Prabhaasaha prabhavashyamaha prathyoushow maaruthoenalaha I
Druvodhara dharashaiva, vasavoeshtow prakeerthithaha I
Pragruhneethvam balim sa-imam, nithyam Rakshatha Garbineem II

English Translation: Oh Prabhasa, Oh Prabhava, Oh Syama, Of Prathyusha, Oh Marutha, Oh Anala, Oh Dhruva, Oh Dhuradhura, who are the eight sacred Vasus, please accept this sacred offering, and be pleased to protect daily, this lady who is in the family way.

Slokam 8

Pithurdevi pidhushraeshtae, bahu puthree mahaa bale I
Boodha sreshtae nisha vaasae, nirvrithae shounagapriyae I
Pragrihneeshva Balim sa-imam, Saapathyam raksha garbineem II

English Translation: Oh Goddess of my manes, Oh Goddess who is greater than my manes, Oh Goddess who has all women as daughters, Oh Goddess who is very strong, Oh Goddess who is greater than all beings,Oh Goddess who protects us at night, Oh Goddess, who does not have any blemishes, Oh Goddess who was worshipped by Sounaka, please accept this sacred offering, and be pleased to protect this lady, who is in the family way, from all dangers.

Slokam 9

Raksha Raksha Mahadeva, Baktha-Anugraha karaga I
Pakshi Vaahana Govindha, Saapathyam raksha Garbineem II

English Translation: Oh God who is greatest, be pleased to protect and protect, Oh God who showers blessing on his devotees, Oh Govinda, who rides on a bird, be pleased to protect this lady, who is in the family way, from all dangers.

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